TNA News Bytes

TNA News Bytes

August 30, 2007

by Sassy

TNA Ratings

Last week’s iMPACT was again a 1.1 (rounded up from 1.05).  Maybe TNA shouldn’t feel too bad.  The other guys aren’t doing so well these days either.

Kip James Isn’t Feeling the Heat, He is Red Hot!

This from, source Wrestling Observer:  Kip James has previously made no bones about wanting to go back to WWE.  He was very vocal about the big waste known as Pacman and TNA’s neglect in pushing the talent they already have.  Courtesy of TNA Management, Kip has been kept off two weeks of iMPACT tapings.  I know this won’t help Kip's loss of a paycheck, but I am on his side and if he checks the wrestling message boards, he will find I am not the only one.

No Jarrett at Bound For Glory  

The original idea of having Jeff Jarrett face Kurt Angle at Bound For Glory has been nixed and Angle will now face someone else. No word on who nixed the plan or if Jarrett will be present at the pay per view in any capacity. sources:, Wrestling Observer newsletter

The Angle Show

From, Kurt Angle wants TNA to hire Big Vito, formerly of WWE fame. I didn't realize Kurt's contract allowed him to hire new talent.  But, then again, he got his wife on the payroll didn't he?

A New Angle runs weekly polls.  My favorite poll of the week:  Is Kurt Angle being overexposed by TNA?

The results as of this writing:  1,645 total votes.

YES:  86%

NO:    14%

Hint. Hint. Hint.

 TNA Morale Report

Several TNA wrestlers are miffed at having missed out on recent TNA tapings thanks to the Angle family and Pacman Jones.  With morale already at an all time low, why would TNA keep rubbing their talent the wrong way? sources:, Wrestling Observer newsletter

TNA’s Going to Two-Hour Time Slot – Spike TV or FOX?

PWInsider tells us wrestlers have been told by management they will be going to two hours in October but no word yet on whether Spike TV will still have the show or if FOX picked it up.

Rick Steiner Out of Action posts that Rick Steiner will be out of action for some time after being put through a table by Team 3D.  Updates as we get them.

New Blood In

Keelan Balderson reports, source PWInsider, TNA has signed Ring of Honor star Jimmy Rave.   His debut is set for No Surrender on September 10.  TNA hired someone who could wrestle?  I don’t believe it!  I thought that name was familiar so I went looking. is the site of Jimmy Rave’s journal.  He suffered a broken jaw in March.  You can find more information on the new guy at  Check the site out.  Some of our favorite TNA stars have news posted at the Ring of Honor site.

New Match for No Surrender

A Tag Team Gauntlet match has been added.  The new hire, Jimmy Rave, will be teamed with Lance Hoyt.  Source:   We can now stop saying "Lance Who?"

New Backstage Interviewer on Board

Luis Perez posted on that the new backstage interviewer is Crystal Lawthan.  She was previously with the Orlando Magic organization and made her TNA debut at Hard Justice.

No TNA Talent at the Ted Petty Invitational

The Wrestling Observer is reporting TNA has pulled Samoa Joe, Alex Shelley, Chris Sabin and Lo-Ki/Senshi from the event because Ian Rotten owes TNA money. Rotten should contact Jones and see about a loan. Source:  KocoSports Newswire.

Current TNA Events

James Storm will sign autographs at the Time Warner Cable Display at the Science and Industry Building, New York State Fair, Syracuse, NY, on September 2, from 3 PM to 5 PM.

TNA at New York State Fair, Syracuse, NY on September 3.  Information at

Bound for Glory tickets go on sale September 7, Atlanta, GA.

No Surrender is September 9.

TNA house show Zamora Shrine Temple, Birmingham/Rondale, AL October 11.  Tickets go on sale September 10.

TNA Interaction Fanfest will be held October 14.

Bound For Glory, Atlanta, GA, on October 14. 

TNA will be releasing a Christian Cage DVD in October.  See for Instant Classic:  The Best of Christian Cage.

Current TNA Talent Events

Gail Kim will be at the Atlanta Braves vs. New York Mets game on August 31.

Jay Lethal will face Hollywood Joe Hardway in an AWA match on September 1.  Information available at

JAPW match between Samoa Joe & Lo-Ki versus LAX for the JAPW Tag Team title on September 3.  Information at

Pro Wrestling Syndicate, September 7, Garfield, NJ:  Lanny Poffo vs. Jay Lethal, Abyss vs. Steve Mack, Sabu (finally we caught up with him!) vs. Trent Acid, Necro Butcher & Chris Hero vs. Eddie Kingston & Samoa Joe.  More information:

If we have missed any important TNA events or TNA talent events, please contact the Webmaster.

Auction For Autism posted an article regarding the Sadler Foundation Organization.  Friday, September 21, at 10:00 AM, fans will be able to bid to manage their favorite wrestlers!  And money spent will be for a good cause – The Commonwealth Autism Service (

Here is a line up of current talent involved (TNA talent in bold):

WWE Hall of Famer Seargent Slaughter
WWE Legend Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat
WWE Smackdown Color Analyst and Former World Champion JBL
WWE Legend Ron Simmons
D-Lo Brown
Road Warrior Animal
Scott Steiner
Rick Steiner
Dustin Rhodes

Steve Corino
CW Anderson
David Young
Elix Skipper
AJ Styles

Joey Matthews
Kirby Mack
TJ Mack
TNA Knockout Gail Kim
Earl Hebner
Brian Hebner
Bid to Guest Ring Announce a Match!

The auction starts Saturday, September 1.  Don’t miss out!  You can go here: for more information.

Not Necessarily TNA News

Interested in Independent News?

Then this site is a must see:  Tons of information on your favorite Indy stars can be found here.

Rey Mysterio Just Says No

Rey Mysterio appeared on Fox News.  He told the world that he had never used steroids and the only reason his name came up in relation to the Phil Astin case was because of the pain killers he had needed for his many knee surgeries.  Fortunately for Rey and unfortunately for Fox News, the interviewer was unaware that Rey’s name had appeared in another investigation involving a doctor.  I swear I won't be mad at any wrestler who says he has taken steroids but has weighed the risks and decides this is not the way to a better body. It almost sounds as though Rey has taken everything but steroids.

Monday Follow Up Bytes


No news is good news?  We haven’t heard any new reports regarding Konnan’s health since our last issue of Bytes.

Update on Little Nicky’s Accident

Police say speed was a factor in the accident that sent Nick Hogan to the hospital and put his passenger in intensive care.  Nick is out of the hospital.  His passenger, John J. Graziano, age 22 and an Iraqi veteran, is in critical condition and may have brain damage, according to John’s grandmother.  Some rumors say Nick who was driving a Toyota Supra was racing a Dodge Viper prior to the crash. And, Nick has a history of speeding tickets. Sources:  Kyle Faust and PWInsider.  

What bothers me the most is that Nick Hogan was in a form of pro racing.  He full well knew the dangers of street racing.  He may have wanted to risk his own life, but you don't endanger other lives in the process.

Tommy Urbanski Fund

Don’t forget you can donate to the Tommy Urbanski fund by going to the website: or write to Tommy Urbanski Fund, Silver State Bank, 400 Green Valley Parkway, Henderson, NV  89407.

We understand Tommy is back home in Las Vegas,  source  We would like to take this opportunity to wish Tommy and his family all the best.


We found this website while searching for further updated medical information regarding Tommy Urbanksi:  This site is dedicated to the removal of Jones from the Tennessee Titans roster and you can sign a petition to let your voice be heard.

Unrelated to wrestling, I am searching for the same type of site for Michael Vick and any other wrestler who has been involved in human and/or animal cruelty.  If anyone out there has info on sites such as this, please let us know.  We will post the information here.

Previous Bytes

News on Phil Astin alias The Steroid Pusher

The evil Phil Astin’s headline grabbing attorney, Manny Arrora, has requested additional time to go over the 81 pages of material he has been provided in the case.  Said attorney is working to file motions to suppress evidence.  You can read the entire blurb here:

I cannot force myself to use the description “doctor” in any way, shape or form with the aforementioned sleaze.

And The Battle Rages On:  Toffolini vs. Benoit

The families of Chris, Nancy and  Daniel Benoit are in court again with Chris’s father being appointed executor of his estate and Nancy’s mother being appointed the executor of Nancy and Daniel’s estate.  Reported by Andy Stevens, source The good thing is no one can spend any money without the prior approval of the court. The bad thing is it may take several months in court before this is over and the families can begin to heal.












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