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Welcome to the Burnaby Wranglers homepage.

International semi-pro football comes to Swangard Stadium in Burnaby
as the Burnaby Wranglers take on teams from the
Northwest Football League and the Oregon Football League
in the Pacific Football Association Challange Cup.
This tournament promises to give fans the most exciting football action
that you will ever see.
Four downs and eleven men on a Canadian field!
The Wrangler motto is "American football...Canadian attitude" and we take that sentiment seriously.

The Pacific Football Association Challange Cup

at Swangard Stadium in Burnaby, September 2001.

Schedules and ticket information will be posted here soon.

The Wranglers are accepting resumes for players with Junior, College or Professional experience to carry the Burnaby banner.
Players interested in becoming part of our program
should mail their resume to:

Gary Ritchie,
Burnaby Wranglers Football Club,
P.O. Box 100,
7350 Curtis Street,
Burnaby, B.C., Canada,
V5A 1K4

or contact us via e-mail.

Hey Kids!
Join the Burnaby Junior Wranglers Flag Football League.
Open to boys and girls between the ages of 8 and 13, we will teach the fundamentals of the game and play a short season of flag football in the summer of 2001.
Registered players will receive football instruction from Wrangler players and coaches, a Junior Wrangler game jersey and tickets to a Burnaby Wrangler game.
For more information about the Junior Wrangler program, visit the
Burnaby Junior Wranglers website or contact the Wranglers by e-mail or snail mail.
Here's your chance to join the Burnaby Wranglers Fan Club. Members receive a cool Wranglers t-shirt, a Wranglers cap, the Wranglers newsletter and a membership card which enables you get discount tickets to all Wranglers games. And it's absolutely free! Just snail mail or e-mail your name, address, age and shirt size, and tell us between 25 and 100 words why you want to be a Wranglers fan. It's that easy.

Wrangler Girl posters are coming soon.

Wrangler Girls posters and calendars
are coming soon.
Individual and group photos of the hottest
Dance Team in sports is just a click away.

Are you interested in booking
the Wrangler Girls to promote your next event?
It's easy and effective.

To access the Wrangler Girls website,
simply click on the Wrangler Girls link
at the bottom of this page.

The Burnaby Wranglers Message Board is now available to football fans interested
in commenting on the team, the logo or to leave a message for the
Wrangler Girls Dance Team. To access the message board, click on the message board link at the bottom of this page and let us know what's on your mind.

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Burnaby Wranglers Message Board
Wrangler Girls Dance Team
Burnaby Junior Wranglers Flag Football League
Pacific Football Association
Northwest Football League
Oregon Football League
