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Engle Scale of Evangelism
adapted from What's Gone Wrong With The Harvest?
by James F. Engel & Wilbert Norton - Zondervan 1975

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-10    Awareness of the supernatural

-9     No effective knowledge of Christianity

-8     Initial Awareness of Christianity

-7     Interest in Christianity

-6     Awareness of basic facts of the Gospel

-5     Grasp of implications of the Gospel

-4     Positive attitude to the Gospel

-3     Awareness of personal need

-2     Challenge and decision to act

-1     Repentance and faith

0     A Disciple is Born!

+1     Evaluation of decision

+2     Initiation into the church

+3     Become part of the process of making other disciples

+4     Growth in understanding of the faith

+5     Growth in Christian character

+6     Discovery and use of gifts

+7     Christian life-style

+8     Stewardship of resources

+9     Prayer

+10   Openness to others/Effective sharing of faith and life