
Section 1

Robin looked at her watch. "No wonder I’m hungry," she whispered to herself. But she just couldn’t take her eyes off the painting. "Spring" it was called. An amazing perception of new beginnings. Unaware, she stepped back. She came to an abrupt halt when she realized she bumped into someone.

Jason wasn’t even sure what he was looking at but he liked it. He was truly amazed by the way the artist depicted the translucent fabric flowing at the figures feet. When he was jolted out of his thoughts he turned to face the clumsy person who bumped him.

"I’m so sorry," Robin said as she turned around. She turned to face the broad chest of a man. Slowly she turned her gaze to meet his eyes.

"Its ok," Jason replied looking down at a glistening head of shiny brown hair. He stepped back to get a better look.

People quietly excused themselves around the two as they stood staring at each other in the middle of the Uffizi gallery.

"What are you doing here?" Robin asked quietly, not really expecting an answer.

"The same thing you are I suppose," Jason replied just as quiet and curt.

Robin nodded taking a moment to get her bearings. "I’m sorry. I wasn’t really paying attention."

Jason gave her a half smile. "Its ok. I wasn’t really paying much attention myself."

"I like that one. I like the way he painted the dress flowing around the feet. Every time I see it it makes me wonder how he did it, what gave him the idea" Robin pointed over his shoulder at the picture he was looking at.

Jason peered over his shoulder. "I was thinking the same thing." He turned to look at the picture Robin had been engrossed in. "That’s a nice one. I’m not sure what I’m looking at really."

Robin turned around. "You don’t really have to know. You just have to like it. That’s the best thing about art." She turned back to face him almost afraid he’d disappear as fast as he appeared. "Its called Spring."

"Spring, I guess that makes sense."

Quiet settled on the room once again. Neither could pull their eyes off the other. It took a group of tourist to break their silence and trance.

"Well, I better let you get back to your.." Robin smiled unsure what to say.

"Yeah, you too." He shuffled his feet and dug his hands into the pockets of his black leather jacket.

"I’ll see ya. I hope you enjoy Florence." Robin said as they parted ways.

"Thanks." Was all he could muster. His eyes followed her out of the room. Her long black skirt flowed effortlessly around her ankles. The pink sweater highlighted the flush in her cheeks. He quickly turned stumbling to another room with his hands buried deep in his pockets. His eyes couldn’t focus on anything.

In the hall Robin fell against the wall in an effort to catch her breath. Her heart was beating a million miles a second with no hope of stopping. Wiping the sweat off her brow she took a deep breath and headed for the stairs.

Robin gathered her things from the coat check. "Grazie". Looking at the sky as she stepped outside she decided she wouldn’t need her umbrella at the moment. She navigated the puddles on the steps and the walkway as she made her way out into the street.

Once on the street a man talking only Italian approached her. The further she backed away the closer he got. She cringed at the odor she was forced to breath as he shoved his face in hers . Backing away to the steps she rapidly had no where to go. About to lose her balance she felt a pair of strong hands on her shoulders steering her away from the deranged man.

He didn’t have to say a word to make her feel suddenly safe. He didn’t have to say word for her to know whom her savior was. His presence was enough.

"What was that all about?" Jason asked looking over his shoulder.

"I’m not sure. I’m usually pretty good with Italian but I didn’t catch a word of what he was saying." Robin quickly took note of where they were. "Thanks."

Jason smiled down at her. "No problem." He reached into his pocket for his city map.

"You’re headed toward the Ponte Vecchio. The Arno is that way," she said pointing to her left.

Quickly he put the map away.

"I was about to go get something to eat. Would you like to join me?" she asked.

Jason hesitated. "No, that’s ok."

Unable to move Robin searched for something else to say. He needed a shave but seeing him again was like finding a favorite childhood toy. For some reason she didn’t want to put it down.

Jason tried to take his eyes off her but found her easy to look at and he was no hurry to leave her presence.

"Awe come on. It’s the least I can do for the knight who saved the damsel in distress. And I know a great pizza place."

Jason laughed, "since you put it that way how can I resist."

She expertly led them to a diner on a side street. "How do you like Italy?"

Jason shrugged. "I don’t know. I just got here."

"You just got here? You don’t waste time do you?"

"No, I got to my hotel room this morning and decided to see what this city had to offer."


"And I like what I’ve seen so far."

The waiter interrupted to take their order.

Robin fidgeted in her seat and rearranged her place setting. "What have you seen so far?"

Jason took a sip of water. "That museum we were in."

Finally looking up him she laughed. "All you’ve seen so far is the Uffizi Gallery?"

"Yeah, is there something wrong with that?" Suddenly defensive Jason sat up.

"No, I’m just amazed that is the first place you chose to visit. There is so much to see here and the Uffizi isn’t usually the first place tourists visit. What did you think."

"Like I said I’m not sure what I’m looking at but I liked it. I really liked the ceilings and the walls."

"It used to be a palace you know."

"That explains the choice of color on the ceilings." He paused while the waiter placed bread on their table. "So, where are the other places tourists visit?"

"There are so many where does one begin?"

"My point exactly."

They ate pizza while Robin entertained Jason with the amazing sites of Florence.

"I’m excited to see the rest of this place," Jason said pushing his plate his away.

"I’m sure you’ll enjoy it," Robin replied taking another sip of her water.

"Robin, I’ve been trying to call you at your hotel all day." A pretty young lady flopped herself in the seat next to Robin. "I left you a million messages." The girl went on talking so fast Jason didn’t know if he was even hearing every word. "It doesn’t matter now because you’re here. We’re going to meet for dinner at Il Profeta around 8:00."

Robin looked over at Jason who looked just as baffled as she was.

The blonde didn’t wait for a reply. "Oh, I’m sorry. I’m Jennifer." She said sticking her hand out for Jason to take.

Ever the gentleman Jason obliged.

"I’m sorry. Jennifer this is Jason, Jason Jennifer," Robin chimed in.

"Hi." Jason said with a smile.

Jennifer flicked her hair with her most charming smile, "Hi." Turning to Robin she continued, "I didn’t know you were bringing someone."

Robin laughed. "Uhhh, I met Jason at the Uffizi."

"You’ve always been the lucky one. Your first day on your vacation and you meet someone." Jennifer turned to Jason, "she’s always the lucky one."

Unsure of what to say Jason just smiled and looked at Robin for help.

"No, Jason and I met in Port Charles." The words seemed like a cop out, but she wasn’t ready to tell anyone the details of their relationship.

"So, you’re from the states?" Jennifer asked Jason.


"How long have you been in Florence? How long are you staying?"

Chuckling he replied, "I just got here this morning and I’m not sure."

"Well, then let us show you how hospitable us Italians can be. You must join us for dinner. There is no other way to see Italy than by sharing in its nightlife, its food, and its people."

Uncomfortable Jason stole a glance at Robin. "I don’t know."

"I do," Jennifer answered for him, "you’ll come with Robin. If you don’t like us you can leave early and we’ll never bother you again."

"Ok," Jason reluctantly agreed. Rising from his seat he looked at Robin, "I’ll go find someone to pay for the pizza. I’ll be right back."

Jennifer waited just long enough for Jason to get out of earshot. "He’s cute. You have to bring him tonight."

"I don’t know Jen."

"I do. If not for you then bring him for me." Jennifer’s eyes followed Jason to the counter.

Robin stole a glance. Even she had to admit he was nice to look at. She loved the way his jeans hung on his lean hard body. His shirt tried to hide the strong arms and the rippled abdomen, but it was his chiseled face and his steel blue eyes that attempted to steal her heart yet again. She pulled her eyes away. "Forget it Jen, he isn’t interested in independent women. He likes women who need him for something."

"Your independent and he’s interested in you."

"Your nuts."

"I’m a lot of things but I know what I see. I’ve only been sitting here for a few minutes but I can see the way he looks at you. He’ll never admit it, and neither will you for that matter, but you two could have something really special."

"Whatever you say."

"Well, I think its only fair to warn you that John will be there tonight." Jennifer said quickly changing the subject.

Robin rolled her eyes and moaned.

"Maybe Jason is just what he needs."

"Oh great, John and Jason in the same room." Robin covered her face. "That’s a deadly combination."

Jason broke up the girl chatter to Robin’s relief. Curiously he looked at Robin who responded with a guilty grin.

"All paid up?" Jennifer asked as he sat down.

Jason nodded unsure if he should have returned.

"Good, then we’ll see you tonight. I won’t take no for an answer." Jennifer gathered her things and stood up. "Robin I’ll talk to you later, get some sleep Jason you’re going to be very busy tonight." Patting Robin on the shoulder she quickly left.

"Well, I guess we should go." Robin quickly suggested.

Suddenly uncomfortable Jason stood to hold Robin’s chair.

"What are you going to see now?" Robin asked once they exited the pizzeria.

Jason looked around. "I think I’m just going to go back to my room." He looked down at Robin. "Jet lag."

Robin nodded. They lingered in the street. Their eyes followed the same strangers, smiled at the same idiosyncrasies of people they didn’t know, and wish time would stop in this moment.

"I think that big church is on my way back to my hotel so I think I’ll stop in there on my way." Jason said not making any effort to move.

Watching the people she smiled up at him. "It’s called the Duomo. You’ll enjoy it."

Jason nodded. "Would you like to join me? I’m mean if you have nothing else to do."

A huge smile lit up Robin’s face. "I’d like that."

The sun peaked out from behind the clouds as they walked toward the Duomo.