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Journal of a Living Lady #95


Nancy White Kelly


I recently experienced a close encounter of the strangest kind. It was late in the afternoon. Relatives were coming  for the holidays and I needed a couple of small items from the grocery store. Buddy was snoring in the recliner, so I grabbed the car keys and made a quiet exit. I would be back in a jiffy, provided the creek didn’t rise or a night stalker didn't choose me for his prey.


I stopped at one of our community’s locally-owned markets. The chain grocery store was ten miles away and the minor savings wouldn’t be worth the gas. A cold blast of wind whipped the hat from my head. I grabbed it on the fly as I hustled through the front door of the little grocery.


A dark-haired young man was finishing up his purchase at the cash register. I greeted him and the cashier with a nod and made my way to the bread aisle. Moments later a male voice startled me. “Are you the lady I see in the newspaper?” 


I turned around for a better look. It was the same man I had passed coming into the store. His ruddy face looked wind-blown.


“Yes, I write for paper,” I replied, puzzled by the unexpected interruption.


The lanky man, probably in his late thirties, extended a loose, wristy handshake while mumbling an introduction. I didn’t recognize the name or the face.


It was then I got a whiff of his alcoholic breath.  If somebody had lit a match to the fumes, the whole place would have exploded.  This guy was beyond tipsy.


He studied my face for a  couple of seconds. “You ain’t nearly as ugly as people say you are.”  He paused briefly. “But you are a good person. I have always known that.”


“Thank you,” I murmured, not knowing what else to say to the uncouth stranger. I had a feeling this wasn’t going to be a routine encounter with a loyal reader.


“ I am a Yankee,”  the man volunteered. He continued without hesitation. “I love you.”


My adrenal glands signaled for flight.  “Thank you,” I replied. My mind raced in an effort to figure how to exit the store without causing a commotion.


The man made a move toward me. He came so close that his nose almost collided with mine. I recoiled thinking he was going to kiss me.


“Now that we are in love with each other…” he whispered.


For a second I lost my breath. Then I backed away and nervously laughed, wondering what the rest of that sentence might be. I’ll never know.


 “Nice meeting you,”  I said as I hastened down the aisle without any semblance of a good-bye.  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the fellow hesitate briefly and then leave.  I went to the store window and observed him staggering across the parking lot. He crossed the busy highway and continued up the hill.


 I have no clue where he came from or where he was going. But, the next time I need a few items from the store, I’ll take the recliner and send Buddy to the quick pick up store.



January 3, 2001