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The story of us

There's this teen drama series

I willed my self never to miss

To the TV I stay glued

Never moving my eyes away from the tube

There is something about it

that for me it's a hit

Is it the cute lead actor?

or perhaps the witty lead actress?

nope... it's not

but now I think I know what

because out of nowhere it hit me

the story is simply one about you and me.


I have traveled the world from east to west

Joined expedition groups for some great conquests

I have witnessed events meant to be in history

Met famous people and heard how they came to be

I have been told of great love stories

and been a part in solving mysteries

I met kids and adults alike

who bacame my friends for life

All these I have experienced like never before

through the pages of various books

I truly love to explore

Dark Past


... they haunt me everday


... makes me feel unsafe


... nobody must know but me


... will set me free


... everything must be perfect, never too late

or too early


... is what I want and hope to find...

If you were mine

If you were mine...

I'd let you feel my love

a feeling that i have been keeping

If you were mine...

I'd make you happy

for the rest of my being

If you were mine...

yes if only you were mine

for the keeping...

cheryl esteban

Today, tonight.

Today, tonight, I'll call your name out a thousand times,

I'll scream you name out 'till you come,

The whole world will know who you are,

Rain will stop, ocean will rise,

I'll die in your arms a thousand times,

You will regret for the rest of your life,

That you did not get a taste of my love,

When I'll get to heaven I will ask god,

Copyright by Alex Evdokimov 2000

What did I do wrong not to earn your love,

How is that so that after all those years,

I ended up with my face in the mud.


I love you more than life, can't you see,

How come you don't care about me,

Months have passed since I saw you,

Nothing can heal the wound left by you,

Scar left by you will never disappear,

For me you will never drop a tear,

Life will not be the same for me now,

Don't you see you've let me down,

I was hoping I would spend my life with you,

I was making plans for me and you,

You will now forget me, never,

You'll think about me, but

What you don't know, is that

You will be in my heart forever.

Copyright by Alex Evdokimov, March 2000

A Friend

Today is the day I will say Goodbye,

Times have changed but we still will laugh and cry.

We remember when we were both in love,

And how we cherished them like a dove.

Know is the time when you move on to a new life and we have to say Goodbye,

We had a great friendship together now we have to move on and give are new life a try.

So when you are in your new life with new friends just pick up the phone to call and say hi,

Just dont let are friendship die

So goodbye my dear friend have fun in the future.


















by Candice Kiser


Dedicated to Sylvia Plath

they come in pairs

by the dozens

sometimes in clusters

of two or three

they are the blank people

the dull grey-eyed menaces

the archangels of impending doom

they are bank presidents, schoolteachers

people at check out counters, 7-11 workers

the bitch who takes your order at Taco Bell

they come in all sizes and shapes, clever aliens

that they are, on the outside

they look like old ladies, paupers, princes


with flaxen bangs and leisure suits

as if a suit needs to relax

fat girls with cruel eyes

thin girls with no tits

boys with sticky hands and ageless things

wearing printed dresses and mutant hairstyles

out of Vogue or Cosmopolitan

we pass them on the streets

streets full of rock n roll cliches

and hippies on heroin and lovebeads

we stand in line with them, these creatures

even shake their hands as we make deals

they sell us our cars, computers

television sets and houses with secret windows

I know your one of them, the blankfaces

feeding off the human race

stretching your invisible tendrils out and

suck, suck, sucking our life s energy

while we pay for gas and pump

they love that fluid in the spine, you know

so we pop pills, drink liquid prozac

and pretend we are insane

so they can live on

these evil soulless creatures

if only we d put on our 3-D classes

and kill them with laser guns

those demons, angels, dino-borgs

from Planet Quazaar

Satan owns the shopping malls now

when you press star 69 you give your

soul to the devil

science has a solution for everything

but a cure for the living dead

please smile at me, you beg of them

just brush your sleeve against mine

push me on the ground or at least give

me a dirty look, acknowledge my existence

but they won t, they give you that pale death

grimace that sends you spiralling into oblivion.

My Catholic Confession

I get all my affection from machines

these days, they don t hurt you, they don t love you

they only obey you (the perfect relationship)

The God of Simplicity is angry now

she breaks her twig arms, leaf legs

and gazes her flower eyes upon me

as circuits overrun her

Sylvia is laughing in her grave now

or perhaps somewhere in Purgatory

with James Dean and Marilyn Monroe

smoking cigars.

Danny GOnzlaes

The Wolf

In the gloominess of the night,

While everything is still,

Something moves without any light,

Along the lonely hill.

Through the darkness and erieness,

It wanders among the shadows.

Creeping through the lonliness,

And through the desserted medows.

Weak and weary it lays to rest,

Among the shrubs and bushes.

Til the next night it is the best,

But now it lays and hushes.

Mike Voran


Standing on the sidewalk in the rain,

I m waiting on you to help me once again,

Like you would always do whenever I needed a friend.

I could always count on you.

Now, looking down at you I know,

It wasn t meant for you to go.

Your eyes are closed, forever hiding your tears,

Yet I can hear you crying when no one else hears.

I remember someone saying that life moves on.

But what about you? Your life is gone.

Everyone says goodbye, leaving flowers and tears around you.

Was I the only one leaving a part of myself there too?

As long as I live, you will never be alone.

When the rain is falling down,

When the snow covers the ground,

Your stone will shine through.

I will remember you.

copyright 1994, Brian Crist

Brian Douglas Crist


To go ahead and throw away

my emotions, like a no good

bag of weed.

You take pleasure out of my pain

a stampeed of thorns trample me

over, every thorn piercing my

body like a cut of a thousand


To take away the mask that hides

the true beauty, is like taking

the blind fold off my eyes, and

revailing the truth.

I slack behind, careless as I breathe,

my fingers drag along the ground of

which my pace would be mocked by snails.

To which I do not know I dont care to be

judged. To which I stand your negative

vibes disappear like sand in the hour glass

upon which your life depands on.

Its not who?, its not where?, its why?.

It is for shame that plucks us out and does

us wrong.

Do you know of the truth?, does anybody know

of the truth?!. To deepen the anger is like

feeding the fire, which builds a cloud of

frustration all about you and me.

Tracy-Ann Bennsion


Whenever I think of you,

a smile comes to my face.

Whenever I am angry,

it s you that takes its place.

Whenever I walk around,

I want you to be there.

I just want you to know,

it s for you that I care.

I don t know what to tell you.

I don t know what to say.

I just wonder,

Do you feel the same for me?

You walk bye, I try to wave.

I see you smile, that moment I ll save.

How do you do it, you ve got my control?

I have to tell you, how do I let you know?

As old Shakepeare wrote, To be or not to be?

This is how I must ask, Will you be with me?

Will Riggs

Adorning Eyes

The exquisite beauty unfolds

Before adorning eyes

The dawn comes daily but largely unrecognized

As to what the near future holds

Will soon be history

Written in a book

And not long a mystery

As a Rose blooms but once

It's grandeur short

And somehow doomed

Fresh bright and clean

Somehow it seems a shame

When beauty is never seen

C. Pylate Price

Copyright 2000


Again dont use or i'll sue (cause my dads a lawyer and a good one at that!!!)

Lucky few.

Its okay i'm going now,

its time to take my leave.

Soon my name will be forgotton,

my lifeless body defaced,


My mind of individuality,

will strive and thrive,

be set free.

To take a chance,

a final breath,

a grasp of dignity,

We are the lucky few.

To heave and sigh,

for the last time,

to utter are last words in mime,

We are the lucky few,


Anna Hews

ok this is soley the property of Anna Hews if used i will sue (cause me dads a lawyer!!!)

The Birth.

We followed a star,

and here we are,




This is what we need bleed the pain away,

Emotions cut by a blade,

the red necks fade.

Anna Hews


I wonder if Che Guevera ever felt this sort of loneliness

or did the Revolution always fill up his soul s desire?

Did he know or did he even acknowledge the humanness of ache

not the paramount forms of the illusive "human condition,"

but the dearly personal questioning ache?

In 1965 he wrote his children a farewell note and asked that they

grow to be "good revolutionaries."

Good revolutionaries who are fatherless in a country of Fidel s folk hero, martyred.

I think about this, thirty years later. I read the writings, I stare at the sepiatone pictures.

Am I seeking answers in his cigar smiles?

In the sober unmasked candids, I see only a man.

An exalted man.

I wonder if Camilo ever heard different? Cold, hungry, tired, far from home, talk of the revolution, Castro, the action in the Madras did it turn to home, friends, women?

Did Guevera miss this friend as I miss mine? Would he have admitted as much as I do in these lines?

Yeah, I wonder if Che Guevera ever felt this sort of loneliness.

November 1999

Jennifer I. Garrison

A Friend I Thought I Knew

I met a person, who soon became my friend,

She was cool and I hoped our friendship would never end.

We'd talk a bunch and share our laughs too,

I thought she was great, I thought she was true.

It has been almost three years since I have known her,

She became a best friend of mine that I'd consider.

However, I'm now having second thoughts about our friendship,

I'd ask her curious questions and every time, she'd flip.

Last year, she liked a boy and they soon went out,

People say they look related without a doubt.

They had a few good times, mostly bad,

He'd verbally abuse her, which was very sad.

So then she dumped him and put this relationship to an end,

Instead of being her boyfriend, she allowed him to be just a friend.

Although, they hung out very much the following year,

They might go out again, a fact I fear.

If they do, it would be a dumb decision she'd make,

But she tells me she doesn't like him anymore, thus I found fake.

Among all my friends, she's the only one I try to figure out,

I don't understand her sometimes; I wonder what she's really about.

As time passes by, our friendship tends to grow apart,

I thought I truly knew her ever since the start.

I gave her a letter of most of my thoughts relating to her,

It seems she's afraid to talk about it, a thought I find very sure.

The letter wasn't so good as I would recall,

Because I think she has been lying to me after all.

Then I figured it out; everything in the letter is likely to be true,

She was a good friend, a friend I thought I knew.

I feel hurt and I don't want to speak to her again,

I don't think she's been honest to me, neither a true friend.

aka "Naz" or "Slacker"

Blue Reincarnation

Narcissus, oil painting by Jaisini

By Yustas Kotz-Gottlieb:

The theme of Narcissus in Jaisini's "Blue..." may be paralleled with the problem of the two-sexes-in-one, unable to reproduce and, therefore, destined to the Narcissus-like end.

Meanwhile, the Narcissus legend lasts.

In the myth of Narcissus a youth gazes into the pool. As the story goes, Narcissus came to the spring or the pool and when his form was seen by him in the water, he drowned among the water-nymphs because he desired to make love to his own image.

Maybe the new Narcissus, as in "Blue Reincarnation," is destined to survive by simply changing his role from a passive man to an aggressive woman and so on. To this can be added that, eventually, a man creates a woman whom he loves out of himself or a woman creates a man and loves her own image but in the male form.

The theme of narcissism recreates the 'lost object of desire.' "Blue" also raises the problem of conflating ideal actual and the issue of the feminine manhood and masculine femininity. There is another story about Narcissus' fall which said that he had a twin sister and they were exactly alike in appearance. Narcissus fell in love with his sister and, when the girl died, would go to the spring finding some relief for his love in imagining that he saw not his own reflection but the likeness of his sister.

"Blue" creates a remarkable and complex psychopathology of the lost, the desired, and the imagined. Instead of the self, Narcissus loves and becomes a heterogeneous sublimation of the self.

Unlike the Roman paintings of Narcissus which show him alone with his reflection by the pool, the key dynamic in Jaisini's "Blue" is the circulation of the legend that does not end and is reincarnated in transformation when autoeroticism is not permanent and is not single by definition.

In "Blue," we risk being lost in the double reflection of a mirror and never being able to define on which side of the mirror Narcissus is. The picture's color is not a true color of spring water. This kind of color is a perception of a deep seated human belief in the concept of eternity, the rich saturated cobalt blue. The ultrahot, hyperreal red color of the figure of Narcissus is not supposed to be balanced in the milieu of the radical blue. Jaisini realizes the harmony in the most exotic color combination.

While looking at "Blue," we can recall the spectacular color of night sky deranged by a vision of some fierce fire ball. The disturbance of colors create some powerful and awe-inspiring beauty.

In the picture's background, we find the animals' silhouettes which could be a memory reflection or dream fragments. In the story, Narcissus has been hunting - an activity that was itself a figure for sexual desire in antiquity. Captivated by his own beauty, the hunter sheds a radiance that, one presumes, reflects to haunt and foster his desire. The flaming color of the picture's Narcissus alludes to the erotic implications of the story and its unresolved problem of the one who desires himself and is trapped in the erotic delirium.

The concept can be applied to an ontological difference between the artist's imitations and their objects. In effect, Jaisini's Narcissus could epitomize artistic aspiration to control levels of reality and imagination, to align the competition of art and life, of image with imaginable prototype.

Jaisini's "Blue" is a unique work that adjoins reflection to reality without any instrumentality. "Blue" is a single composition that depicts the reality and its immediate reflection. Jaisini builds the dynamics of desire between Narcissus and his reflection-of-the-opposite by giving him the signs of both sexes,but not for the purpose of creating a hermaphrodite.

The case of multiple deceptions in "Blue" seems to be vital to the cycle of desire. Somehow it reminds one of the fate of the artists and their desperate attempts to evoke and invent the nonexistent.

"Blue" is a completely alien picture to Jaisini's "Reincarnation" series. The pictures of this series are painted on a plain ground of canvas that produces the effect of free space filled with air. "Blue," to the contrary, is reminiscencent of an underwater lack of air; the symbolism of this picture's texture and color contributes to the mirage of reincarnation.

"Blue Reincarnation" (Oil painting) by Paul Jaisini,

New York 2000, Text Copyright: Yustas Kotz-Gottlieb


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My Best Friend Died Today

My best friend died today

Now I don't know what to do

I don't know if I should be angry

Or depressed and feeling blue.

My best friend died today

And now I'm starting to cry

Why couldn't it have been me?

Cause now I want to die.

My best friend died today

I really miss him a lot

Going on living without him

Is something that I cannot.

My best friend died today

I didn't even get to say goodbye

So now the only way to talk to him

Is for me, too, to die.

My best friend died today

And now I want to die, too.

Now that he's gone forever

There's nothing else left for me to do.

My best friend died today

And pretty soon so will I

Because I can't go on living without him

I don't think I could even try.

My best friend died today

There will be no more laughs or fun

I really don't understand why

That guy shot him with that gun.

My best friend died today

I really wish it was me

Because I really can't live without him

Now I'm gonna kill myself, you see?

My best friend died today

And now, so did I

Now we can be together

And that's why I wanted to die.

I got to see my best friend today

I had so much fun

Now forever is just beginning

Even though our lives our done.

by: Stephanie MacDonald


There was a girl named Annie and a boy named Daniel.They were both 14 years old and liked each other.Annie liked Daniel very much that one day,she told him about that and he just rejected her love just like that.He loved her too, but he was afraid of commitment and he just wanted to be single without any serious relationships.Besides,he was like the most famous boy in the school and Annie was just an ordinary girl.He would be so embarrassed if Annie became his girlfriend.Annie felt so sad.She never thought that Daniel would treat her bad like that.But being as calm as she could,she just smiled and left without a word.

After that,she kept avoiding him.Daniel felt so bad,but he didn't do anything.He just watched Annie from the distance.About a week later,there was an assembly and the headmaster told the students that Annie has met an accident two hours ago.

Daniel was so shocked that he ran out of the school and went straight to her house.He rushed into a room and when everybody in the room went out,he could see a body on a bed of white was Annie and Daniel walked to her slowly.Then he kissed Annie's cheek for the first time....and for the last.A few minutes later,the people came back to carry Annie to the graveyard and Daniel followed them.On the graveyard,people cried and sobbed.Daniel just watched the sadness and when everyone has went home, he went closely to the grave.He benned his knees and touched the grave and for the first time,he cried for a girl......for a girl who he loved the most.In the twilight,he cried with the cold November rain beating down.....

Since then,he kept visiting Annie's grave at least once a week and he would talk alone.His family understood....maybe he still can't resist the fact that she's gone.But when he talked alone in his room,his family was getting worried.He always whispered like there was somebody with him and he would laugh like there were really funny jokes.His family decided to take him to the place where people like him belong to.Daniel heard about it,but he just grinned while tears coming down his cheek.He's not insane,he just...missed Annie,he thought.But he knew he can't do anything and so he agreed in silent with his family's suggestion.The night before he was supposed to be taken away,he was sleeping when suddenly a light came up and he woke up to see there was Annie in front of him....she was wearing all white and her face looks calm and innocent and she looks so....beautiful like an angel..... "Annie?.....Is it you?",Daniel asked.

"Yes,I am,Daniel...and I'm here to save you"

"Save me from what?"

"From your worst enemy,yourself"

"I...I...I don't understand"

"Daniel,they are taking you away.This is not what you want,Daniel"

"I just missed you Annie.I need to tell you that I love you deeply"

"You don't have to tell me that.I already know it before you...before you pushed my love aside"

"I'm sorry,Annie.Now I realized how much I love you and please,I want you to stay"

"I can't stay,but I'll be beside you always"

"But I..."

"There's nothing I could do,Daniel.Be strong and prove to the people that you're still you.Please,Daniel....don't break my heart once again..."

"Annie....well then,if that's what you want..."

"That's what we both want"

"Yes,Annie.I promise I'll go on.For our love sake,I'll go on"

"Daniel,I can't be long....I need to go now.But believe me,in no matter situation you're facing with,I'll be beside you and I'll support you right beside you"

"Annie,please don't go"

"I don't want to,but I have to.Please understand.And Daniel,listen to me carefully for this would be the last time you heard it from me.....I love you,Daniel"

"I love you too!"

And Annie's angel left with a wonderful fragrance and an amazing light.Daniel just smiled with a new hope of life in his heart......

10 years later......

Daniel was a successful businessman and all people around him glad that he was fine and happy.One windy morning,he visited Annie's grave for god-knows-how-many times.He talked about the latest events that happened around him and he stayed for hours.He was talking about his job when there was suddenly a woman in front of him.He looked up and he was shocked.

"Annie?",he asked.

"I don't blame you.My face is like my sister,isn't it?"

"Your sister?You mean,you're..." She sighed,"Yup,Annie was and she is still my older sister"

"Ah,I thought you were her at first"

"You're not the first.Oh yeah,I'm Rose....20 years old and still single"

"I'm Daniel.....24 years old and guess what,I'm still single too"

And from the incident,they got closer and Daniel really liked her.Mostly because she reminded him of Annie and maybe that's why they married a year later.They got two daughters who look like Rose (and Annie) and two sons who look like Daniel himself.

50 years later......

Time went by so quickly and they got three handsome grandsons who were 17,19 and 21 years old.Althought Daniel was really happy with his life,he haven't forgotten Annie although when he looked at her pictures,she reminded him of a granddaughter since her latest pictures were taken when she was 14,but his love was still the same and he still visited her grave and talked about his life.

During a twilight,Daniel came to the graveyard with his three grandsons and he was like ignoring everything and just talked beside the grave as it was like talking to a person....Annie to be exact.His grandsons just stood near him.They have been watching their grandfather doing that for years and they completely understood including Rose.She knew that Daniel could never forgot her sister and even Rose looks like her,she could never be Annie.In the graveyard,one of his grandsons asked Daniel softly.

"Grandpa,who's that girl?"

"She was the prettiest girl I've ever known and she was still beautiful on the day she died,on the day I saw her cold body on that soft bed of white roses.She really loved white roses and she was as beautiful as the flowers.She was the kindest,the nicest and yet,the sweetest person I've ever met",and he took his breath and continued,"She was too perfect that no one would be lucky enough to have her.Maybe that's why the God took her away so soon...because no one deserves her.Thousands of boys could never reach her,then how could I be the one...."

"Do you love her?",asked another grandson.

"Yes,I do.I do love her and nothing would change the fact"

"Even Grandma?",asked another one.

"Yes,I'm afraid even your grandmother could never replaced her,but I love Rose as well.It's just that my love to her is not like to Annie.Sometimes I think I love Annie more than I love myself.She could be mine,but I was very stupid.But she already knows that I love her since the day I pushed her love away.She knows it and now,she's beside me watching me and I'm sure she's smiling happily right this moment"

Then the old Daniel put his head on the grave and his grandsons could see his tears....his last tears and the November rain started to beat down.He whispered his last words,"Nothing lasts forever,even cold November rain...".It took a while before they realized that their loving Grandpa was gone.They cried resisting that true love is the strongest......And now,his grave is just right beside Annie's.Although they both have died,but they were together since Annie's gone and they are still together until this moment.

The Author:Izni (

-humpty dumpty-

humpty dumpty sat on a wall.

humpty dumpty had a great fall.

...i pushed him.

philip e.


my acts of happines is only a mask to hide my hatred that fills my body and paints my soul black.

philip e.



the things i will never be.

philip e.


please, leave me alone.

i hate you right now.

i do not wish to listen your voice.

nor do i wish to see your face.

please leave.

and shut the door behind you.

let me rot in peace.

i hate you right now.


philip e.


wouldn't it be great

if i were a superhero?

if i had super powers?

if i was someone special?

wouldn't it be great

if i could protect the innocent

from the common villians

that plaque the world?

wouln't it be great

if i could be philip in the morning

and a superman in the evening-

and nobody knew?

wouldn't it be great

if i wore revealing tights

and drove the women wild?

wouldn't it be great

if i had the strength of ten men?

or i was made of steel?

or i could read minds?

wouldn't all this be great?

...if only it were true.

i am not a superhero.

i do not have super powers.

i am nothing special.

i am just a bag

of brittle bones wrapped in rice-paper flesh

free falling toward mother earth.


a boy who thinks he is invincible.

a boy who believes he can fly...

philip e.

"Cruel World"

This cruel world keeps callin my name

Cruel world, you drivin me insane

I try to abstain nothin seems to work

I'm just lookin for hapiness all I find is hurt

I can't find my direction, can't seem to choose a path

Is this God's wrath taken out on my ass?

Was it something I might have done in a past life?

Was it something I might have done last night?

I'm not a bad man, bad things seem to haunt me

These demons in my face always tryin to taunt me

I don't know why I give in to wicked ways

I just hope this doesn't haunt me for the rest of my days


Cruel world, just leave me alone

I'm sick of doin your dirt, I'm stayin at home

Cruel world, stop fuckin with my mind

You claim to get me ahead, yet you drag me behind

Cruel world, don't ask me for shit

You never did shit for me, suck my dick


I try every day to forget my past

I try to move ahead, but that don't last

I dig myself deeper into the hole I've grown to hate

I smoke a little reefer to ease the pain I create

To live is to suffer like it or not

I'm livin too fast, I'm ready to rot

As the cruel world calls me back for one last session

I grab my fuckin gat to make my impression

With one squeeze of the trigga

I show this world who's bigga

No more fuckin with me cuz I'm out nigga

Brandon Blair


croaks the toad. splashes the commode. lever and flush. oneness.


He married for her hole. -animal husbandry

She married for the ring. -mineral husbandry

Now, the cucumber reigns in the night. -vegetable husbandry

-Water Casad

A Song Lyric:


After all that we've been through you want to leave me alone.You said that you were sorry , but you while we were dating you said that you had all ready found some body new.I felt bad about it but I left you off the hook.I heard you said bad things about me.

Shawanda Monique BARNES

Golden Sister

This is for a sister who can write a poem about me and you. She'll write about the tears we cry when someone we love has died, and she knows just what thats like because she lost her spouse one night. Anyone who comes her way knows they have a friend to stay. Her love comes from the heart, she'll never judge you for who you are.

She was there one winters day when I came home from school to play. Two days shy of one week old, I have a little sister I was told. God must have heard my prayers at night because thats what I wanted in my life.

Her skin the color of gold, mine the color of falling snow. I held her so tight and promised to love her with all my might. An angel sits on her shoulder I hope its there as she get older.

A Hallmark card this may not be but I really have the need to tell the girl with skin of color I couldn't love her more if we came from the same mother.

I know what you must be thinking but this has a double meaning when I say I love you soul sister.

Jo-Ann Miller Bamond


Sometimes Magic

Not mere ink prints on paper

To dissolve into the air like vapor

A strong combination of words, wisdom and rhyme

Can withstand the test of time

And when you hang it on the wall

It might even save you from a fall

For events in life are often tragic

Strength from words are sometimes magic

C. Pylate Price

Copyright 2000

The Shrine 

The old wrecked and rusty truck in the back pasture

Mostly consumed by tall weeds

Slowly degenerating with time

One hundred years in the future

Parts of it will still remain

But none will remember the name

Of the owner that was killed

That night of the big race

Way back in Nineteen sixty three

The right front tire blew out

And he swerved and hit a tree

Smashing the bones of his body and face

An eye sore to neighbors and sometimes they whine

But to the boys mother it's more like a shrine

C. Pylate Price

Copyright 2000

Most Magical Moment

It was a warm day,sometime in june. My friend Josh, and I were going to this party. It was miles away , so we took my dad's BMW. It took two hours but finally we arrived.Josh and I looked at the house in amazment. It was four stories high. at least a half an acre long and wide. I ran over and pushed the doorbell. Nick Trasatti came and opened up the door. "Come in guys, come in!" he yelled. Josh and I walked in. I saw everybody there. Danielle, Steve, Jacki, Melissa, Both Stephs,both A.JS,Chad Travis,Mitch, and the girl i admired most, Katharine. She looked stunning.

Everyone was dancing, to loud music, and guys were flirting with girls. It was crazy! I talked with Danielle, and Steve. "Hows your love lives going?" I asked.

Danielle answered "good...I guess." Steve looked at Danielle

"would you like to dance?" Steve said with a grin on his face.

I have never seen Steve without a grin.

Josh and Nick were spitting in the punch and people drank it not knowing.

I walked over to them and said "Come on guys, don't you ever give your jokes up?" they both looked at me and said "No, because its fun."

Josh looked to his left seeing Gabby. He bumped Nick's shoulder and said " Hey look theres Gabby, maybe i should go kiss her, hehe." But Evan came and hugged her.

Josh's grin went to a frown. " Josh, what I tell you, you just never listen." I said.

I walked over to Nick, and he was about to say something before the doorbell rang. "I'll get it!" he said.

To my attention, three girls walked in.

" Oh my God, is that Britney Spears!?" Josh yelled. I looked at there faces. " Yeah but three of them." I said. all three of them looked like her. They must be triplets.

I saw Bill Craft sitting down over near a table with Mitch and Anthony. They had spit ball guns, shooting people and the three Britneys walked over to them.(you could only guess what happened)

Through the day turning to night, I saw Boy after boy asking Katharine to dance but she refused. I thought to myself, this is my only chance to ask her to dance, go for it, go for it.

I gotta out of my seat and walked over to her, but before I reached her ,the d.j said "This is the last song of the party people,its a couple dance."

I ran to her and said " Katharine, com'on, dance with me. I never see you, and i just wanna do this before I loose my chance."

Katharine looked at me, "ok,but don't tell everyone you did, ok?"

I smiled "Katharine my lips are sealed."

She stood up and walked to the crowd with me as a slow song played. She put her arms around my neck and my arms to her waste. We rocked back and forth, as everyone else did.

"Katharine...." I wispered to her ear." I need you, I know why im depressed all the time." I said so quietly.

"Why are you?" she asked. I bent closer, " Because I don't have you..." I said.

The lights were dark, just little white dots moving slowly across the celing. The most beautiful sight.

I brought my head back and my lips touched hers. I kissed her. Her and my lips moved . I felt safe. I have never had this feeling for anyone. Then I realized, im in love with her. We wouldnt let go. She kissed me and I kissed her. Our eyes closed, and didn't care who saw.

The most magical moment of my life. Her blonde hair ran down her back. Her dress so beautiful.

Then I brought my head back."Katharine, I love you."

And she bent to my lips and we kissed more....


After the party, Josh and I sat in the car. "So, Josh how was your time???" I asked. He sat there so happy. He kissed Gabby, And I kissed Katharine.I heard Steve and Danielle kissed, so did Mitch, Bill and Anthony, after the meeting of the Britney triplets.

I realized, this was the most magical moment of my life, and I will never forget it.......

Derek Daisey

"My Katharine Lee"

I remember the day,

when you were walkin my way

I don't know why i gave up

and why school had to interupt

There was a time and place

and i wasnt part of her race

and just in case

i can't see

my Katharine Lee


she used to wiggle her butt

when she walked

flip her blonde hair

when she talked

and every girl

always says

i wish i could be

like Katharine Lee


I used to say I love you

all she said was thats not true

i said i was old enough to decide

that you would be mine

she only refused to see why

When i kissed her lips

They felt so real

The eye shadow

which was a light blue teal

she was one of a kind

thats why she cryed


she and I were so alike

we both tried

to commit suicide

we both thought we were ugly

and talked each other out of believe it

And i still regrett i let her die

she jumped off a bridge in july

i will always love her her

saying your my angle

if i could change the past

i would let her be


Derek Mathew Daisey


As if

For a miracle in disguise

I crying out

Like my

Hopeless friend

Who never runs out

Of excuses, excuses

She could paint the whole world

With excuses


Your voice

Brings a memory

Of and me back to life

Sorry again

I could paint my whole world

I could paint my whole world

In regret, regret

Sorry again

I regret

Your feelings were hurt

Cause I wasn't ready for it

Times have changes

My friend

Has stopped talking to me

Your voice

Doesn't make me scream

And cry out for you to come to me

Sorry again

I wasn't there

When you walked across the floor

With your hand in her's

I was so mad, I was so mad

I could have painted the whole world

I could have painted the whole world

With my anger, anger...

Joline Garrett


"Certainly, my whole life has been decided by fate. I think something more powerful than we are decides our fate for us. I know one thing-I've never planned anything that happened to me."

Sharon Tate, in her last interview ever when asked if she believed in fate.

What Happened To Abigail Folger?

Strange how it doesn't matter

But the other one

She sleeps in my bed every night

Till she pours onto my sheets

She comes back in the morning

A Jesus who died for the sins of freaky hippies who dance on Geraldo

Those uglies made the world ugly

I like to watch her with bubbles in the bath

She brushes her sponge against my cheek

Jeffrey Thomas Kane

As Long As Mah' Heart Beats

by Jeff T. Kane's psuedonym Lemon C. Gilmartin

As long as mah' heart beats

Is how long I'll miss ya'

As far as mah' God sees

Is How long I'll love ya'

I sail de dat fine femahnaine ladee Palmer

Yeah man, ah' dojiggered it fo' ya'

I gots'tawaste some time

I need ya dough Illyana

Yo' red fro blonde

Even Kingfish's wo'ds couldn't stop mah' love fo' ya'

You's came drough de mail

I wuz rewarded wid many erecshuns

A result uh yo' defecshun

"Hey Jollyman Cancer! Right On!"

"Whut Lemon?" said Cancer

Ah be baaad...I said, "Fuck ya' Cancer."

Illyana ah' love ya'! Right on!

Like Leprachaun

Rope straps me in a chair

The worst world unfolds in front of me

The image, agoni.zing even to imagine

Leaves a skidmark each time it crosses my mind

The love I thought I'd locked for life

In great detail:

The soft flesh between her legs engulfs his rock hard rod.

This fat gangster took us hostage

What the f*ck is she doing?

They're forcing me to watch it

God, turn the chair

I can still hear her moaning

A giggle

God take me away

For three days helpless

My slut lies in the bed getting humped

She's not my wife

Was she ever?

What a horrible time to notice how beautiful she is.

God, how many times can someone f*ck?

I have to escape

Please stop

Oh God i'm crying

They let me out sometimes to use the bathroom

He walks in and sees me hanging

They're done with me now

But I'm not through with her

I faked it like Heather's

Now i'm on the 10th floor looking out the window

Her crotch is in my scope

Her pussy is an iron man

Let's see her take these hard cocks



Jeffrey Thomas Kane


When I first saw her, I was annoyed by her. The way her chin squished together, her anoying braces. But All the guy thought she looked good, long brown hair big brown eyes.I know it was wrong of me to make fun of her. But it brought joy to me , hurting others for some morbid reason. An seventeem year old laughing at a fifteen yearold on the school bus.Well from that day on I hated her I'd see her in the hall and call her nasty names. i could see the hurt on her face, but it didn't bother me any, I made my friends laugh and that was all that mattered to me.

One day on the school bus would change everything, my whole perception of her. It was about a year and a half later and there I was , having to ride the bus, what my luck , She came walking down the isle and asked to sit with me, seeing there was no other place for her to sit , i said ok and made her get in.She started talking to me , like she did'y know I was the girl who always called her names and teesed her. It was as if she didnt care about that.We talked all the way home . The next day at school I talked to her in the halway. Then a girl walked by and Megan said she didn't like her , wehn i asked why , she said that girl always teesed her and called her names last year.

I didn't bother to tell her , that that girl was me, I guess she didnt know it was me because I had changed and didnt know it , my hair was shorter a different color, about 50 pds lighter. I know had a second chance to bethis girls friend I thought. I gave megan a ride homw , and stayed at her house for a while. She was so perfect , with her pink walls , pink coforter, everthing was neat. We hung out like everyday after school . We went shopping together, went on double dates . She was my best friend, my only true friend.One weekend My family and i went to visit my aunt. That Monday in school, I didnt see Megan all morning. I was in 2nd period and A deep voice came over the intercom. It was the principal . He informed everyone , that a tragendy happened. "megan Ridden" a sophmore died over the weekend.

I put my head down on my desk and began to cry. everyone around me didnt even know who she was , "who is that" or I didnt like her. Then all eyes were on me , I felt no shame, I cried as an arm comforted me. I picked up my bookbag and grabbed the keychain , Jessica and megan , with our pictures on it. It was then people who didnt know her realized , that was the girl who always was with me next to the classroom door, who noone noticed. all sorts of thought went through my head, who will I hang out with , who wil i laugh with , noone else knows all my secrets. Most imporantly , she didnt know I was the one who teesed her.

When i was called to her house , the family informed me that Megan oddly enough killed herself, And like most people she left a note , saying how much she loved her family and that she did feel the love in reture, but i really began to cry when i read "Tell jessica I love her, "

How could I be so blind as to hate someone so much , and them love them like a sister. i cry at night because it hurts me that my enemie turned into my best friend , and now that she is gone I am lifeless.


Megan Ridden 1983-1999


I've done so many things wrong,

that I know i can't make right;

and i don't know why you haven't gone,

but I hope you'll stay by my side.

Even though we have arguments,

and I get mad and cry ;

It doesn't make any sense,

why do we try?

i know i make you mad,

and you wanna yell at me;

and it makes me sad to think,

that you'll ever leave me.

We have been through so much,

to just throw it all away;

I don' wanna loose us ,

so please just stay.

And when I get sad and blue ,

and recall all my sorrow;

remember that I love you ,

even yesterday, today ,and tomorrow.

jessica still


tho dose not know love until ones lived for love is a bird that can not fly unless u are there to guide it.

Jennifer Anne Pluard


I feel the cold breeze hitting against my face

as I take another forward pace

In my sight are the green leaves turning brown

and hauntingly falling to the ground

There is no single living thing in my sight

as I feel this hollow emptiness insde

I ask myself a thousand quests

but, the answers all turn out to be just a mess

W. Michael Rochelle Jr.



Verse 1:

There s no doubt that I m a man

I know my fellas will understand

With so many bachelors out there

Why do the ladies pick the fellas that just don t care

While you think it s all about you

He s got at least three other girls

That s claiming they re his too

I don t know why

You gotta have a gun toting

Chain smoking

Boy like Timothy

When you could have a man like me

Chorus: Girl you need a man

Who cares about you

And there s no other man

Who ll love you like I do


Who will treat you

Better than I do


Nobody, Baby

Verse 2:

So you say you need a ruffneck

Why choose some thug over respect

You need somebody who can love you down

Take you around and around, not afraid to turn you out baby

Girlie I will do you right

Be down for you each and every night

He s gotta go

Don t settle for that bed-hoppin

Store robbin

Boy like Timothy

When you need a man like me


W. Michael Rochelle Jr.


Verse 1:

«>It s 2 o clock in the morning»

«>I can t help thinking about you»

«>Touching my body»

«>It s got me excited»

«>It s been much to long»

«>Since me and you got it on»

«>Don t know how I ve made it without you»

«>You have me thinking about you»

«>Touching me»


«>Chorus: Touching my body»

«> Touching my body baby»

«> Touching my body»

«> It s got me excited (solo: I want you to touch me)»


«> Touching my body»

«> Touching my body»

«> Touching my body baby»

«> It s got me excited (solo: No one else but you baby)»


«>Verse 2:»

«>I want to pick up the phone»

«>Dial your number»

«>But I know it s to late»

«>There s nothing I can do but wait»

«>I can t seem to stop thinking about the kissing»

«>All the good things you and I are missing»

«>I m thinking of you»

«>Boy/Girl I want to love youChorus»


«>Not another lonely night»

«>I will see go by»

«>I can t keep on waiting»

«>Can t keep anticipating»

«>I know you want it too»

«>So let s just do what we need to do»


«> name = Paul-Michael Fulfit»

«> from =»


«>I hope you don't mind but I have submitted two songs. Just to let you know my name is Paul-Michael and I am a singer/songwriter in a band here in England called Bowski. »


«> The Lullaby»


«>Verse One Did you ask to know the meaning?»

«> Is it that we're only dreaming.»

«> Why take time to make it wrong,»

«> these hundred years won't last so long.»

«> Morning's we would miss each day»

«> when there was never much to say,»

«> time fly's past the window face»

«> enjoy it while you're in this place.»


«>Chorus When you turn and sigh»

«> I sing a lullaby»

«> and even when we die»

«> we'll be leaving our words for the world to hear. »

«> When you're feeling shy»

«> I'll sing a lullaby»

«> when life's drifting by»

«> we'll be leaving our words for the world to hear.»


«>Verse Two Do we have to see what's there,»

«> Staring at an empty chair. »

«> A passer by could turn and smile»

«> these hundred years could last a while.»

«> How come fate could notice me?»

«> Standing strong with empathy.»

«> Only distace in the space, »

«> enjoy it whilst your in this place.»

«> Even when you don't belong,»

«> memories would come along.»

«> Heavens hear a requiem,»

«> smiling as we play for them.»

«> »

«> Chorus»


«>and finally..»


«> Mother's Day»


«>Verse One Did you want a model family?»

«> Did you wish it from the start? »

«> Are your childrens I.Q.'s 2 point 4?»

«> Ex-Husband, does he have a heart?»

«> And even with your white trash life,»

«> it's never you to blame.»

«> Manipulation rolls the dice»

«> and treat's life like a game.»

«> So don't bother to laugh at me now»

«> Annie light you smoke.»

«> You'd hitch up your skirt and flag down,»

«> any passing trucker bloke.»


«>Chorus Happy Mother's day.»

«> All you wanted was some flowers»

«> the kids to do just what you say.»

«> Happy Mother's day.»

«> Kick back and watch t.v»

«> 'cause there's nothing left to say.»


«>Verse Two Did you get your model family?»

«> Was it everything you thought that it would be?»

«> Are your two boys failing life in general?»

«> You just lie in bed 'til half past three.»

«> And even with your white trash life,»

«> it's never you to blame.»

«> Manipulation spins the wheel and»

«> it's sending you insane.»

«> So don't bother to look at me now,»

«> Annie lay in bed.»

«> Cry until you see a new day dawning»

«> sort it out in your dying head (instead we get)»


«>Chorus Happy Mother's day»

«> All you wanted was some flowers»

«> the kids to do just what you say.»

«> Happy Mother's day»

«> Kick back and watch the t.v.»

«> 'cause there's nothing left to»

«> because there's nothing left to»

«> because there's nothing left for you»

«> because there's nothing left to»

«> now there's nothing left to»

«> becasuse there's nothing left for you»

«> because there's nothing left to»

«> 'cause there's nothing left to say. »


«> name = Kirk Jones»

«> from =»



«>A Week to Date»


«>I can still remember the look on your face,»


«>to save yourself,»

«>like some out of date talk show host,»

«>throwing clichis,»

«>like stale cigarettes,»

«>into sand filled ashtrays,»

«>outside of a retirement home,»

«>refusing to look inside,»

«>and too weak to stand outside.»


«> name = Greg Crittenden»

«> from =»


«>I'm Not Shedding Tears»


«>When I first Heard your reply»

«>I was torn in tow»

«>I felt so bad»

«>I'd never get to love you»

«>But then I started thinking»

«>'Bout all the bad things you done to me»

«>When all I was trying to do is give you all of me»

«>Those times you ingnored me»

«>The times you turned away»

«>I still remember all the bad things you had to say»

«>But now I'm okay»



«>I'm not shedding tears for you»

«>I don't feel the same 'bout you »

«>I'm not shedding tears no more»

«>After all the times I dreamed of you »

«>All the times my heart was tore»

«>Without you I'll live through the years»

«>And I'm not shedding tears»


«>So you come running back to me»

«>Saying you made a mistake»

«>But I don't want you»

«>Can't you see that it's too late»






«>Oh, a few times I cried»

«>I wanted to die »

«>But now I'm doing alright»

«>I hear you want me»

«>But I don't want you»

«>So your just gonna have to think of me tonight»




«>(fade out)»

«>I'm not shedding tears for you»

«>I don't want you »

«>I don't need you»

«>No matter what»

«>I won't have you»


«> name = Dawn Richelle Kellogg»

«> from =»


«>WHY ME?»

«>I was crying all night,»

«>but I dont seem to know why.»

«>Nothings going the way I want,»

«>and all I want is to die.»


«>No-one seems to understand,»

«>that im losing all i love,»

«>and the friends I do have,»

«>say to look for help above.»


«>But I dont think he's listening,»

«>he'd rather watch the ones having fun,»

«>instead of listening to me,»

«>the dreadful, depressing one.»


«>Everything is blurry now,»

«>that ive taken fifty pills,»

«>and yet i dont know why,»

«>but i sit and wonder still.»


«>Why does it have to be me?»

«>I just want to know why,»

«>why couldnt he listen...»

«>and why do I hafta die?»


«> name = Kelly M»

«> from =»


«>If only my mind could speak»

«>You'd know how much you mean to me»

«>I'm sorry I'm so quiet and will not speak up»

«>But I promise I will just wait and see»


«>I want you to know just how happy I am»

«>I haven't felt this way before»

«>and I owe this all to you»

«>Thank you very much for being there more and more»


«>Your smile, your humor, your strength»

«>Everything about you creates a smile upon my face»

«>You've helped my confidence rebuild»

«>For you my heart will always hold a special place»


«>Whatever happens between us»

«>I hope we can remain friends»

«>You changed my life for the better»

«>And in someway you will be there for whatever the future sends»


«> name =»

«> from = Kareem Alshanti»


«> 2 late ( Song lyrics )»

«> You made me see the light»

«> You made my day so bright»

«> You taught me not to fight»

«> But now you're gone»


«> I knew that you're the one»

«> Coz that's where I belong»

«> And that's why I sang this song»

«> It's all for you»


«> But it's too late»

«> Everything is black»

«> Coz it's too late»

«> I really want you back»

«> And it's too late »

«> My love is what you lack»

«> It's too late, too late»

«> Too late to say goodbye!»


«> My tears run down my eyes »

«> Everyday I hear your cries»

«> Your soul's up on the skies »

«> Just like the sun»


«> Baby oh why oh why»

«> Did you leave me here and die»

«> You left me here I cry»

«> And I can't hold on.»


«> But it's too late»

«> Now that you are dead»

«> It's too late»

«> I really can't forget»

«> Coz It's too late»

«> Everything that you said»

«> It's too late, too late»

«> Too late to say goodbye! »


«> name = erin shaw»

«> from =»


«> "SHE"»


«>She's got this way of searching your soul»

«>with her eyes.»

«>And it always kinda freaked me, but I guess that was the point.»

«>She said, I gotta know.»

«>His heart lies.»




«>She said»

«>if I exist, am I real,»

«>and if I'm real, will I have to feel»

«>this all the time.»



«>If he hadn't left,»

«>would we still be together,»

«>living in a trailer park of broken down forevers»

«>and shattered dreams.»


«>And if I'd had the guts,»

«>would he be by my side.»

«>If I'd let him leave,»

«>would've said goodbye.»





«>I don't think I know,»

«>I don't really care,»

«>I'm feeling for something,»

«>but nothings there.»


«> name = lucille falcone»

«> from =»


«>Poetry title: Wishing Well»


«>Eagles wheel freely in dawn's virgin glow.»

«>A doe and her fawn drink diamond drops »

«>from rock pool washed clean by night's rain.»

«>Waves of mercury and bronze, follow footsteps»

«>of past lovers, erased from all shores save memory.»


«>I walk upon jewels of grass and flagstones »

«>to look upon the old stone wishing well,»

«>even it has been invigorated and shines »

«>with the glorious newness of another day.»


«>Only my wish seems old and battered by time,»

«>as I drop it in the well upon wings of a penny.»

«>Copper glows golden like my lover's mane,»

«>lazily it floats upon drowsing water.»


«>I pretend we are together, upon the shore.»

«>Every leonine detail is so clear and fine,»

«>the feel of your power so carefully leashed»

«> and splendid beneath my fingertips.»


«>Water makes ripples wider and wider,»

«>as penny rolls and sparks lights»

«>sinking in depths of shadow and moss.»


«>I watch the muscles of your bare chest ripple»

«>as you laugh and catch my dancing form. »

«>Warm, strong breeze surrounds me, »

«>beautiful, sure hand holds mine once again.»


«>No dream lover's body could be so graceful, »

«>mouth tasting so warm and full of cinnamon.»

«>I know not how you walked out of the past today,»

«>only that the space and time we share»

«>between the waves in the wishing well is ours forever.»


«> name = mike Quackenbush»

«> from =»


«> Feelings»

«>I can't stop...»

«> This feeling.»

«>It's got me reeling.»

«>I got be dealing...»

«> with these feelings.»

«>My own being»

«>can be seeing»

«>or leaving...»

«>this world behind.»


«>Blow my mind.»

«>I got the time.»

«>I've changed my mind.»

«>No suicide...»

«> for me.»

«>Can't you see?»

«>I gotta be...»

«> me.»



«> name = Stephanie Cookson»

«> from =»


«>You never understand the impact someone has made on your life until there gone»


«>You never know how important they were until they vanish»


«>You never expected to shed so many tears until they dissaper»


«>You never understood how close you wanted to be to them until you can't»


«>You never saw how fast time slips away until your out»


«>You never know just when to say your last goodbye until it's to late»


«> in loving memory of »

«> Sondra Lee Cookson»


«> -Stephanie Cookson»


«> name = Steven Tartakovsky»

«> from =»






















«> name = Aaron Wellls»

«> from =»


«> Heliotrope Butterflies »


«>Her eyes do dance like butterflies still»

«>And her gaze, it pierces my night-shrouded will»

«>The air doth burst, and around her fill»

«>When she smiles, oh she smiles, and the world is still»



«> name = Kevin M. Blair»

«> from =»


«>Title: Faith Keeps You Alive»


«>I stepped outside,»

«>All alone,»

«>Eager to get home.»

«>Work had ended late and I was starting to get faint.»

«>The darkness of,»

«>The young night,»

«>Made me shiver and walk fast.»

«>The silence was so deadly,»

«>As if someone was stalking fast.»


«>And then I heard,»

«>A dreadful noise,»

«>That took me not too long,»

«>To figure out,»

«>What it was,»

«>And what it might mean.»

«>It was the kind of noise,»

«>That makes you still,»

«>And makes you feel afraid.»

«>The kind of noise,»

«>That takes your breath away.»


«>I looked both ways,»

«>And then I saw,»

«>The gun pointing at me.»

«>It was then that I,»

«>Realized that the clicking noise,»

«>Was the sound of death and pain.»


«>I stood as still,»

«>As the street,»

«>Not knowing what to do.»

«>My heart was beating,»

«>As loud and fast as drums.»

«>My brain went blank as air,»

«>And my fingers were going numb.»


«>The thought of death,»

«>Made me regain my thoughts.»

«>And then I decided,»

«>What to do,»

«>Something I thought would save me,»

«>I better get moving soon.»


«>But before I made that dashing leap,»

«>I heard another noise,»

«>That echoed loudly through my ears.»

«>Along with such a dreadful pain,»

«>That made my head,»

«>Hit the ground,»

«>And cause it to bleed.»


«>Now I'm lying on the street,»

«>The sirens are getting louder.»

«>This awful pain,»

«>Is getting worse,»

«>I wish they would come faster.»

«>I don't think I,»

«>Can go on much longer.»

«>This pain is too much to bear.»

«>My vision is twirling,»

«>And I'm starting to feel weak.»

«>I can't do this.»

«>I think I'm going to let go.»

«>I just want to die,»

«>And make this go away.»

«>I'm ready to give up,»

«>I can hardly breathe the air.»

«>OK, this is it,»

«>I'm going to die.»

«>I love you and goodbye.»


«>But right before,»

«>I was going to take my last breath.»

«>I thought of my own family,»

«>And how they might feel,»

«>If I were to die.»


«>Now I'm being lifted from the ground,»

«>I heard my son's clear voice.»

«>"I love you dad," he said»

«>"Please don't die."»

«>"You need to hold on tight."»

«>So I decided,»

«>To stay and not say goodbye.»

«>It was my family's words,»

«>That kept me alive.»

«>Never till that day,»

«>Did I realize,»

«>The power of the words,»

«>That kept me alive.»

«>That gave me a leap of faith,»

«>And made me not say goodbye.»

«>"I love you"»


my name is Aaron Sandy. i live in holland, michigan. just thought i'd make a contribution to your web site.


"maybe someday"


i was thinking 'bout, what she said to me on thursday

and how i'm gonna have to be on monday

cause i dont want to set myself up for a fall

and there's lots of other pretty girls after all

and i'm pretty sure, that one, will fall for me someday


when you told me 'bout, what happened to you on wednesday

you caught me off guard and i really wasn't sure what to say

now i dont want you to feel sorry for me

somehow things like this come to be

so maybe, we'll meet again, some day


oh help me now i think i'm fallin'

«> name = Michelle Turner»

«> from =»


«>Last week,»

«>I had my birthday»

«>I turned 'Sweet Seventeen'»

«>But there's such a bitter taste in my mouth today,»

«>The tatse of my reality and their dream.»

«>A sour combination that iced my birthday cake»

«>I cut a slice of the milestone,»

«>For their pride and sake.»


«>But they're not the ones, who travelled cold and alone»

«>The burden of my lies and fear remaining unknown,»

«>While all the time, their smiles beamed on,»

«>I was trapped in a tunnel and all light had gone.»

«>I was given life, seventeen years ago»

«>And this is it- me- all there is to show»

«>For that precious investment they called a daughter»

«>Ruined yet determined, plans daily her slaughter»

«>So this is how it feels to have made it...»

«>'Sweet Seventeen' and feelling like shit.»


«> name =»

«> from = linzi hawkes»


«>1./ Do you believe in destiny»

«>Cause for a moment I feel free»

«>Something that I see in you»

«>Let you see a side of me»

«>Do we tap dance on a high wire»

«>And is this fate we feel»

«>Or is this just a dream we wish»

«>That somehow could be real.»


«>A ray of light to brighten»

«>Like our friendship just begun»

«>When you opened up your heart to me»

«>It was like a ray of sun»

«>When I looked into your eyes that day»

«>I could almost read your mind»

«>Something that I see in you»

«>Is gentle, pure and kind »

«>It takes me to a higher place»

«>Where I can leave my world below»

«>And I never have to worry about the feelings that I show»


«>What s strange is the connection»

«>It s like we ve met before»

«>There was definitely some chemistry »

«>When I first walked through your door»

«>That sparkle in your eyes»

«>Awakens something deep inside»

«>So I stick around and handle it»

«>For precious moments by your side»



«>2./When I looked into your eyes»

«>I could almost read your mind»

«>Something that I see in you»

«>Is gentle, pure and kind »

«>It takes me to a higher place»

«>Where I can leave my world below»

«>And never have to worry bout the feelings that I show»


«>Precious moments with you thats all I need to feel free»

«>To dream about passion and fantasy»

«>And all that I may seem»

«>And all that I have to hide»

«>The chemistry between us is what let you inside»

«>You are the piece of the puzzle»

«>That makes my life complete»

«>That drives me insain when I ve seen you»

«>And shows you how weak»

«>And how strong I am not»

«>My passion for life»

«>Something I d forgot.»



«>3./The fire happened again»

«>Wasn t looking at all»

«>But out of my hands»

«>Each time we meet somehow I fall»


«>So madly, so deeply »

«>And sparks so intense»

«>The pain of this sanity»

«>And powers inmense»


«>You in your corner »

«>And I here in mine»

«>All that we have is just now and then time»


«>Your life is of freedom»

«>I know that you need»

«>To be with whatever and choose when you leave»


«>When I see you I need you»

«>When I m gone your still there»

«>The worst part about it is knowing you care»


«>The sparks fly between us»

«>But they ve no where to go»

«>And we can t fight the feeling»

«>When we meet we both know »

«>The walls built around us»

«>That are there to protect»

«>Then the bricks fall around us»

«>Because we simply connect.»


«>All my dreams are fulfilled»

«>Just knowing you are there»

«>And my circle of life feels complete I declair»

«>Your the link in my chain »

«>And the piece of puzzle I miss»

«>You are all that is real each time we kiss»

«>Hope there are times when you think about me»

«>And our now and then times can continue to be.»



Tribute to a man everyone knows.

Robert a friend in passing,

a strong and intelligent man,



Robert you left us so suddenly,

We didn't get a chance to say goodbye,

Your picture I hold. Your memory will never fade.

You life was not a loss, for you touched so many peoples lives.

Dignified and dedicated to your love ones, you were a real man.


Honest with me to the end, indeed in Robert I had a good friend.


Exposed to life's harshness, unexpectedly snatched from our lives,

Confused and lonely. but true to his life.


He spoke with a voice that made you agree

His opinion was right, and good enough fo me.


A death unbecoming such a sweet and gracious friend,

loving loyal and a remarkable man. A hand he would lend.


I am one of many lucky enough to call him my friend,

We shall meet again Robert this is not the end.


respectfully dedicated to a good friend Robert John Pick who died suddenly

Tuesday July 25, 2000 at the young age of 53 leaving a wife and four

children and one grandson. And many many friends


«> name = Sharran WindWalker»

«> from =»


«> I Dream of Tara»


«>Dark clouds roll in from the West today,»

«>marking a change in the weather;»

«>warmer air heralding Spring.»


«>This is the time»

«>For the return of Tara!»

«>She will ride her dark stallion»

«>from a far away land»

«>beyond the distant horizon:»

«>will she stop for me this season?»


«>I remember the times we shared»

«>Which passed as love to me,»

«>But what were they to her?»

«>Spring and Summer »

«>she laughingly shared with me»

«>and others equally...»


«>She left in the Autumn,»

«>galloped away, over the waves;»

«>left me yearning for her touch.»

«>and Winter cast her frigid spell,»

«>in the wake of her passing...»


«>I wonder does a flower dream of the sun»

«>touching its petals before the dawn,»

«>as I dream of Tara's return?»


«> name = Sharran WindWalker»

«> from =»


«> I Dream of Tara»


«>Dark clouds roll in from the West today,»

«>marking a change in the weather;»

«>warmer air heralding Spring.»


«>This is the time»

«>For the return of Tara!»

«>She will ride her dark stallion»

«>from a far away land»

«>beyond the distant horizon:»

«>will she stop for me this season?»


«>I remember the times we shared»

«>Which passed as love to me,»

«>But what were they to her?»

«>Spring and Summer »

«>she laughingly shared with me»

«>and others equally...»


«>She left in the Autumn,»

«>galloped away, over the waves;»

«>left me yearning for her touch.»

«>and Winter cast her frigid spell,»

«>in the wake of her passing...»


er air heralding Spring.


«>This is the time»

«>For the return of Tara!»

«>She will ride her dark stallion»

«>from a far away land»

«>beyond the distant horizon:»

«>will she stop for me this season?»


«>I remember the times we shared»

«>Which passed as love to me,»

«>But what were they to her?»

«>Spring and Summer »

«>she laughingly shared with me»

«>and others equally...»


«>She left in the Autumn,»

«>galloped away, over the waves;»

«>left me yearning for her touch.»

«>and Winter cast her frigid spell,»

«>in the wake of her passing...»



One day I walk by

Caught a guy getting it off with you

Got pissed off

Cut his head clean off

Day after day I'm thinking of you

My mate even !£$%@~} loves you

I said it before and I'll say it again I "!$%@~# LOVE YOU

I don't need any education

I've lost my frigin pations

I chased off the boys flirting with you

Caught them and taught them notta do that


Said I was on drugs

Screwing up my head

They all do weed

It makes um bleed worse when I beat them

Feel onto the dog feed

Makes um wanna breed

Have you every said yes when a boy asked you

Mat and Ben slaged you off

I said they shouldn't but they wouldn't stop

I got a broom and chased them down the hall

They chucked a ball back

Didn't do all

Smacked them over the head

Stabbed them just to see them bleed

Shot them to see them bleed

Little dicks now they die

Stuffed they mouth full of pie

Gaz came and joined in

Ben died first as I hate him the most

Let Mat go and said soz

$%^& it man wheres the gun at (BANG BANG)

«> name = jennifer l miller»

«> from =»


«>Here is my poems just so you know who i am ....»

«>Jennifer Miller»


«>hope you post them and let me know where to find them when you do!»



«>You know»


«>You know what s going on »

«>You know as much as I do»

«>I haven t said anything I will regret»

«>You know I want to kiss you all over»

«>You know I love you totally»

«>I haven t left this cloud we were on»

«>Do you know?»

«>Yes! »

«>You do know!»

«> »

«> »

«>stormy weather»


«>The wind is racing fast»

«>The lighting is striking down hard»

«>The thunder is rolling through the sky»

«>The look in you re eyes is always »

«>Raining through my mind.»





«>Smoothly my hands slide over your skin»

«>Smoothly your lips smile»

«>Smoothly you moan to my touch»

«>Contently I don't stop»

«>Smoothly you don't ask me too»

«> »

«> Habits»


«>I am afraid to go to sleep»

«>I might miss your call»

«>I m afraid to hang up the phone»

«>I might not talk to you again»

«>I hold you like it is the last»

«>Absorbing the passion with in you»

«>Without you I go on all out of habit»

«>Near you it s always so new I fumble...»

«>No habit there»




















«>Kiss me»


«>Most passionate thing you can do is kiss»

«>Warm lips first touching»

«>Moisture growing»

«>Lips parting»

«>Tongue sliding in»

«>Heat building»

«>Sensations running through you re body»

«>Arms around you ... passion ... all in a single kiss ... kiss me...»


«> »

«> »



«>I have always had an untouchable soul»

«>Have you become that close to me?»

«>I stand in front of you»

«>With nothing to say»

«>The silence is saying so much»

«>But yet my heart is bleeding before you»

«>Revealing nothing and everything»

«>Standing here before you ..»

«>Bleeding before you»

«> »





«>My heart is in danger....»

«>Where are you going with it...»

«>Please be careful»

«>What are you doing with it...»

«>Please don t drop it»

«>Oh that feels too good...»

«>Why are you stopping...»

«>I can t breathe»



«>I.... I......»

«>It hurts so much»

«> »

«> »

«>a dying try»


«>As I sit here thinking about what I have found with you»

«>I wonder if it's all worth doing»

«>I am only contend when I am with you»

«>Staring in to your eyes»

«>(Sends a wonderful chill through me)»

«>Listening to your voice»

«>(Eases my soul)»

«>Touching your body »

«>(Lights a fire inside of me)»

«>What we are doing is wrong»

«>We both have others»

«>But the love I have found»

«>Can only be found when I am with you»

«>You know me so well»

«>(Like no other)»

«>I feel I can not exist without you»

«>(Need to be with you)»

«>I long and cherish every second »

«>That I can talk to you»

«>(I need to talk to you)»

«>That I hear you»

«>(Listening to every word)»

«>That I can touch you »

«>(Love every inch of you)»

«>Right or wrong»

«>Please tell me it will never end»

«>I would give my soul to an early death just to »

«>Have a little life with you!»

«>I do know that is all worth doing!»

«>I am yours for eternity. »

«> »




«>To touch you in seclusion »

«>When no body could know»

«>Sneaking a lustful stare»

«>Dreaming in secret»

«>Wanting to being alone with you»

«>Is my personal sin?»

«>You are the water »

«>That can put out this fire within me»

«>But only in seclusion.»

«> »

«> name = Vlad Azrael»

«> from =»


«>Angel of Love»


«> »

«> All day long i wonder about you,»

«> thinking aout your every move but nothing,»

«> nothing else seems to satisfy,»

«> but when i see you dancing in the sky my »

«> heart lives forever, to be with you for just »

«> this one perfect second is all i need, just to»

«> feel your life on mine then i can die, for living without»

«> you is not possible. can you help me???»

«> I know now with your arms and beauty outstreched to me,»

«> i know you are the one, my truth and my life. »


«> No more sorrow from this day on,»

«> no more pain no more darkness, »

«> just hand in hand with you all my life,»

«> your joy, your smile, my love to you i cannot describe,»

«> happiness flows from you, down into my valley, spreading»

«> life upon my dusty life. Such harmony is unfolding, being»

«> this close to you, holding you so close, never again shall»

«> i die, my soul will be with yours, forever dancing over»

«> the fire.»


«> That lady i know, she knows no bounds her love, her smile,»

«> her soul fills my cup and i drink, it makes me wonder....»

«> how can you be mine???Then that feeling rises up, my spirit»

«> cries for freedom, and like a smoke through the trees you»

«> come, smiling with such joy the world has yet not seen,»

«> your whispers sooth, your smile races, my new day has»

«> dawned, the light of your eyes shines down on me, basking»

«> in your glory...this is life.»

«> »

«> If there are two paths to go down, i will change the road»

«> i'm on, if it means to be with you my angel of life, »

«> then so i shall go, i will join you, can you here the wind»

«> blow?? It echoes your name across the land, filling my mind»

«> joy, forever banishing any sorrow, get down on my knees,»

«> take me away i plead, for this must must be heaven.»

«> There she is the lady we all know....»

«> but if you listen very hard...our lives are one,»

«> our love will echo beyond time, into our hearts the candle»

«> will never die.............for she is here................»

«> holding me.»


«> name = Renee D. Moore»

«> from =»





«>For all the cowboy

You look real good in those tight jeans,»

You're wearing.»

Your vest fits just right,»

Around your chest.»

The hat you're wearing and the shine on you boots,»

Completes the perfect look,»

Of a handsome cowboy.»

You look so handsome standing there,»

Watching me from across the room. »

Your beautiful smile,»

And the twinkle in your eyes is wonderful.»

«You look so graceful,»

Moving around the dance floor.»

You make the turns seem so easy,»

When we dance together.»

Now if you have a good personality,»

To go along with your appearance it will be wonderful.»

Even though you are great to look at,»

The way you act is more important. »

Your caring personality,»

Your wonderful sense of humor,»

And above all your honesty will be the only things,»

That will help bring us together.»

And keep us happy!»

By Renee D. Moore»

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