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Journal of a Living Lady #213


Nancy White Kelly


The arrival of a new year spurs us to recall the events of last year and to give thought to the next twelve months. The year 2003 was a good year for our family. Two babies were born, my niece, Victoria, and our grandson, Julius Alexander.


Death still made its rounds. My friends, Sharon, Rita, and Rebecca, succumbed to breast cancer after a long struggle. Several other friends and acquaintances passed also, some expected and others unexpected. The saddest loss was that of a five-year-old boy, the only son of a young man I knew when he was a child himself.


This has been a remarkably good year personally. In spite of my metastatic cancer, Buddy and I were able to embark on a Middle-Eastern adventure. We also enjoyed a bite of the Big Apple. I didn’t make the Millionaire Show, but didn’t die trying either.


Several of God’s creatures arrived or departed from the Kelly runway this year. Our African parrot, Gracie, is disgracefully co-habitating in Atlanta. Our Siamese cat, Bandit, had kittens. Bandit and two of her kittens and are now fat Mice Guards at a North Carolina farm house. The other two kitties have claimed the heart and home of my sister, Sunnie Anne. They are treated like royalty and act the part.


We temporarily had custody of Tyson, a darling, roving red dachshund, whose owners reclaimed him after we fell for him snout and tail. We still have Oppie, our nine-year-old Chihuahua. She is our forever dog. Charlie picked Oppie out of a litter when she was only six weeks old. About the size of a hamster, Buddy carried Oppie around in his shirt pocket for six months.


Hiram (Buddy’s real name) got a year older in 2003. So did I. My birthday was Christmas Eve. Surprisingly, Buddy took the initiative to celebrate my 59th in grand style. I awakened to banners, balloons, and the smell of a birthday cake. Usually Sunnie Anne is the party leader, but was too sick this year to drive from Memphis.  That was a huge disappointment for us all. Sunnie Anne has never ever missed my birthday or our family Christmas. Phooey on the flu!

I have a friend, whether real or unreal, I cannot say. I get confused in my old age. Anyway, Maud recently had a birthday herself. Maud’s husband, Alvin, asked her the perfunctory question: "What would you most like for your birthday?"

Maud answered ... "I'd love to be ten again." So on the morning of her birthday, Alvin gets her up bright and early and off they go to the local amusement park.

What a day!

He puts her on every ride in the park, the Death Slide, The Screaming Loop, the Wall of Fear...everything there is! Wow! She staggers out of the park five hours later, her head reeling and her stomach upside down.

Right into McDonald's they go. Alvin orders Maud a Double Big Mac along with super-sized fries and a strawberry shake. Then off to a movie. It's is the latest Lord of the Rings epic accompanied by hot dogs, popcorn, Pepsi Cola and M & Ms.

What a fabulous adventure!

Finally she wobbles home with her husband and collapses into bed. He leans over lovingly and asks, "Well, dear, what was it like being ten again?"

One eye opens and she groans, "Alvin, my dear, I meant dress size."

The Living Lady welcomes you to 2004.