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Did you know...

  • Takuya is currently filming a new drama, this drama, unlike the rest of the modern drama, is a Japanese ancient drama.
  • Takuya is MARRIED!
  • Takuya has a daughter which is less than one year old.

  • Both of Takuya's drama "Heroes" and "Beautiful Life" has the highest rating among all other dramas.
  • Takuya's drama always garantee to have the highest rating.
  • The latest Japanese survey had shown that Takuya has
    been voted for the "Ideal Father 99"
Takuya thinks that;
||Nakai= very professional || Katori= romantic artist ||
||Inagaki= gentle || Kusanagi= good temper||

  • Takuya is the cutest in the whole world
  • He has a restaurant called La Bonita
  • He wants to sing solo

  • He doesn't want to stay in Johnny's Company
  • SMAP means Sport Music Assemble People