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A wish fulfilling  tree of arts,the  KALPATARU KALAVIHAR provides the perfect  play  and  administrator Director,  Kalpataru believes that "teaching is the art of assisting discovery".   The students are encouraged towards self discovery through the medium of their chosen art. Padmaja puts it as -  Whatever be the  new  twist to this art, I  for one will  never wish to let go the hold of  SPIRITUALITY . Dance is an elating experience as it   releases tensions, emotions and can take  us to  lofty heights.

Kalpataru kalavihar would also house an exclusive library on music  and dance , besides providing a suitable ambience to facilitate training in Bharata natyam, related classical dance and  music disciplines,  creative dance expression,  dance  choreography and  aspects of yoga and spiritual lectures.

The senior student group includes Aparna Krishna murthy, Chandana, Sheela, Meenal, Aparna, Deepa.R, Deepa .S,Tarini and Vasavi. This group along with Padmaja has successfully  toured several  places in India with  the   latest  thematic  presentations.



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