Welcome to![]() My Names Paul, I have some really excelent Pic pages up & some tributes to my friends. Just so you can have a little more of an insight on who I am & what I stand for. Cuz I believe nothing speaks stonger than the company a person keeps! I also have a assingnment to you folks, so if ya wanna participate go click on the "points of intrest" & see what I got up there for ya. Well I hope you enjoy your little trip into my history!
![]() All about myself
And here I am! The great Pipes himself, well ok not
that great but it is me! My names Paul, i'm a 22 year old Dude from
Surrey B.C. (A suburb of Vancouver)
Like the colours? that was my first attempt at free hand
October 31st, 2000 - - Halloween! Situated at Darryl's place, this rockn' bash went off without a hitch Flashing lights & thundering music it was trully an event to be at, the pics are just waiting to be posted.
August 26st, 2000 - - Darryls B-Day!! YES! all thoughs that count themselves among Darryls friends!ATTEND! its at his place. It will be a blast.. I guaronteee!
August 25st, 2000 - - Kathleens Goin' Away Party, I know we will all miss our dear friend & former lover of all. But alas, she will be leaving us, but not without a party!!! Woowhoo! her place, DON'T SHOW BEFORE 8:00!
July 1st, 2000 - - CANADA DAY! yes thats Right CANADA DAY! OH YEAH! Unfortuantely I didn't have a party to commemorate this fine Holiday. I did go to a party thought, I'll see if I can scroung pics!
June 24 - 25, 2000 - - "4X4 trip! YEAH! the Pics are being Developed as we speek ppls! MAN was that a cool trip some really kick arse off roadn', but was kinda unkind of those bears to prowl around our tend & keep us up all night long... the funny part is you think I'm kidding...
June 18, 2000 - - "Ran in the 24hr Relay! Pics Pending (cuz I ran with my offices Team they got the pics) Darryl & my Girlfiend Andrea also attended with me. Boy did my legs hurt after that!
May 13, 2000 - P2000.5 - "Pipe'sDream" it was a SMASH great fun, unfortunately VERY short on pics I'll be scroungin' fer some
January 29, 2000 - Big Party @ my place! P2000.1 it was webcast! check it out thru this link [Party]
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THE PIE IS RESURECTED, do check out the new & improved Canadian Pie.
If you want to visit a MOST TRIUMPHANT dude, with a kickarse wepage, please click the following to get to CANADIAN ROCKSTAR