here you may share your creative writing, poetry, prose, short stories, etc. here you may read others work, rant about The Rocky Horror Picture Show, enjoy the SPLATTERPUNK genre and pic up a couple of guitar tabs.
here you can meet others with similar intrests through your submitted artwork or writing. this is a safe environment for all peaceful peoples, where fetish is no longer just fantasy and a warm heart is just a key stroke away. welcome to my world, realm, plane of existance, whatever you wish to call it. so mail me you stories, your artwork, your most deep insightful prose, i want TEARS SWEAT AND BLOOD i want life and pain poured into every word or ink mark. hopefully the only thing you've come to trust isn't just an
this is a place where everyones EROTIC NIGHTMARES and their SENSUAL DAYDREAMS are treasured by our faithful readers. ITS A GAS THAT FRANKIE's LANDED!
to submit artwork or creative writing mail me
love, and other such complications, darla devil.
oh yes, and sign my guestbook won't you love?
late night double feature picture show
ie over to my right is where you sign, here is where you view!

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go here these are other pages on this site and good links as well
my trichotillomania support page
my magenta's step by step time warp page
my early prose
chord progs and lyrics
RHPS stuffs
more of my early prose
splatterpunk work by christa faust
my rhps in md! auditions and info on the newest group of unconventional conventionalists! page
my floor show guitar chord progs page
seth camm's page about his amazing journey
jesse's plane of existence
Poppy Z. Brite, Christa Faust official website
good good email accounts for free which is the only way for anything to be!!!