Heather & Michelle's
Voyager Fan Fiction
Relationship Pairing: Doctor/Seven; very light Janeway/Chakotay
Author: Heather
Synopsis: Inspired by a challenge from Vell. Seven and the Doctor are trapped in the Holodeck for several hours and the Doctor's lost his memory!
Rating: PG
Synopsis:Seven tries to forget about what happened on the Holodeck, to no avail. The Doctor is caught in a compromising situation! The Captain has some fun....
Rating: PG for some implied Doctor nudity!!!
Author: Heather
Seven is fleeing from the Doctor and her feelings. Have things gone too far??
Rating: PG
Relationship Pairing: Doctor/Seven
Author: Heather
Synopsis:Seven decides that it’s time for her to leave Voyager.
Inspired by a song fiction challenge by Lorre.
Based on the Album “No Angel”, by Dido - Copyright 1999 Arista Records
Rating: PG
Relationship Pairing: Doctor/Seven
Author: Michelle
Seven is deeply affected by reocurring dreams involving The Doctor.
Song Fiction based on & inspired by "Talk On Corners" by The Corrs
(Copyright 1997 & 1998 Atlantic Recording Corporation)
For full lyrics, please Click Here.
Rating: PG
The Joke War
Relationship Pairing: Doctor/Seven
Author: Michelle
Synopsis: Tom inadvertantly begins a practical joke craze aboard Voyager.
Rating: PG
Synopsis: The Doctor is the victim of a crazy prank. Tom hatches a scheme and involves Harry and B'Elanna.
Rating: PG
The Doctor's secret is revealed. Tom tries to help out by tinkering with the program.
Rating: PG
Neelix gets in on the joke playing fun by tormenting Voyager's Chief of Security. Tom tries to convince The Doctor to confront Seven with his feelings.
Rating: PG
Neelix plans another of his infamous talent shows. Tom suggests The Doctor try a different approach. Seven of Nine consults the captain for advice.
Janeway goes to sickbay for a checkup. Seven grows restless on her date. Claire Jenkins is overjoyed when The Doctor makes a date with her on the holodeck.
The Doctor reveals why he summoned Ensign Jenkins to the holodeck. Harry sees a familiar face and goes through some unsettling experiences. Proximity provokes passions as the talent show begins.
The Doctor and Claire Jenkins perform their duet while Seven tries unsuccessfully to hide her jealousy. Captain Janeway blows up at Tom after a misunderstanding.
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Relationship Pairing: Doctor/Seven
Author: Special Guest Author - Kevin
Seven tries out a program on the holodeck with surprising results...
Rating: PG
Want to learn more about the much talked about Ensign Jenkins? Click Here!

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