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-Screen Shots


My News

May 20/99

Today I just changed some of the fonts and added in a title for the screen shots page. I will have some screen shots up by the end of the week, that is tommorow or on Saturday. Still making 3D drawings of my units. Hope to show some soon.

May 13/99

This page is still under construction and the links will be filled in as soon as possible. The art page consists of a drawing I did in "Corel Photo Paint", that is why the drawing isn't all to grand. I hope to scan some pictures that I have drew in art class and place them in it. This is the first message about this page that I have placed on because I was thinking on what it would look like and what units I woul put on it. I have a unit that I'm working on right now and hope to show you what it looks like in a few days. The unit is going to be made for the Fire kingdom and will be a part human part dragon warrior. This page is best viewed at 1024-768.