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Journal of a Living Lady #191


Nancy White Kelly


It is a quantum leap from hospice to Jerusalem. It is quite possible I am among the first, if not THE first person to ever to make that transition.  At least it looks like I might be.


A few weeks ago Buddy and I discussed our fantasy trip, provided money were not a concern and I was physically up to it. We both agreed that our dream trip would be to the Holy Land. While I am not in remission from the cancer, I am stable and a long way from the imminently terminal state I was in months ago. Hospice is generally reserved for those medically deemed to have less than six months to live. After four months of seriously living in dying mode, I opted out.


A miraculous, prayer-answering God has postponed my inevitable. I call it a divine extension. There is a Scripture that says, "Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give the desires of your heart." I have always believed that, as I do all Scripture, but this verse is even more indelibly etched now.


Several days ago a strange man, who reads this column, wrote that he would like to send Buddy and me to the Holy Land. I gasped as I read the email, afraid to hope that this was a genuine offer. I am not normally a skeptical person, but I do occasionally get emails from, well, let us say strange individuals. The thought of this being a bonafide offer kept my mind traipsing the Via Delorosa in Jerusalem as I drifted off to sleep. I decided to wait until the next day to share the exciting news with Buddy.


I wrote the man back and told him that I could only wish his generous offer were legitimate. He wrote back that it was. I checked him out and found that he was, indeed, a credible gentleman. affiliated with a major manufacturing company. My mind stopped traipsing and my feet started dancing. We were going to the Holy Land, the Mecca of many who are descendants of Abraham, a pilgrimage that most can only dream of taking.


The travel agent has been in touch. The date has been set. Of course, world events could change our plans, but for now we are optimistic and grateful that there are kind, generous people in this world who help make dreams come true.

