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Journal of a Living Lady #102


Nancy White Kelly


            I love it when strangers walk up to me and give me presents. In my lifetime I have been the recipient of several unexpected gifts. Some were small, some big. All were appreciated.


Over a year ago we received a late night call from the C.F.O. at Charlie’s college. Someone had paid his tuition for the next semester. The donor didn’t want to be identified. It certainly made our Christmas brighter and our faith in God stronger. We have wondered many times who, among friends or family, had the financial resources to provide such a generous gift. We may never know and it is probably just as well. The benefactor could have been a stranger to us, but for some reason I don’t think so. The help could not have come at a better time as the three C’s, cancer, Christmas, and college had certainly taken its toll on our finances.


Last week a man approached me at a meeting and asked if I was Nancy White Kelly. Actually he asked if I was Nancy Kelly White, but that was okay. I knew what he meant. He wasn’t the first to reverse my maiden and married names. When I said yes, he introduced himself and took out a little box from his coat pocket.


 The pleasant, older gentleman said that he had enjoyed my columns all these many months. He wanted me to have this present. I thanked him, of course. After he returned to his seat, I opened my surprise.


It was a necklace,  a silver chain with a beautiful silver dove carrying an olive branch. What made it even more special was that the man, apparently a jeweler, had personally designed this pendant of peace. It was signed and dated. I was over-whelmed by his thoughtfulness and wore it to bed that night. In fact, it is on my neck even now, days later.


The graceful dove is a familiar pictogram appearing in many ancient cultures. It is a biblical icon as well. Few know, however, that it also depicts grace under fire. Psalm 68:13 says, “Even though… you will be like the wings of a dove covered with silver.”


I have had my share of trials. Cancer certainly hasn’t been the worst one. For most of us, life is an adventure which includes low valleys couched between mountain peaks. It is how we respond to adversity in the trenches of life that sets us apart.


There won’t be any U-Hauls in heaven. Eventually we will leave behind all that we have and take with us all that we are.


I treasure this dove necklace with its silver wings. It adds significance to my journey, reminding me that this world is not my home. I am just passing through.

+++++++++++++++++ February 13, 2001