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Okay, I feel a bit weird putting info about me on my MINISTRY website. But, like every other Jesus Freak, I have a testimony so I might as well pour it into my ministry. So, here goes,...
I'm an on-fire, free-spirited, Jesus Freak! Obviously, I haven't always been so. I first, truly found God for myself in my senior year at high school. My intentions were genuine but I jumped in way over my head! I went to the heart of the battle without taking time to put any of my armor on:0 As a result, my senior year of high school marked the beginning of a major backslide!
By the year after I graduated, I was involved in so many sinful lifestyles and "open minded" trains of thought, that I was about as useful as a screen-door on a submarine. But God wasn't about to give up on me. He began chipping away at my unhappiness and soon I realized how lost I was without Him. He convicted me of me of my sin and started to lead me back to His grace and strength. Of course, overzealous me had to take the crash course. By this time I had a lot of spiritual questions that it seemed none of the leaders in the denomination I grew up in had an answer for. As a result, I got caught, hook, line and sinker, in a few cults. Man, I never will forget the day God called me out of that into His freedom. If any of you out there are a part of a legalistic church, I beg you to ask yourself, "Where's my joy?!" I was broken down on my knees at the foot of my bed begging the Lord for understanding of my despair when I realized, I had been deceived! "So Christ has really set us free, and don't get tied up again in slavery to the law." Galations 5:1
I searched the scriptures and the Holy Spirit began to open my eyes to how these cults had twisted scriptural truths to make them into what they wanted to hear. An awesome sense of comfort and profound joy flooded over me. I had to fight from becoming bitterly angry at these cults, but God saw me through it. They had been deceived just as I and it was my duty to pray for them.
I just can't tell you how much I'm in love with God! It is my uttermost desire to bear the resemblance of Christ. He has delivered me from so such and picked me up when I've fallen. God rocks!
After the whole cult ordeal, I found a church that needed a bass player for the worship team. I play bass and God has given me a great passion for music so I checked it out. It wasn't long after that, that I joined. God has done so much to me and through me there. The Lord later lead me into a greater understanding of a the importance of Bible based, verse by verse teaching and lead me to the church home He had chosen for me. I'm currently studying to be a pastor and am heavily involved in the music ministry.God has called me to a life of unspeakable peace and joy as I work for holiness in living. "For you have been called to live in freedom -- not freedom to satisfy your sinful nature, but freedom to serve one another in love." Galations 5:13
It's only by God's grace that I'm anything at all. The blood of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit is what enables me to rock so hard for the cause of Christ. "As for me, God forbid that I should boast of anything except for the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Because of that cross, my interest in this world died a long time ago, and the world's interest in me is also long dead." Galations 6:14 (Boy, Galations just sums me up:0)
It's my prayer that this website can edify anyone lost and searching and strengthen any believer longing to grow. I welcome your questions and comments and make sure you keep an eye on this page from time to time. I've got a ton of ideas for it, just none of the time;), so there will be a lot of updates.

Peace in Christ,
