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Foodservice recipes, how to cater your own wedding, catering tips, catering help, 
cooking links, large quantity recipes, church dinner recipes, freeze ahead recipes, 
make ahead recipes, links for kids, links for fun, links for everyone,  Kelowna photos,
Coquihalla photos, Christmas recipes, Menus for entertaining, Buffet table decorating ideas, 
lots of other great tips, ideas, recipes and links . . .  
those are just the some of the things you will find on these pages  ~~ please enjoy your visit!


If you love to cook, or just Surf the Net...
Dayle's Incredible Links


(and Dayle's  Growlies for Groups make ahead 
and LARGE RECIPES, 500+  with self catering tips)
My friends and I will see ya  there
I'm so glad you've arrived!
"Everything you'll need for Cookin' on the Net"

"Quick Clicks" Index to Hot Spots on these Pages

Cooking Links: General Links:
THE RECIPES - Growlies for Groups 
~Many Make-ahead recipes for entertaining
~Large sized recipes too!
KELOWNA photo tour 
Kelowna, B.C. Canada, located in the Okanagan Valley.
RECIPE Exchange Board
If you are planning a party and need help, have a recipe request or a recipe to share, this is the place for you!
More Photos:
~Coquihalla Hwy.
~Canadian Rocky Mountains
Recipe LINKS - page 1
~Searchable Recipe Archives on-line
~Non Searchable Recipe Collections
~Recipe Message Boards (over 20)
~Recipes by food type, (e.g. chicken, sushi, muffins)
~Special Diet Recipes 
~Mastercook Formatted Recipes & help
~Misc. quality cooking sites
 Misc. LINKS - page 3
~Children's links 
~Canadian Links 
~Scenic Links 
~Instant Surfing Links -
get a different site with each click!

~Informative & helpful links 
~Just for fun 
~Computer Info

Self Catering Tips:
~Feeding a Crowd 
~Planning a Wedding Reception
~Party Check List
~Party Ideas 
~Food Safety 
~Party Menus 
~Buffet Amounts 
~More Tips & Tricks 
~Catering Connections
Take time to EXPLORE my PAGES you are sure to find something of interest. 
Try the NEW search engine too!

Recipe Links - page 2

~Newspapers & Magazines 
~Holiday Sites 
~Misc. Cooking Info
~Brand Name Foods 
~Cooking Software 
~e-mail recipe clubs

Search this site!
Type in a key word or two, find recipes and more, watch your spelling!

Big Recipes
~Foodservice Recipes 
~Canadian Military Recipes 
~Serves 50 
~Serves 100
~How a Web Page is Made - if you've been wondering.

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