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The Many Intruigiung Characters of Power Play

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*Hamilton Steeleads Roster*

Todd Maplethorpe

Mark Simpson

Played By: Dean McDermott
Position: Centre
Sweater Number: 9
Shoots: Left
Height: 6'3
Weight: 195 lbs.
Birthplace: Hamilton, Ontario
Age: 34
Nickname: Simpsie (To his friends and teammates)
Family: Wife, Rae-Ann, Son, Andy

Simpsie's the team captain. He's pretty quiet and reserved, but he's well-respected around the league. He doesn't smile a whole lot, but he does occasisionally, like when the Steelheads won the Cup for example! He'd spent many years in the league with Chicago and NY, and came to his hometown team to finish his career. He's good friends with Todd Maplethorpe. He's a dedicated family man, although during the show's second season he split with his wife for a while after bitter arguments over retirement. Simpsie eats, sleeps and breathes hockey and he wants to keep playing, but his wife wanted him to retire and take over her late father's business. However, in the end they got back together. Yay :o) I think Simpsie's a really cool guy, I felt bad for him during his breakup with Rae-Ann. But I think it's so awesome that he loves hockey so much. And in lots of ways he reminds me of Trevor Linden.

Alphonse (Al) Tremblay

Played By: Normand Bissonnette
Position: Goalie
Sweater Number: 1
Catches: Left
Height: 5'9
Weight: 165 lbs.
Birthplace: Hamilton, Ontario
Nickname: Shakey
Family: Wife, Helene, has four kids

Shakey Al is kind of erratic, and he's weird, but aren't most goalies? But the coach Harry Strand is stupid, and pulls Shakey when he's playing well, and forced him to play when he was injured. At least he did before he went to the nuthouse. Strand went to the nuthouse, not Shakey. Anyway, Shakey's knee was too hurt to play and he had to'd have to watch the show to find out all the crazy things that happen to Shakey *after* he retires, not to mention while he's playing.

Jukka Bränny-Acke

Played By: Mark Lutz

Position: Left Wing
Sweater Number: 13
Birthplace: Finland
Nickname: Brainiac, Brainer

Let's see, he was the team's leading scorer, he's hot, he's funny...Anyway, he's popular with his teammates...except for that one incident...hey it wasn't his fault!.......anyway, The guy who plays Brainiac, Mark Lutz, was in the movie Dick with Kirsten Dunst and Michelle Williams. He played the "Hunky Secret Service Man" that Kirsten Dunst's character distracts by flirting with him. And, Jonathan Rannells, the guy who plays TODD MAPLETHORPE is in it too, he's in the begining, "First G-Man" as one of the guys spying on the two girls.

Joey Chartraw

Played By: I forget his name! Position: Centre???
Sweater Number: 28 (thanks Genevieve)
Junior Team: Medicine Hat
Age: 18
Episode He Appeared In: Episode #8, "Purple Hazing"

(I got a pic of Joey, thanks Genevieve, again) Another one of Parker's "brilliant" ideas, Joey's brought up as an 18 year old rookie to fill a roster spot for the Steelheads...again, to hilarious results. It's too bad that he was only in one epsiode...

Bobby Gunn

Played By: Gabriel Hogan...or could it be...
Sweater Number: 55
Birthplace: United States
Nickname: I think he had one, but I forget
Episode He Appeared In: (There's only one) Epsiode #7, "The Bad Boy"

Click on the link of the first pic for a bigger version...Ok ok ok so that picture on the right isn't Bobby's Aaron Boh who is a hockey player if you're wondering...don't you think they look alike? So what happens with Bobby Gunn the "rebel" (I won't spoil the epsiode) is that he's a draft pick of the Steelheads, but they haven't been able to sign him because he's demanding outrageous amounts of money...but unfortunately, Brainiac gets injured, and they don't have any extra players so Parker volunteers to sign him...Colleen is relucant to do this because not only was Gunn kicked out of the college leagues for bad behaviour, he also has an assault charge pending. But of course Parker thinks it's a great idea to sign him. And he does sign him, to outrageous amounts of money...this is a really funny episode, one of my favourites. He has a band called Gross Misconduct, and Gunn ends up freaking Parker'd have to watch it.

Chris Marshak

Played By: Chris Tessaro
Position: Left Wing (Simpsie's winger, Todd plays RW on the line)
Sweater Number: 14
Shoots: Left
Height: 5'10
Weight: 170 lbs.
Birthplace: Hamilton Ontario
Years pro: 11 Marshak's the team prankster, Todd being one of his victims. Here's Marshak's character Bio, not written by me!: "Marshak is the gritty checking winger on Simpsie's line. As a player, he always has his nose in the corners, and is an excellent defensive forward. Off the ice, he is a practical joker, always playing pranks on the guys and kidding around. He is single, and a bit of a ladies man. Strand hates him for making wise cracks about his hair. His career highlight is hitting Simpson with a 100 foot breakaway pass that allowed Simpsie to score the goal that won the Steelheads the Cup."

Jackie McCloud

Played By: They never showed his face, so a bunch of guys played him...
Position: Goalie
Sweater Number: 31
Birthplace: I'm guessing Canada

Uh ok, unfortunately, I don't think Jackie McCloud ever got any actual speaking parts. I thought it would have been cool to develop his characters, because goalies are often the most interesting players...anyway Jackie came in and did an awesome job filling in for Shakey Al Tremblay...a particularly good one is Episode #20, second season, "The Jumper".

Boris Kerensky

Played By: Ryan Scott
Position: Wing???
Sweater Number: 13...but maybe that was Brainiac...ahh I forget!
Birthplace: Russia

Yet another Parker "bright idea". He brought him in from the German league during the playoffs for some extra scoring help (you definitely can't do that in real life...) first I didn't like him, but hey, he was good, he had a cool accent, he looked hot and then there was the infamous: "I no like fight." Oh, and apparently he skates like a ballerina.

Peter Robinson

Played By: Again, I don't know (if anyone can help me out in these it would be great!)
Position: Forward, I think
Sweater Number: 75 (*this* I remember!)
Family: Wife, Lynne
Episode He Appeared In: Episode #9, "Family Values" (the "orange juice episode") I don't know if he was in eralier episodes as all...

Peter cheated on his wife, and then he tried to get poor Brainiac to fix it all up...I liked this epsiode, especially Brainiac's "sex conversation" with Shakey.


Played By: ???
Sweater Number: 10
Epsiode He Was Predominantely Featured In: Epsiode #24, second season, "The Cubicle" ("the gay episode")

Wynn is the homophobic pig in "the gay episode". I want to say more, but that would give away the entire episode. So I won't say a thing and you'll just have to watch the show! By the way, they never say his first name, they just call him Wynn.

***I think that's all the players!!!***

*The Steelheads Front Office*

Duff McArdle, Owner

Played By: Gordon Pinsent

Duff is the team's somewhat eccentric, colourful owner. He tries whatever he can to keep his Steelheads in Hamilton, his hometown. Duff, 66, is a self-made millionare, through the steel industry, and he's great supporter of local charities and is known throughout the financial community as a tough but fair businessman. He lives in the Copps Coliseum rafters, and spends his time watching reruns of Front Page Challenge and drinking brands of beer that no one remembers (and Molson Canadian in old bottles!). He also *loves* to eat Bugles. Mr. McArdle loves hockey and has tons of interesting stories that Parker always tries to avoid...hehe: "I'm not as crazy as I seem. Which is a good thing given how crazy I seem." (to Parker)

Brett Parker, General Manager

Played By: Michael Riley

Parker, as *everyone* except his girlfriends (he's had 2 not including the one in New York he left) calls him, is the main character or the show. You wouldn't know it because I put him way down here, but he is. Intially, he was a New York sports agent, and was for 13 years, but he left NY to come back to his hometown, Hamilton, and be the GM of the Steelheads. He didn't really want to, but I haven't even seen that episode so I won't go into details...anyway, let's see, apparently, he had a successful junior hockey career that won him a scholarship to Providence, Rhode Island, and his dad played professionally for the Hershey Bears but died in car accident when Brett was young. But Parker is a slick, smooth, agent-type-even-though-he's-a-GM. He makes sneaky, manipulative moves to get what he wants in both is professional and personal (well most of the time) life. That's why he drives everyone insane. However, even though he seems like a money-driven, American, doesn't give a shit about the game type of guy, deep in his heart, he's a good Canadian boy, and he knows it. And plus, he is a pretty smart hockey man. He seems to be in conflict with absolutely everyone, especially Colleen, see below. They have this "thing" (in the words of his daughter Michelle). Kind of an on again, off again, but mostly off type of romance going. They drive each other insane and are constantly bickering but Parker's secretly (but not really because Colleen knows it) in love with her. He always denies it though. The difference between the two is that Parker acts more desperate about it then Colleen. Well, Parker is a pretty evil guy, but he's also good, deep down. The last episode is great. I'll leave you with a great Parker quote, from the last episode: "French cook, Italians paint, Canadians play hockey." (to Rae-Anne Simpson, explaining that hockey is the way Mark expresses himself)

Renata D'Alessandro

Played By: Lori Alter

Nickname: Okay, this isn't a nickname, but Parker often calls her Rrrrrrrenata!

Renata is Parker's frank, funny, and organized personal assistant. You could say she's like Parker's conscience, as he once suggested, but she said, "Mr. Parker, I'm nothing like your conscience. For one thing, I exist!" She also gets a lot of attention from guys, becuase she's pretty and she "has the body" (I think Ted "Battleship" Russel said that). However, Parker's not one of the guys who drools all over her, as he treats her like a real person, which one of the big reasons Renata likes working for him. She tries to keep him in line and not do anything too illegal, but he mostly ignores her when he's got a slick plan in action. Sometimes he makes her *really* mad though. But usually, she just does her job, even though she doesn't agree with almost everything Parker does. But he definetely does consider her a good friend, as seen in Epsiode #18, second season, "Temptation". Also, as you can see in the pic above, she's a pretty good singer. Sometimes she sings O Canada. She's a good national anthem singer, but I don't like how she over emphasizes the end. And it is Lori Alter, the actress that plays her, that's actually singing. A side note, Lori Alter was a guest on TSN's Off The Record (weekdays, 3:00 pm PT) once. She was cool. She was on with a guy from Westlife, hahaha. It was sad because it said "Lori Alter, former star of Power Play."

Colleen Blessed, President

Played By: Kari Matchett
Nickname: Coco (only to Duff, she freaked out when Parker called her that)

Usually I can't stand Colleen...I mean, compared to her, Parker's cool. First of all, she tried to move the team to Houston. She doesn't know anything about hockey, and she's a bitch. Especially that thing she did in the "Purple Hazing" epsiode at the end...I only liked her when she was "with" Parker...they always have these little fights. But they're so secretly in love with each other. On a side note, Kari Matchett, the actress who played Colleen, was on the TSN show Off The Record (weekdays, 3:00 pm PT). She was actually pretty cool, and I agreed with most of the stuff she said, but she did the same annoying hand gesture thing that she does on the show...

Harry Strand, Head Coach

Played By: Neil Crone

This man's insane. That's his "place on the rainbow", from "The Cubicle" on the right. But that's actually after he came back from the nuthouse, as Parker calls it. That smile you see on the left, is one of his creepy "smiles". He's even got a creepy laugh to go along with it. Neil Crone, the guy that plays him, was in a Sears commercial though, and he did the same laugh. Scary...Strans was mentally unstable in a mean way, when he came back, he was mentally unstable in a nice way. He was still creepy. He ruined Shakey Al Tremblay's career . But it was hilarious how Parker drove Strand insane....."Cough, cough, Maskalnikov."

SM3 Regan Sexsmith

Played By: Once again, I do not know.

Yeah, I realize that picture is quite frightening, but there's no such thing as a good picture of Sexsmith. She, in Duff's words, is the "government man" Duff tried to get the government to help him keep the Steelheads in Hamilton, but he ended up with Regan Sexsmith running the team. She came wih her ridiculous ideas like raising the temperature in the rink and "province lines". She even followed some guy into the men's bathroom to dissuade him from helping Duff reacquire the Steelheads (Episode #20, second season, "The Jumper"). Of course, Duff hated her, and how they ended up getting rid of her was hilarious (Episode #21, "The Mask")..."the tape".

*Other Characters*

Michelle Parker

Played by: Caterina Scorsone
Nickname: 'Chelle (To Parker)

Well, as you might guess, Michelle is (Brett) Parker's teenage daughter. I think she's really cool, and I really like that t-shirt she's wearing in the picture above, which is why I used it. Anyway she and Parker succeed in driving each other completely nuts, which seems to happen with anyone and anything Parker comes within one metre of. You see, Parker abandoned Michelle when she was little, to go to New York. Then he came back to Hamilton. Michelle often calls her dad "Brett", and I guess they don't have the normal father-daughter relationship. But Parker's not a normal dad. Anyway, even though they have their share of fights and arguments, in the end, they love each other. A good episode is "The Bad Boy". Sometimes I find Michelle annoying, but usually I think she's cool.

Rose Thornton

Played By: Krista Bridges
Nickname: Not a nickname, but Parker always called her Thornton From The Spectator, until they started going out

Thornton is the super-naive and gullible reporter for the Hamilton Spectator. She'll believe practically anything. She's also apparentely on a search for The Truth. She constantly annoyed Parker, and it was pretty funny...but then she started sleeping with him, a relationship Renata was copletely against...anyway she got *really* annoying. She used to have a crush on Brainiac that was funny!

Rae-Ann Simpson

Played By: Fiona Highet

Rae-Ann is Simpsie's wife. I don't really like her, 'cause she's pushy about trying to get Mark to retire. But oh well. I loved the part in one episode where she talks about what made her fall in love with Mark. Their son Andy is cute.

Hudson James

Played By: Jonathan Crombie
Birthplace: United States

Hudson James, love the name. He's Michelle's (yup, Parker's daughter) super annoying husband. He works for his dad's company, MentaCorp, or something, and he's trying to start it up in Canada. Naturally, he and Parker hate each other. He's exactly like Parker (even though Michelle tries not to believe that) but even worse. He doesn't have the good side that Parker has. Well he does, in a way, but I perfer Parker. At least Parker loves hockey. Hudson doesn't care about it. Michelle really was looking for a father figure. But it's pretty bad because Parker and Hudson always fight over stuff, like clients, but Michelle always somehow gets involved.


The Official Power Play Website
Power Play Screen Captures...thanks to this site for the tons of awesome pictures!
Jonathan Rannells (the guy who plays TODD MAPLETHORPE!) Unplugged Monica's Power Play Site (thanks for the pic of Duff)
Power Play At The Dean McDermott Brigade
Power Play At The Internet Movie Database
Power Play Cast & Crew Biographies At CTV
Michael Riley Fan Page
Article On Power Play At Suite 101
Articles About Power Play (just ignore the first article)
A Power Play Fan Fic's contributed...come on people, get your creative juices flowing...
Yahoo! Power Play Fan Club