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Messy Marvin's Room

Any suggestions for future front 'page' pics would be great-maybe like themes or something?

If you're going to try the Site Map(It tells you whats on this page, and where to find it)- Good Luck!

Check out the new Backstreet Pride names! I hope you love them, becasue I went through HELL typing them out (my computer kept crashing, I typed it 3 times!)to try them, click here

Thanks for visiting Messy Marvin's Room! Please sign our Guestbook, Message Board or Slambook because we'd really like to hear your opinions on our website, Nick, the Backstreet Boys-anything! You'll find the Slambook and Message Board in the 'Fan Stuff' section!

We've updated a lot of things and hope to do some more updating a.s.a.p so have a look around.

Also, if anyone could send us any interviews or articles they have on Nick or the rest of the boys, we would be really happy! Our e-mail address is at the bottom of the page. Thanks!

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