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Journal of a Living Lady #145


Nancy White Kelly


The Christmas decorations are in the attic. The last of the leftovers have either been consumed or sent to the garbage pen for the rodent task force. The outdoor varmints need to hurry though as the trash man makes his rounds today. Otherwise, it will be 2003 before they get another chance at sweet potato soufflé.


December was a very busy month for this family. Charlie graduated from college. As most of you know, living to see this event was one of two personal goals I set when the cancer recurred. The other goal was to see the publication of my book, Journal of a Living Lady. That happened in late summer. The book has done quite well and apparently was a popular gift for the Christmas season. One lady bought 21 copies for her friends.


God gave me a continuance and I am deeply grateful.  However, the day after Charlie’s graduation my blood counts dropped. Apparently I am beginning another scuffle with this disease after a nice respite. A transfusion is likely. Some time in the next few days Buddy and I will make the trek to Emory Hospital for some sophisticated scans. That is, if the insurance company and business office come to terms. Right now neither will budge from their corners. I have been KO’d repeatedly in this insurance quagmire. It is bad enough to fight the disease medically without the stress of being a financial pugilist as well.


Ironically, I have resisted most tests for several months. Why bother?  I intended to make it to Charlie’s graduation… period. No toxic chemotherapy was going to hold me hostage in the bathroom. I took just the minimum to keep going.


With a settled stomach and a full head of hair, I sat briefly on the front row of the college auditorium directly across from the pontific podium. There the college President would soon call our son’s name. It was such a victorious feeling.


Friends and family cheered as Charlie accepted that piece of paper that made him an official college graduate and a certified teacher. His short white tennis socks looked funny under the formal black robe. What will it matter in the annals of history that he forgot his dress socks? Charlie graduated and I lived to see it.


With both goals accomplished, what is next on my agenda? Well, I will always have something to strive for.  I call it Operation Infinite Goals.


Once more, I would like to sneak off with Buddy and verify that the ocean is still there. I want to see Charlie and Tori wed in June.  If possible, I’d like to break bread someday with Billy Graham. 


After crossing those goals off my list, there is still one to go. The last item on my to-do list is to cross River Jordan, that great divide between this life and the next. My ticket is punched and I am patiently waiting for the upper-taker.


In the meanwhile, I will keep on keeping on writing, laughing, and trying to get answers to life’s puzzling questions, like… did the ancient Romans ever shop at the VII XI?

