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The Updates

This page will help you to keep up with the folk from Kallah and ILTC. Hopefully it will help you find old friends.
Last update: August 31, 2001
Molly Ackerman Robyn Amster Jeff Arbesman Ron Attar Mark Axelrod Danielle Brown Matt Cohen Rachel Covensky Melissa Dubno Sara Fain Nikki Fried Franci Gardner Sherri Goldberg Sherry Goodman Erica Greenstein Shara Grifenhagen Debbie Guckenheimer Rebecca Hockfield Carin Joffe Michele Joseph Nikki Joseph Julie Kaplan Emily Karpel Sarah Kiehl Debra Kurshan Dana Lev Jeff Lawson Andrea Levine Andrew Lichtenthal Francine Liebling Sara Link David Lipman Dave Marcus Josh Mintz Brooke Morris Elise Nahum Deena Nyer Rachel Ostrow Jessica Petler Jennifer Reicher Dana Rosenfeld Esther Rosenfeld Michael Schecter Karen Schuller Jen Sheinbein Tama Sirkis Cammie Sklar Matt Solnit Linda Steinman Beth Stern Sara Stern Shannon Stone Jaime Weinhaus Tammy Wolinsky Heather Yacouby


Molly Ackerman Mol21@AOL.COM
I graduated from the University of Kansas with a BA in History and European studies and I currently work as a Territory Sales Manager for Philip Morris USA. I am a BBYO advisor for the next generation of BBYOers.

Robyn Amster
I graduated with a degree in Poli. Sci. from the Univ. of Arizona in '98. Spent last year in Kazan, Russia working with the Jewish Community there (tri-cultural living is a bitch). Now I have moved to LA and am working with the College Activists Department of Jewish National Fund... you know the tree people. So if you are in LA, let me know!

Jeff Arbesman
I graduated from Indiana University in the Spring of 1998. Since then I have traveled to Europe, worked as a Drama Director at an overnight camp in the Lake of the Ozarks. I am currently working for PricewaterhouseCoopers and traveling to Dallas, TX on a weekly basis.

Ron Attar
I graduated from Duke University in 1998. Then I moved to Little Rock to work for an investment bank. Somewhere in all of this I married a nice Jewish girl from Boca Raton named Melissa.

Mark Axelrod
Hey everybody! First off, for those who are due an email from me, sorry...I'm not too good at keeping on top of that lately (ever?). In any event, I graduated from Michigan last year, spent 6 months working, and realized that I couldn't stay away from school. So, I'm now in my first year of law school and applying to begin a program in political science next year. That way, I won't have to miss school again for a long time. Please find me if you are out in northern California!

Danielle Brown
I spent four wonderful years at Carleton University in Ottawa, Ontario, where I majored in History and worked at the student newspaper.I graduated last spring and spent this year working and writing. This June I will begin an 11 month graduate studies program in Journalism at Concordia University in Montreal.

Matt Cohen
Well, I recently graduated with a BA in Psychology from the Ohio State University and I spent the summer at Goldman Union Camp as head songleader. I am now in the midst of my year off before graduate school during which I will be teaching hebrew and music and hopefully assisting a new rabbi here in town. I am playing guitar in a local band here and all in all life is fine.

Rachel Covensky
I spent four amazing years at Ohio State, where I majored in political science and had a blast at the biggest party school! Now I am in graduate school in Philadelphia. I am finishing up the first year of a two year master's program in physical therapy, which I love.

Melissa Dubno
I attended University of Maryland, majored in Journalism with a concentration in Public Relations, and had a blast! Now I currently reside in Denver, CO (I needed to be closer to the mountains). I currently work at the Denver Museum of Natural History for their Outreach Education Programs. I hope everyone is doing well.

Sara Fain
I graduated from Brandeis University on May 1998 with a degree in Anthropology. I now live in the Presidio of San Francisco, and work for the Presidio Trust (the government agency that manages the Presidio National Park) as an environmental project coordinator.

Nikki Fried
Hi everyone! I have been at the University of Florida for over 6 years now. I graduated in Fall '98 majoring in political science and minoring in education. Since then I have enrolled in a joint degree program of my law degree and a masters in political campaigning. The whole program is 4 years, so I have finished the first 2 1/2 years. My freshman year at UF, I helped start the college march of the living. After graduation I hope to work in a law firm in Washington D.C, but who knows. If anyone is in the Florida area drop me a line.

Franci Gardner
I just graduated with a joint degree in Spanish and Government from the University of Texas at Austin. I am spending the summer relaxing and watching baseball. In about four weeks I will start law school at UT-Austin.

Sherri Goldberg
I just graduated from the University of Delaware in May with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Human Resouces. I've been working as a Director of Human Resources for Hilton Hotels since December and I love it! I just moved to Wilmington, DE so I spend a lot of my free time visiting friends from college and playing with my new kitten Milo. Hopefully I'll go to graduate school in the spring for my MBA.

Sherry Goodman
Hi everyone! I graduated from Binghamton University (SUNY) in May 1999 with a degree in Human Development. Right now i'm in the middle of getting my Masters of Social Work at the University of Michigan. Hopefully, after I graduate in April 2001, I'll be able to move into NYC (spent this past summer in Manhattan and fell in love with it!) and start a fulfilling carrer in social work!

Erica Greenstein
I attended the University of Michigan. I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Organizational Studies. I just moved to Washington D.C. where I am working in Membership & Fundraising for Common Cause (a government watchdog group).

Shara Grifenhagen
Just graduated last month from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (spent my freshman year at UNC-Greensboro) with a degree in Journalism and Mass Communication. My main concentration was in public relations. I'm currently looking for employment and have no idea what is going on (as usual). I do know that UNC was great and I met great people (including my boyfriend...who is in an up and coming band called SANKOFA...check them out). If anyone remembers me...send me some e-mail!
Update 5/23/01 Graduated from UNC-Chapel Hill in May, 1999. Still living in Chapel Hill and working as the program director for the reform synagogue in Durham. Trying to travel as much as possible and really really loving my job.

Debbie Guckenheimer
After a year and a half at Oberlin College, I decided to make Aliya. I am now finishing my degree at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in political science. Would you believe that my classes are all in Hebrew?!? When I finish next year, I want to enter a doctorate program in Women's Studies, which chances are will lead me back to the States for a little while.

Rebecca Hockfield
305 Kamo Cho Biru, 2-113 Kamo Cho
683-0823 JAPAN
phone: 81-859-33-4226

Carin Joffe
This is my fourth fabulous year at the University of Georgia. I will be graduating May 8th with a degree in Elementary Education. I just got back from student teaching in Manchester, England. I am in Virginia Beach right now, but I will be moving to Atlanta this summer when I find a job and a place to live.

Michele Joseph
I am currently completing a Bachelor of Commerce in accounting at the University of Alberta. I was in the co-op program and did a number of work terms as part of my degree. I served as Hillel president in my second year of University, and I also attended a March of the Living reunion in Israel in Dec/97. I have worked for Grant Thornton Chartered Accountants for two years, and I am articling to be a Chartered Accountant (the Canadian equivalent of a CPA). I will begin writing the professional exams in the summer of 2000.

Nikki Joseph
Well... I went off to school, spent some time in Israel, and graudated from Oberlin College. My degrees are English and Judaic and Near Eastern Studies, but I have no idea what I want to do with my life. Right now I'm saving for several months of travel and adventure starting in September, and I have no idea where that will lead me.

Julie Kaplan
After graduating from Emory University in Atlanta in 1999, I spent a year in Oxford, England where I got a master's degree in Comparative Social Policy. Now I am living in Philadelphia getting an MSW (Master's in Social Work) at Penn. I've finished my first year and am about to start my second (and final!) year. Scott Hershovitz and I not only continued dating after Kallah and ILTC but we just got engaged in May! We're planning to get married Summer 2002 in Atlanta. Scott is about to turn in his dissertation. He's been working on a PhD in law at Oxford for three years. This fall he starts law school at Yale so I will move to New Haven, CT after graduating from Penn.

Emily Karpel
Hi everyone! I cant remember the last time that I updated this, so I guess I'll start from May 1999. I graduated Brandeis University with a BA in Economics and minors in French and Business. I spent half the summer in France and the other half trying to find an apartment in New York. I am currently working for IBM Global Services out of an office in the financial district. I love being in New York and I have run into a few BBYOers. If anyone is ever in the city, please email me!
*new 5/15/01* Hey everyone - i cant remember the lat time i updated this. things are great - i am working at IBM in the Global Services (ie, consulting) group, and living on the upper west side in manhattan. i have been here for almost 2 years and will probably stick around for a bit. i have had the pleasure of running into several people from the summer of '93, but i would love to know how everyone else is doing. hope all is well with everyone!

Sarah Kiehl
I graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a BS in Dietetics. I worked as a dietician at the Children's Hospital of Austin for 3 years. I wanted to learn some business, so I completed more business courses at UT. I currently do marketing for IBM Software here in Austin.

Debra Kurshan

Sarah Kiehl
Right now I am in the Peace Corps in Ghana. I am doing HIV/AIDS education in a district in the northern Ghana that is on the border with Burkina Faso. I live in a town called Bongo, which is bigger than a village but not a city. We have electricity but no phones or running water. The nearest city is 15 km away. I graduated from Univeristy of Pennsylvania in May 2000. I will be here in Ghana until Nov. 2002 and then after that who knows.
Here's my contact info
4940 Buckhorn Rd.
Roanoke, VA 24014
In Ghana
PO Box 33
Bongo, UER

I hope all is well with you.

Jeff Lawson
I spend three years sojourning at the University of Michigan... then split to start an dotcom in Ann Arbor. After moving the company (oh yeah, is the name) twice, I am now in San Diego, figuring out what to do after our company was acquired. Anybody have any ideas...

Dana Lev
I attended Indiana University in Bloomington, IN, where I majored in Accounting and Finance and had a blast for 4 years. But like all good things, it had to end and I graduated in 1998. I moved back to Chicago, changed jobs once, got laid off, got another new job. I am now an expert in interviewing. I live in my own apartment in Wrigleyville and am having the time of my life.

Andrea Levine
or (work)

Andrew Lichtenthal
1476 East 85th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11236
I graduated the State University of New York @ Binghamton at the end of 98 with a degree in environmental science and geology. Since then I did the backback thing in europe for a few months, hung out in Texas for a while, caused chaos at Woodstock among other of lifes other happy pleasures. I am now work for an environmental consulting firm as a hydrogeologist (makes me sound a lot smarter than I actually am) in Long Island New York.

Francine Liebling
I will be moving to London on a trial basis beginning September 10th. I hope to work in the theatre in some respect. I graduated from U of M with a degree in directing this past May. I spent two amazing summers in NYC, worked on a Broadway show, and studied at the Lee Strasberg Theatre Institute. If anyone is going to be in London, get in touch!

Sara Link
I attended Kallah in 93. I graduated from the University of Maryland in 98 and currently work at Goldman Sachs in New York, promoting employee Wellness programs. I will be starting a masters program in psychology at Columbia in the fall. Feel free to get in touch if or when you are in town, I would love to hear from you.

David Lipman
After graduating from Emory University in May, 1999, I could not resist the pull of the First State. I soon moved into an apartment in Newark, Delaware (about 20 miles from home in Wilmington), and landed a job as an Application Designer for Computer Sciences Corporation. I attend about 50 professional baseball games a year, and still hold true to my dream of writing for Sports Illustrated.

Dave Marcus
After 4 years of big city education in Oberlin, Ohio, I plan on moving to the NYC area. I'm hoping to get involved in improv comedy or comedy writing (for t.v., movies, etc). Currently, I'm in the middle of the "finding myself" summer cross-country tour.

Josh Mintz
I'll be graduating from the University of Florida in about three weeks after four great years. Post-grad I'll be moving to Atlanta, where my girlfriend of three 1/2 years will also be, and from there who knows????

Brooke Morris
Hi Guys, I hope all is well with everyone. I graduated from Ohio State in 99 and moved back to cleveland to teach. I left cleveland for Chicago and now i am an account exec for a junior's clothing line. I would love to hear from you!!

Elise Nahum
I'm just about to finish 4 and 1/4 years at University of California, San Diego, with a major in Political Science and a minor in Theater/Acting. I spent all of 1998 studying abroad in Melbourne, Australia. I had such a wonderful time that I'm working hard to save up enough to go back for awhile. I guess I'm just enjoying my soon-to-come freedom and all the travels I get to look forward to.

Deena Nyer
I just graduated with a degree in Public Relations from Bradley University. I am moving to Missouri while my boyfriend finishes vet. school and am looking for a job in non-profit for at least a year while thinking about grad school.
New Info: I just started working as the Information and Referral specialist at the Boone County Council on Aging, a non-profit organization that helps serve the needs of senior citizens.

Rachel Ostrow
I am moving to Aix-en-Provence for one year starting in September. I graduated Wesleyan University as a fine art major and after two years in NYC working at an etching studio, I am going to France for art school.

Mike Palan
Hi y'all! After graduating with a BA in Telecommunications from Indiana University in 1999, I moved to NYC. I have worked on a movie, which was directed by Ethan Hawke, worked on the awful TV show Forgive or Forget and I currently produce DVDs of Japanese Animation (anime)!

Jessica Petler
After spending my freshman year at Washington University in St. Louis, I decided to come home to Cleveland and attend Case Western Reserve University. I had a wonderful 3 years there, and just graduated in May with a BS in Nutrition. When I'm not working out at the health club, then I'm out at bars with my friends, or hanging-out in my sorority house, where I will be living until I move to Boston on 8/1/99. I will be attending Boston University for a Masters in Nutrition and Exercise Physiology, and hope to eventually get my PhD in Applied Anatomy and Physiology.

Jennifer Reicher
Hi everybody! I graduated last May from Washington University. I started law school last Fall at Northwestern University in Chicago, and eventually I hope to graduate and practice public interest law. I now live in an apartment in Lakeview, and I just got engaged a few weeks ago. Adam and I met at Wash. U., and we have been dating for almost 4 and a half years. The wedding will be next June in Atlanta. If you are around Chicago, drop me a line!

Dana Rosenfeld
I just graduated from four years at Washington University in St. Louis during which time I majored in Marketing and Psychology, spent a semester abroad in London, and had an all-around great time. As of July 1, I will be moving to Chicago where I will be working as a Market Research Consultant for A.C. Nielsen-BASES.

Leon Rosen
206 Kimberton Drive
Blue Bell, PA 19422
Finished High School. Went to URI (2 years) Studied abroad at Hebrew U, in 1998. Graduated in 1999 with a BA in ECON from UMD College Park. Now I'm working Fulltime as Assistant Manager for a large pharmacy&drugstore here right outside of Philly, PA. I miss all of the great time we shared. Please contact me if you would like to get in touch.

Esther Rosenfeld
I just graduated from Washington University with a history degree. I'm going to hang around in this city for a while longer. I'm currently working as the business manager and webmaster at a learning center and doing software testing and copy editing at a start up computer company. Email me.

Becky Rosenthal
I just graduated from Syracuse University and had an amazing time! After 4 majors, I finally decided (got stuck with?) Accounting. This September I start working for Arthur Andersen out of their Chicago office.

Michael Schechter
I've been a urban/community planner for rural and bucolic Island County, Washington since I graduated from the University of Washington in June 2000. I'll be headed towards home (the East Coast/NY) this August to start as a 1L at Harvard Law!

Karen Schuller Flynn
After 4 amazing years at UNC-Chapel Hill, I have been working as a paralegal in intellectual property for the past 5 years. I have also been volunteering for 4 years with Guardian ad Litem, a program through the courts that investigates and represents the cases of abused and neglected children. I started the evening program at North Carolina Central University School of Law in Durham, NC, in fall 2002, while continuing to work full time. I also have an adorable cat named Kalle and a beautiful dog named Melody!

Jen Sheinbein
I finished up my degrees in Psychology and Criminal Justice from U of Arizona. I am finishing up my third semester of school for my MBA in Marketing and Management from ASU. Then who knows.... Julie's great also! Hope everyone's well!

Tama Sirkis
phone: 416-512-9675 or 403-255-6748
I graduated with a BSc in biology from the University of Western Ontario. I am currently living in Toronto where I have just entered my second year of studying Naturopathic Medicine.

Cammie Sklar
In May I graduated from Carolina with a degree in psychology. I am spending the summer in Raleigh working at a camp for kids with special needs. In September I am moving to San Francisco to work at the Burt Children's Center with kids that are vicitms of abuse.

Matt Solnit
Hey, anyone from Dorm 8 who reads this please e-mail me. I was the dorm leader if you don't remember me. So what did I do? Um, I spent two years tracking Corey Stern's I-Board career =) I'm gonna graduate from UC San Diego in a few weeks, and then I'm moving to Montreal. And I'm looking for a Jewish roommate!! And I finally went to Israel for the first time last summer.

Linda Steinman
I spent a great four years up at Tufts University in Boston and just graduated in May with a major in International Relations. Right now I am back at home, hoping to move into NYC as soon as I can, and working at an advertising agency. I have no idea what or where I am going to end up in the near future, but I am not worried either! Anyone, feel free to drop me a line!! :)

Beth Stern
I spent four awesome years at UNC-Chapel Hill earning my undergraduate degree in Elementary Educ. and History. I loved Carolina so much I stayed around and will complete my Masters in Education in June. I met wonderful people, including my boyfriend, participated in fun organizations, and watched great Carolina sports teams. :) After three weeks in Israel this summer, I will be moving to Charlotte to teach elementary school.
I figured I would submit another update since I am now living in Charlotte. I moved here in August and I am currently teaching 3rd grade at a local elementary school. (Lansdowne for those familiar with Charlotte.) If in town, please call me. I love visitors.

Sara Stern
I graduated from Penn State in May '99 with an advertising degree and moved from Maryland to Hermosa Beach, California. I'm working for an indie record label outside of L.A.

Shannon Stone- Now Sharp
I attended the University of Tennessee, became an advisor for the local BBG chapter there, graduated, got married, and moved to New Jersey for Graduate School. I'll be attending Brooklyn College in New York, studying School Psychology.

Jaime Weinhaus
I'm at Michigan State and graduating in December 1999 with Computer Science and Math degrees. Right now I have an internship working on interactive web design and multimedia.

Tammy Wolinsky
I am finishing up my undergraduate degree in Mass Communication and English, this summer. Upon finishing my degree I am off to Toronto where I will be studying at Ryerson University to complete two years in Radio and Television Arts. As of now, I am planning a trip to Sunny California and Mexico!

Heather Yacouby
I just graduated SUNY-Stonybrook with a major in English and a minor in journalism. I had a lot of fun, met lots of people, and stayed EXTREMELY busy with kickline, work, and lots of organizations. I am currently an Assistant to a Sales Director at a condominium complex and telemarketing for the summer. I hope to get into public relations or communications as of the fall.Anyone remember me-send mail!

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