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Journal of a Living Lady #129


Nancy White Kelly


Tori! Tori! Tori! Finally I can say it. For months Charlie has had a sweetheart. Being the private person he is, he has asked me to postpone writing about his relationship with Tori. Who could blame him?  I would have had him engaged, married and having grandchildren in a week’s time. I rush into things. He is just the opposite. He takes this courting thing seriously and has been waiting for just the right girl.


Tori is also a senior at Toccoa Falls College. She plans to teach. I knew about Tori long before I met her. Seems Charlie had his eye on her, but it wasn’t mutual at the time. Most mamas know that moon-struck look. A smirky little smile would come on Charlie’s face anytime I would drop her name.


Before school was out last semester, Tori’s parents came to the college for a picnic and invited Charlie. Evidently he was a suitable suitor. Tori’s parents later invited Charlie to come down to their town in South Georgia to spend a week-end with the extended family. They took to Charlie. Who wouldn’t? I have had to beat mothers off with a stick a few times.


Next it was time for Tori to meet us. Charlie arranged for us to meet Tori for dinner in Gainesville one evening. Tori was just as her pictures showed, pretty and petite with waist-length hair. She was dressed up and appeared a little up-tight that first evening. Not unusual I suppose when meeting your fellow’s parents for the first time. She didn’t talk much. Just answered basic questions. 

However, I liked her just fine. So did Buddy.


With the meeting of the parents out of the way, both Tori and Charlie felt they could pursue their relationship with our approval. Not that it is necessary in this ultra-modern world, but still comforting to know that this young couple wanted their parents to approve of their continuing relationship.


We have had several visits with Tori now. We like her. We really do. She is a sincere Christian, has a vivacious personality, is an excellent student and exhibits plenty of leadership qualities.


Tori's parents visited our home  this summer and  we hit it off. Age-wise, we could have been their parents too, but we are used to doing the generational gap dance.


Recently Charlie and Tori, and her parents, spent a week-end at Six Flags while Buddy and I enjoyed the motel's air-conditioning near-by. Both Charlie and Tori worked during the summer break, so their getting together, even with parents along, was a real treat.


Now they are both back in school. He finishes in December. She finishes in May. Will the courtship continue? Will Tori be our daughter-in-law someday? Stay tuned. We will let you know when we know.



Sept. 5, 2001