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Virtual Enlightment

British Columbian and other Artists

Carolyn R. Ibis
Online Art Agent
1509 Edmonton St.
Prince George, BC V2M 1X5

Hi there! My name is Carolyn Ibis, and this is my online art gallery featuring art of artists that I represent.

I will be particulary trying to gather a group of local artists from Northern British Columbia (Monique Germaine is the first) onto these pages so that their works can be seen worldwide.

Got any questions? Feel free to email me.

Attention! I am looking for artists who would like to have their art shown on the world wide web.

No Monthly Fees!

For more information, email me.

Painters that I represent:

Anneke Wills-United Kingdom
Monique Germaine -Prince George, BC, Canada

Virtual Enlightment gallery pages created by and is the personal property of Carolyn Ibis and the artists that she represents.
Do not 'borrow' the pages or any of the images shown without permission.
Webmaster/Art Agent:Carolyn Ibis