Letters to the Elect of God in Time of Trouble
by Robert Roberts
Letter One: Council for the Depressed: The elect of God exist, although no man can individually identify them. They are after a common family likeness, though differently situated in the present evil world. They have one faith; and one aim, and one mind, though following different occupations, and living in different parts of the earth. We greet them in the name of the Lord, wishing them and praying for them grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Letter Two: The Benefits of Trouble: Your names are “written in heaven,” though no man knows them; and they will be revealed in the day of the opening of the book of God’s remembrance, even though you yourselves may have lost them in the forgetfulness of the grave. You are precious to God in life as in death, though to man you may be as the offscouring of all things; and in all your chequered paths, and clouded states, and storm-tossed experiences, the Lord is nigh you (though he seem far distant), with grace, and mercy and peace through him who loved us and laid down his life for us, and who ever liveth to make intercession for us.
Letter Three: The Limitations of Trouble: Again, greeting in the Lord. You will not always be in trouble: It will last only so long as may be necessary for the accomplishment of God’s purpose in sending it. “Weeping may endure for a night: but joy cometh in the morning.” Weeping means sorrow of heart. “Ye now therefore have sorrow,” but “blessed are ye that weep now-ye shall be comforted.” In this, be sustained in the assurance of grace, mercy and peace from God the Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Letter Four: The Consolations of Trouble: For the last time at present, I greet you in the name of the Lord, wishing you all the comfort and fortitude and joy which Christ intended his disciples to receive from his loving and sympathising words at the table before he left them; and which they would always impart to us, if our minds were capable of continuous and lively remembrance.