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Journal of a Living Lady #196


Nancy White Kelly



His first name is Julius. His middle name is Alexander. He was born March 25, 2003 A.D. This is where it begins. Seventy-five, maybe a hundred years from now, we will know how this life was lived and how it ended. Introducing Julius Alexander Kelly, the son of Robert and Ginger Kelly.


For those of you new to this column, there are several children who call us Mom and Dad or the equivalent. Robert came to live with us as a foster child. Later we adopted him. Bobby is five months younger than our birth son, Charlie. Two young men. Two distinctively different personalities. I could not love either of them more.


How ironic that last month, with the help of a private investigator, Bobby located his birth father. The last time we saw this man was in the mid-1980’s. The circumstances surrounding Bobby’s placement are irrelevant at this point. We raised him.


Bobby had his adolescent struggles.  Buddy and I survived this period of life as most parents do. Now, Bobby is grown, married, and a father himself.


It is natural to want to know more about your birth parents. Buddy and I knew nothing of Bobby’s mother other than she was a teenager when he was birthed. Several months later she had another son. The only information we knew was a first and last name. Actually, Bobby never showed much interest in his maternal heritage. To him, I am his mother.


After successfully re-uniting with his birth father recently, Bobby now has a picture of a woman who lives somewhere in Wisconsin. Her name is Thelma. Last name unknown. I wish Thelma knew she has a new grandson. I can’t imagine going through life not knowing where your biological son is, what he is doing, and whether there are grandchildren. I never had to guess about those things. I grew up in a traditional, loving family with aunts, uncles, and cousins.


Julius Alexander is getting off to a good start in life.  There is no silver spoon in his mouth. Times are hard, especially for young couples these days. But Julius Alexander has warm milk and a dry diaper. He also has two parents who are as proud as can be. Oh, he has a Granny too, along with Ginger’s mother, who will make sure that he never has to wonder whether he belongs.

