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It's the lost Spice Girl,  FUNNY CHICK SPICE. Yes, Jodie has often been referred to as the humour missing - and dare we say talent! - from the British pop sensation the Spice Girls. But what is it about this young lass that makes her so appealing? Come on, think about it! Still don't know? How about we check out the many outfits of  Jodie J. Hill to find the answer.

 Jodie,  The Television Princess.
She has appeared as a panellist on  GNW Night Lite  when she did her fabulous rendition of "I know a song that will get on your nerves." The good people on  The Panel  were spellbound by her guest spot on the show and the audience loved her warm-up. She was a reporter, a guest and warm-up comedian on the  ABC show  Recovery .  Herself and top chick/ comedian Jo Stanley, brought us their live variety program Boob Tube on  Channel 31. thecomedychannel  has also had their fair share of  Jodie  'mania' with her appearing on  Dilemma  and  Headliners. Also there was the case of funny girl meets funny lady when she appeared on Denise on the  Seven Network

 Jodie  On The Big Screen.
 Jodie played the role of Penny in the feature film  Strange Fits Of Passion

Jodie  On Your Air Waves.
She has completed interviews for  Triple J'sCreatures program and also popped up on  Adam Spencer's old Departure Lounge shift. She has also made guest appearances 3RRR's  Breakfasters  and  The Grill Team  on Triple M.

Jodie  In Print.
Apart from her skills as an entertainer Jodie has written for the men's magazine Max, and regular articles for The Age  newspaper.

Jodie Telling A Joke.
Jodie has been appearing in the Melbourne International Comedy Festival since 1994 with such shows as  Get Out Of The Shower, Adelaide On Toast, Moving To Melbourne, Bait - Two Girls Just Hanging,  and this years Jodie J.Hill & Jo Stanley are In Denial. She has also performed  Moving To Melbourne  and  Bait - Two Girls Just Hanging  at the Melbourne Fringe Festival where she won a  Fringe Comedy Award  in 1996 for Moving To Melbourne.
Jodie also set off with a bunch of funny guys this year, for the  Melbourne International Comedy Festival Roadshow
The group toured VIC, SA and WA for 22 days, entertaining 19 towns.

The print media has finally picked up on the talented young comedian giving her more exposure. One that sticks out (and the one that my flatmate is waving about in my face) is a comedy special that  Juice  magazine put together of the new breed of Aussie comics. If you can get your hands on a copy it's a funny read. It also features the likes of  Wil Anderson , Corinne GrantMerrick and Rosso , Kim Hope and  Rove McManus. For the rest of the line up you will just have to get your hands on your own copy.