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Journal of a Living Lady #96


Nancy White Kelly


Okay. This is a new year and time to take the annual reality check which is slightly more fun than the annual procto check.


Realty #1: I am living daily in the final two minutes of the game…I think. Then again, I have been told that and thinking that for over two years now. Other than a for a few cliff-hanging set-backs, I have continued to function fairly normally. This just proves that God likes to dumbfound the medical statisticians.


Reality #2: I am still fat. While I did go through a phase of dropping several pounds, I am almost back at my set-point. Guess I have done too much sitting and pointing. Even cancer hasn’t been successful in making me lean enough to shop for a size ten.  If cancer would guarantee rapid weight loss, I am certain there are some people who would stand in line to buy it.


Reality #3: Buddy is never going to change. After all these years you would think I could have reformed him by now. I give up. He is always going to clear his throat while talking on the telephone, start eating before I have finished cooking the bread, and continue taking out only part of the trash. This husband of mine annoyingly reminds me to wash my hands after being out in public. He will check my oxygen tanks several times a day to be sure I have enough in reserve. He will never cease to ask me daily if I have taken my vitamins or aspirin and, though he startles me at times, he will keep kissing me gently when my eyes are closed.


Reality#4: I am blessed.




Okay, who stopped the payment on my reality check?