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by Nancy White Kelly


For the first time in six weeks, I feel almost normal. Thirty milligrams of time-released morphine in the morning and evening, plus a few Percosettes here and there, keep my bone pain manageable. The extreme weakness that followed the second round of radiation has finally ended. I can do for myself now without depending on Buddy so much.

This column is written at least ten days before it is published in the newspaper. Things can change quickly, but hopefully I will still be feeling better as you read this. No doubt God has answered prayer in my behalf. I welcome the reprieve. Don't stop praying now. Miracles still happen. So far I surpassed all my doctor's dire predictions except the last one for Thanksgiving. Sorry, doc, but I have a date with a turkey that day.

Cancer is a roller coaster ride. In the valleys its seems that all you see is medically related…syringes, white coats, and machines. I love it when the coaster car stops for a while at the top of the hill allowing me an exhilarating view of customary life.

When I feel good, my sense of humor awakens. I often think of funny things in the middle of the night. Buddy snores in his sleep. I laugh.

Just for fun and enrichment, I took a course in medical terminology once.. The teaching method was unorthodox. Using slides with funny pictures, we were taught difficult words by ridiculous associations. I've kept a list through the years and added a few of my own. Here are some of my favorites.

Antacid - hallucinogenic drugs used by little bugs.

Artery - a study of paintings

Barium - what doctors do when treatment fails

Cardiac - somebody crazy about old cars

Cauterize - made eye contact with her

Dilate - to live a long time

Electrode - amount owed to the power company

Enema - not a friend

Lumbar - wooden boards

Liver - a person who just lives on and on

Nitrate - cheaper than the day rate

Node - was aware of

Oncology - something to do with college

Paradox - two doctors

Pasteurize - too far to see

Pelvis - a cousin to Elvis

Terminal illness - getting sick at the airport

Urinate - what a nurse tells a patient in room eight

Asinine - A man in room nine asks the nurse, "Do you have any acetylsalicylic acid?" You mean aspirin?" asked the nurse. "That's it," the man replied. "I never can remember that word."



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