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Kinki Kid's Album

I love Kinki Kids' song so much that I almost have all their albums and singles. And I would like to share it with all of you.*Once I got their latest album, I'll put it here!! However, since I'm not living in Japan, so it's much harder for me to buy everyone of their singles. So if I don't have some of their latest singles up here, please forgive me. ^__^

E album

Their new album, which was released on July 25, 2001 was pretty good. I am really sad because I haven't buy it yet. I will go buy that album really soon. I can't believe I didn't notice they released a new album, however, I do know that they released a brand new single. "Hey! Min na gen ki ka i?" (This single is after their E album. ) Keep coming back for the latest info!

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Kinki Single Selection

This is a must buy for Kinki Kids fans, especially for those who didn't collect their singles. Here is a good and easy way to do it. The songs are great and I highly recommand to everyone.

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D album

This is their latest album, which was released in Nov. 21, 2000. I was so stupid this time, I realized they released the D album one week after they released. Which means the first edition version of this CD is sold out already. I regreted soooo much and I went to so many places to find the first edition, but I couldn't. Sigh. >__< Anyway, so I bought the normal version instead. This time, the first edition has over 48 pages of extra photos and it is even in different cover. Next time when their E Album release, I must buy it on the first day.

Recommend: Kinki Kids Forever, December (by tsuyoshi), track #3 &12 (Sorry, I don't know how to translate these two) Ranking: ****

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C album

When they first released this album, I was in Japan, so I got to buy their special first edition version of the C Album. (yeah!) In the first edition, there are extra photos and a small yello bag with their names on it. It is sooo nice. They only release a limited amount of this first edition, the rest will be normal version. Ha! I was so lucky.

Recommend: Flower
Ranking: ***1/2

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B album

This is their seond album, overall, this is a very good album. Once again, their fast/quick bit songs are outstanding. But the slow songs are really good too!

Recommend: Suppli Girl, Konomama Tewotsunaide
Ranking: ****

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A album

Their first album is "A album" There's 10 songs plus 5 bonus track. *It was released in July 28th,1997* and had sold up to 1.2 millions

Recommend: Friends, Rock Ranking:****

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1st Single

This is their first single which was released in July 21st, 1997.

It had sold up to 2 millions copies. They become famous because of this song.

2nd Single

Their second single was released in Nov. 12, 1997 and had sold up to 1.3 millions copies.

3rd Single

Their third single is one of my favorite one. It released on April 22, 1998

4th Single

Released on 1998, sorry I forgot the exact date.This is their 4th single and don't be surprise if you think that this cover is not the one you see in the store because they published in different place, so the cover might be different.

5th Single

Released on Dec. 9,1998

6th Single

Released on Feb. 24, 1999

7th Single

Released on May 26, 1999

8th Single

Released on Oct. 6, 1999

9th Single

Released on March 8, 2000

10th Single

Released on June 21, 2000

11th Single

Released on Feb. 7, 2001

12th Single

Released on May 23, 2001

13th Single

Released on Nov. 14, 2001