The Martial Arts Page

William's Lake Tournament Champs
That's me back row on right.
I pulled in 2 gold (Kata or forms,and the self defence circle), 1 silver (team Kumite or fighting) and 1 bronze (individual Kumite or sparring) that weekend.
The reason I only received a bronze in individual sparring (Illegal contact)right Ron? (hahaha)
Taking Dave's knee out while making Ron scream with Cindy on the ground wrist locked. Really though I am a nice guy, just agree with me is all I ask.

December 2001

Finally it happened! SHODAN December18-2001
Posing with Cliff and Sensei
Letting Aird think he's got the better of me.
My "best" side
Melissa really putting the hurt on me here
Master's class as it stands right now:Back row:Pastor Dave - Sensei Carla Spry (guest examinor for the stripe test)- and Melissa.
Front Row: Me and Cliff
Missing: (but not for much longer) Street fighter Kelly See you soon killer!
Same group of misfits only this time led by our "fearless" leader Aird.

Hakko Denshin Ryu JiuJitsu Seminar with Shihan Ken Hoggart

The Langley Seminar, Abbotsford Jiu-Jitsu members
CanAm Police and Fire Games July, 2002
Some of the competitors from the Martial Arts portion of the Games
I placed gold in my division and bronze overall for Kata! Not bad for my first apperance!