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Journal of a Living Lady #142


Nancy White Kelly


Read carefully. There will be a quiz. And a prize.


During the Thanksgiving holidays, we took our future daughter-in-law, Tori, to northern Mississippi near Memphis where my oldest brother, Charles Lester and his wife, Peggy live. Besides the traditional holiday dinner, the purpose of this visit was to introduce Tori to the extended White clan and hope that she would still want to marry Charlie anyway.


Greeting us in the long drive-way was Bandit, one of Sunnie Anne’s rescued dogs and Rock, a loveable Rotweiller puppy.  Sunnie Anne is my only sister, born just as I was graduating from high school. Buddy and I first  introduced Tori to Charles Lester. He introduced Tori to his wife, Peggy, and Gilbert, an also retired fire fighter and hunting buddy. 


Not expecting us quite so early,  Sunnie Anne came out of the cabin with wet hair, wrapped in a bath robe. She laughed at the sight she was, but embraced Tori heartily, welcoming her to the Mississippi tribal land.  Gradually we all headed inside the main house, a nicely furnished double-wide home. Tori was immediately greeted by Urchin and Prissy, the two house cats, plus Betsy and Tootsie, a pair of adorable Yorkshire Terriers.


After a brief visit, Sunnie Anne escorted Tori to her comfortable, but tiny cabin which is a temporary residence. Gal Dog, another discarded mutt, met them on the country porch and got a quick pat on the head. From the back door of the cabin, Tori met Tango, Sunnie Anne’s red daschund and Yo Yo, a mixed Terrier who was also abandoned and rescued.


My brother’s home sits on approximately 200 acres and has custom-built tree stands throughout the property for the purpose of hunting deer. I tell Charles Lester he should charge admission to his home as it has more stuffed animals than most museums which include bear, elk, moose, a porcupine, and even a white deer. Friends and relatives from far and near come to Charles Lester’s to hunt and see his taxidermy displays.


This was the exciting peak of deer season for brother, Charles and an equally thrilling time for son, Charlie. His trophy dear was Tori.


By night fall, Tori had been introduced to even more members of the family: Michael, my nephew, who is leaving in a few days for the Air Force and Kyle, Charles’ grandson who lives near Chattanooga. Before dawn, my middle brother, Mike, and my youngest brother Bob and wife, Rhonda, arrived and also met Tori. Afterwards, Tori was introduced to Tommy, an old high school buddy of Charles Lester and also to Tim, my niece’s husband.


Still Tori hadn’t met everybody. Early the next morning, Peggy’s three grown children by a first marriage arrived as well as seven grandchildren. A few hours later, my sister-in-law, Vickie, Mike’s wife, came as well as their three grown daughters: Angie, Amy, and Amanda, plus Ryan, Amanda’s husband, and their two-year-old son, Tyler.


Think double-wide mobile home and small cabin. Does it sound crowded yet?  After the blessing, everybody filled their plates and found a place to sit. Tori and Charlie answered numerous questions, sometimes for the umpteenth time, about their wedding plans for June 29th in Warner Robbins, GA.


Soon afterwards, my Aunt Peggy and her daughter-in-law, Jodi, and granddaughter, Jessica, arrived in time for dessert. Suddenly everybody quieted down and  Sunnie Anne had the young couple come into the living room and sit on the settee by the window. In seconds, there was a banner and white boxes surrounding them on the floor. It was a surprise engagement party and shower. Fun was had by all, a memorable occasion which our family will remember for years to come.


A few minutes later, Buddy abducted Tori and Charlie and drove them to a near-by Mississippi town. There Tori met Buddy’s brother, Thomas, and his wife, Mary. Before long, their son Stanley rode up on his new Harley motorcycle.


Now the reader question. How many people did Tori meet in all? Assume correctly that Tori was introduced to everybody mentioned except for Buddy, Charlie, and me.  The first newspaper reader, not affiliated with the Sentinel, who snail mails me the correct number of people Tori met will receive a personally autographed copy of my book, “Journal of Living Lady.” Send entries to 6156 Southern Rd., Young Harris, GA., 30582.  In case of ties, the earliest post mark wins. If you would like to purchase a copy of the book, please send $14.95, plus $3 s/h.


