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Ashton "Fluffy Hair" Geoghagen

Ashton is the drummer for the band known as Seventh Deli. In the opinion of the creator of these pages, there is a conspiracy surrounding Ashton. Whenever he is not seen at a concert, and no photographs contain him, it means he wasn't there. They had to wake up the alternate drummr, Al-Jabeeb, from his perpetual state of napping in the back of the (formely Budget) Truck. However. Al-Jabeeb and Ashton look very much alike, so it's mostly impossible to tell which is which. Except for one thing. Ashton's birthday is March 17 and Al-Jabeeb was born on the 17th of March. That's the only way to tell.

*clears throat* Well as of heck I don't know when it was, but last July anyway, Ashton has gone on to bigger and better things! Last I heard he wanted to become a fireman/EMT. I'm pretty sure that there's still something about it on the offical site somewhere...go have a look-see!

*ahem* Go V--nah, I won't say it...

Yeah yeah yeah, just take me home!
AH! NO! I wanted the other guy!!

Oh, by the far as Bob's Farm is concerned..well, Ashton isn't really Bob's brother... 

All hail the monkey boy!! 

*note: We are well aware what the background of this page says. And we think it's funny.