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the gif-shop

The following gif's has been collected around the web and is here for your pleasure.
Please do NOT link to the gif's, but download them to your own server.
Place the curser over the gif you want . Press the RIGHT mouse-button.
In the pop-up directory select SAVE AS and place the gif in a file of your choice.

If anyone objects to a "gif" being here, let me know and it shall be removed.

running pink panther (3k)

hand out of mailbox (3k)

spinning compas (57k)

caterpillar run left (21k)

hairy caterpillar left (30k)

bouncing white ball (4k)

light in pumpkin head (2k)

caterpillar run right (19k)

spinning CD (4k)

fold letter - envelope (21k)

cops chase motorcycle (13k)

oldest flag in the world (1k)

rule of diamond (11k)

the duke is waving (9k)

smiling envelope (10k)

hand pointing mail (5k)

goldfish bowl (48k)

signal flag man (5k)

cool blast (2k)

fast spinning globe (8k)

live graphic blocks (3k)

hairy caterp'r right (26k)

running (in place) horse (2k)

7-unit train (77k)

bow & arrow shoot (33k)

***cool-links*** (3k)

steel-ball clanger (11k)

e-mail boy (5k)

goldkey (2k)

running dog (3k)

slow spinning globe (11k)

e-mail (ink & pen) (7k)

kitten bug chase (11k)

under construction (7k)

pop-up homer (7k)

spinning "e"-mail (21k)

running kitten (9k)

rabbit in a hat (4k)

spider run right (16k)

spider run left (23k)

ship out of bottle (18k)

talking happy face (2k)

spider and web (5k)

4-unit train (12k)

jumping whale (10k)

green push-pin (1k)

red push-pin (1k)

white star (1k)

dancing arrow (5k)

man jumping at home (2k)

pulsating heart (1k)

blinking star (3k)

swirling BACK (6k)

moving pink arrow(11k)

coming soon (2k)

NEXT (3k)

flashy $-sign (3k)

dancing orange (2k)

happy fellow (10k)

construction barrier (6k)

get ready for a fight (8k)

w-e-l-c-o-m-e (13k)

sylvester himself (21k)

in deep thoughts (24k)

break through (7k)

Canada goose (7k)

rule of dots (1k)

greco rule (2k)

do you see the light(26k)

sun & plant up (14k)

submit your e-mail (5k)

ladybug (1k)

bloody rule (5k)

new-flash (1k)

keyboard (2k)

tumbling duke (65k)

jumping notes (2k)

happy fish right (8k)

bear paw bar (2k)

different trees (1k)

sheet music (2k)

it's time (20k)

matilda logo (2k)

hologram (73k)

the grinch (25k)

rotating e-mail (26k)

waving dannebrog (27k)

danish flag (2k)

caterpillar picture (2k)

maple leaf flag (2k)

british columbia flag (12k)

arrow pointing left (.3k)

barbed wire (2k)

fire (7k)

fire (21k)

making tracks (12k) (see below)



runing (forward) horse (2k)



additional gif's can be downloaded from the following sites:

159 Table Symbols (Pins,Flags,Colors, etc,)

Animation Arthouse

The Casey Family

Lisa's Pages

Yshellers animated gif's