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 Scott hails from Nova Scotia (another Canadian inflitrator! RUN! Well, not really, because Canada is really cool and all but anyway..) and like Dan, joined the band in January of 1999. He plays the pipes, sometimes sings backup and plays the mandolin. Well, sometimes he plays it. Other times he just channels Jimi Hendrix and well, you can imagine what happens *then.*

Scott was born on September 17th (Yes, that does make him a Virgo.) and after extensive carbon testing, it has been decided that he originated in 1971 B.C. {that would be the time frame, not the province.} 

As for the background to this page...well, you probably just had to have either A)heard that story or B)been there. (Of course, a sort of explanation to part of it is on this site, somewhere. Big hint, huh?)


Do you REALLY think I care about some dude named Scooby?
Hmmm. No. I didn't want to go here. Nope. Take me back please.

Do you have another nickname for poor, poor Scooby here? Well then, Send it to me by all means!

Can you believe that so many people are interested in someone nicknamed Velvetta?