Eucalyptus cadens - Wangaratta Gum (Victoria) Extremely rare. Related to E. aggregata and E. rodwayi but has glaucous new growth. Possibly hardy to 0 to 5°F or thereabouts.
Eucalyptus caliginosa -
Broad-leaved Stringybark, New England Stringybark
(New England Plateau, New South Wales and Queensland) A rather slow-growing
stringybark that takes a while to acquire full hardiness. 5 to 14°F.
of Eucalyptus calignosa
Eucalyptus camaldulensis
- River Red Gum, Murray Red Gum, Red Gum, River Gum, Yarrow
(Australia) This tree is remarkable in that it grows along rivers throughout
the entire Australian continent while most species have a rather limited
natural range. It has attractive light green foliage and grows fast
to 100' where hardy, often with a curved trunk. Beyond that its characteristics
are quite variable, and so is its hardiness, due to such a large natural
range. Var. obtusa may contain the hardiest provenances.
Good in greenhouse or as an annual foliage plant (though it may establish
itself as a perennial and grow back every spring); perhaps good as a patio
plant also if brought indoors during cold periods. It may not produce
its characteristic fast growth in cool summer climates, unless all other
conditions are ideal. This tree is often seen naturalized in California's
Central Valley and in many other parts of the world. 10 to 22°F.
of Eucalyptus camaldulensis
Eucalyptus camphora - Mountain
Swamp Gum, Broad-leaved Sally, Swamp Gum
(southeast Australia) This tree is esteemed for its ability to do well
in poor clay soils and withstand prolonged waterlogging. It has short
broad reddish leaves, greyish-brown smooth peeling bark, and can grow to
about 80' tall. It also tolerates dry conditions and is very fast-growing
with bright, deep green leaves. Several subspecies exist, and most
plants in so far cultivation seem to be of cold-tender provenance.
3 to 14°F.
of Eucalyptus camphora
Eucalyptus cephalocarpa - Silver-leaved Stringybark, Silver Stringybark, Mealy Stringybark A fast growing, hardy, and attractive tree, seldom cultivated. Allied to E. cinerea. 8 to 14°F.
Eucalyptus chapmaniana
- Bogong Gum (Mount
Bogong and Mount Baw Baw area, Victoria) Although rare and inconspicuous
in the wild, this species has great potential in cultivation. It
tends to develop a short trunk and very long branches, vaguely resembling
the tropical-looking, cold-tender eucs of northern and western Australia.
It has very large leaves tapering to a point, and (in the wild, at least)
a rough barked trunk with smooth white or grey limbs. E. chapmaniana
is closely related to E. rubida, and may tolerate slightly poor
drainage. Seldom cultivated, but likely to be hardy to 4 to 10°F.
of Eucalyptus chapmaniana
Eucalyptus cinerea - Siver
Dollar Eucalyptus, Argyle Apple, Mealy Stringybark (Australia)
A moderate to fast growing, completely silvery tree with a low thick irregular
crown. This is the most common species sold as a foliage plant for
bedding in the United States. Tolerates heat well in the Southeast
US within the range of its hardiness. 8 to 16°F. Ssp. triplex
from ACT is larger and may be considerably hardier but is probably not
known in cultivation.
of Eucalyptus cinerea
Eucalyptus coccifera - Mount
Wellington Peppermint, Tasmanian Snow Gum
(Tasmania) From freezing alpine regions, this tree prefers cool summers
and usually grows to about 80' in cultivation, shorter in exposed or hot
areas. Somewhat slow to establish, but grows faster with age.
The juvenile leaves are usually green and often purple underneath, produced
on warty orangeish-yellow stems, and variable in shape; the mature ones
longer and bluish on smooth stems. Often classified as one of the
"Snow Gums", although it is genetically more akin to the peppermints.
Long renowned for cold-hardiness in Britain; hardiest trees may come from
provenances established there. 0 to 14°F.
of Eucalyptus coccifera
Eucalyptus conica - Fuzzy Box, Fuzzy Gum (New South Wales) Probably hardy to 8 to 16°F.
Eucalyptus consideniana - Yertchuk,
Prickly Stringybark, Pricklybark
(Australia) A fast, tall-growing tree having long large leaves with a rather
yellowish-orange tint and very rough brown-grey bark. Tolerates poor
drainage. 12 to 17°F.
of Eucalyptus consideniana
Eucalyptus conspicua - Silver-leafed Stringybark (Australia) Similar to E. cinerea.
Eucalyptus cordata - Heart-leaved
Silver Gum, Silver Gum
(Tasmania) A somewhat variable but always beautiful tree of 18 to 80' tall
in habitat, it grows into a very straight upright tree in cultivation.
This species made especially attractive by the whitish-silver juvenile
leaves which do not give way to willowy adult foliage even as the tree
gets very tall. Only near the tops of very old, large trees are the
longer mature leaves seen. The smooth bark is also attractive, and
is predominantly white but may also have blue, purple and green on it.
May have round or square stems. Considered one of the best for coastal
planting, serving as an unsurpassable shelter tree; it also tolerates summer
frosts better than many species. 8 to 13°F.
of Eucalyptus cordata
Eucalyptus cosmophylla - Cup Gum, Bog Gum (South Australia) Small tree with smooth bark; tolerates waterlogged soil. One of South Australia's hardiest eucs. 12 to 18°F.
Eucalyptus crenulata -
Buxton Gum, Buxton Silver Gum, Silver Gum, Victorian Silver Gum
(Victoria) This small tree of moderate to fast growth is under-rated
in cultivation for its many uses. It has smooth bark and small, silvery
leaves with crenulated margins (hence "crenulata"). The white
flowers are not showy on the tree, but interesting to look at and sweet-smelling
up close. This species has potential for use in the cut foliage industry,
being extremely productive; and is less prone to insect damage than many
other species in areas where this is a problem. Very useful in cold,
wet, yukky areas - probably not too drought-tolerant, but does well in
waterlogged soil. One of the most shade tolerant eucs along with
E. neglecta. Grows to about 30' high. Rare in the wild;
extremely fine seed. 1 to 8°F.
of Eucalyptus crenulata
Eucalyptus cunninghamii (New
South Wales) An extremely rare, diminutive, brushy looking mallee from
restricted areas of New South Wales. Quite hardy.
of Eucalyptus cunninghamii
Eucalyptus cypellocarpa
- Mountain Grey Gum, Monkey Gum, Spotted Mountain Gum, Spotted Mountain
Grey Gum, Small-fruited Mountain Gum, Mountain Blue Gum, Mountain Gum
(Australia) A tall, fast-growing, blue leaved species, closely related
to E. nitens but even more fussy about its requirements for a cool
moist site and shelter from severe frost. 12 to 17°F.
of Eucalyptus cypellocarpa