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Mmmmmm thats some good eatin.

Tuesday, September 23, 2003

Does any one read this still?
Don't worry, I'm not lazy anymore.



Thursday, November 14, 2002

W W J D ?
What would Jesus Do?

Well if he would have a blog, I’m sure He’d update it a hell of a lot more than I do.
I actually saw that WWJD bumper sticker out in the parking lot the other day. All I could think of was, “I’m sure Jesus would buy a Toyota Camry”.
I’m really just losing focus lately; maybe my lethargic outlook is a sign of depression or a cry for help. Perhaps I’m just burnt completely out? I mean my music, my relationships, my social life; my radio show is really taking a back seat…to what? I’m not Professor Plum and I got no Clue!
I need more money. No wait, I need a raise, as the job is very nice.
I need a vacation, no wait the weekend takes care of that. Or does it?
At this rate, I’ll be in terrific condition for Christmas. Yeah…here we come.

I don’t want to burden anyone with these semi-bi-monthly rants about being burnt out. hey suck, they’re boring, which in turn makes me think I‘m boring. So I’ll stop that.
When I finally do something of some importance I’ll write.
And as the sun sets over the horizon, I bid everyone a fond adieu

Thursday, October 31, 2002

Stray Bullets

Gotta get this blog in before midnight...or i'll have to do one tomorrow.
Its so cold here right now its not even funny. Well, I guess I could live in Ontario. SUCKERS !!! My room actually ghas no baseboards, so the cold sea air is leaking into my room mixing with the heater I have cranked full blast. I think when a cold front meets a warm front a hurricane occurs? I dunno I'm not a weatherman...I'm a lawyer.
Its so cold in fact, my nipples are standing at full attention wobbling back and forth with a nice vibrating action. I drew a picture in Artpad to further illustrate my point.
Notice the nice lines of action. And my hairy belly...
Its growing its winter coat. My nice furry pelt.

Tuesday, October 29, 2002

Ahhhh Tuesday, Monday’s ugly step sister, how I loathe you…

While most of you were all snuggled in bed. I was rockin. Not rolling however.
You see, Raymond at CFUV let me take the reins of his show, picking/playing the music and controlling the board. I must admit it was quite a big step up from the practice studio soundboard.
For the last three months, its like I was practicing and recording on the Fisher Price version of what was actually in the On-Air studio.
Like going from a primitave, dull spear to a razor sharp buie knife. (love that brad)
Beside the On-air fuck ups, I actually had a lot of fun and hope to get my show off the ground pretty soon. Ray was great, and tolerated a lot of my miscues and the fact I cut him off with music twice. What a great guy, I owe ya a beer.

In other news, I actually said yes to Teresa about being her MC for the wedding. I don’t know if I’ll be running a soundboard there, but Im sure I can get all saucy and talk on the microphone for an hour or two. (Please god, don’t let me embarrass myself in public…. again….for the tenth time)

Well this blog goes out to a woman I work with. She cut her hand pretty bad and is getting surgery on it this morning. Hope everything goes well for ya.
REMINDER KIDS…don’t use sharp knives to cut pumpkins. Use a spoon, its duller and as spoon related injuries and fatalities are concerned; they’re a lot lower than those sharp knife related injuries and fatalities.

Song of the month: Billy don’t be a Hero
Song of the Decade: Anything by Scat Man John

Tuesday, October 22, 2002

The British are Cumming

I wish they were, it would make my life more exciting.
Where have I been? Not going to answer, however I’ll be on CFUV this Saturday at 1130-1am.
I haven’t put as much effort into music and writing this week. I owe the martlet some CD reviews; I owe the station a demo tape (which is 95 percent done). Fuck, I’m such a perfectionist sometimes. Does everyone still like the band named AVANTE GARDE? DOES anybody want to join the group? If you like Joy Division and the Flaming Lips (as well as Radiohead/BECK) I want you in the band.

The Internet at home is under some sort of lag due to constant updates and fuck ups on the part of Telus. I start to complain as of tonight If I cant read my emails.

Jeezus sees you and loves you.
(More on the painted Jesus rock)

Friday, October 11, 2002

Picking up apples for the Queens and Kings I’ll never see…

Has any one figured out what went wrong? Like the exact moment you, your lover, your friend, your brother, your sister, your barber, your grocer, realized that something was a foot, but it turned out to be an arm.

Hahahahhaaaa, you know its Friday when I start talking like that. Recorded a Few songs the other night in the Cavern Club on Earl Grey St. Sounded good to me, but I’d like to keep recording them until perfection is reached. I hope to have finished a few songs I have written this weekend with my brother this weekend. Perhaps he can shed some light on my dim little chord progressions, and lame picking ability. I think I like the new Beck record…its electronic-country-folk-rock…
And I cannot seem to remove WILCO’s latest CD from my play list…it always comes up and I can’t hit skip to any of the songs, their all damn lovely.

Here is the elusive guitar for all of you who have been dying to see it…

The name for the guitar seems to be kneeling close to “Whiskers” (my first cat) or “Sunny” (my dad’s St. Bernard). Who knows perhaps I will call it Bert after my weird neighbor back home. And who said childhood didn’t leave a lasting impression?

Have a good weekend. Eat lots of Turkey or Tofurkey. Or ham or whatever your into, but please don’t eat humans. That’s just plain nasty and illegal to boot.

Friday’s looking good so far…

Wednesday, October 09, 2002

Where oh where has the time gone?

Well let me see here…yes I’m blogging from work…again. The time at home really seems to be flying by; I think I need a time management course or something.
Planning to head up island for the annual giving of thanks this weekend, but before that I got to record some songs in Arden’s studio (aka: his basement suite), Enter a hockey pool and try not to come in dead last, Get some more work on my demo tape done, as well perhaps add a few blogs here and there.

It was cold today, but not as cold as it was in Ontario…SUCKERS!!!

There is a tone of stuff I’d like to say about work, but since this is a public forum, I could seriously hurt my chances of a repeat performance at UVIC.

I’m reading Heavier than Heaven by Charles Cross. It’s pretty much the definitive Kurt Cobain biography. If chins could Kill, Bruce “Ash” Campbell’s biography was great and I’ve already lent it out for some other poor schmoe to read.

What should I name my new guitar? Just in case you are wondering, it’s An American Fender Stratacaster.
I promised more pictures, but alas, I’m just a lethargic Fuck.

Hello Wednesday, You Whore of Day.

Thursday, October 03, 2002

The world is just like a hard to reach pimple…

What does that have to do with anything? Absolutely nothing, except that I have this rock hard lump on my back that isn’t a pimple, isn’t a mole. I tried squeezing the hell out of it, but alas it wasn’t budging. I even did the old “scratch your back on a tree” trick ala a bear. Nothing.
What does this have to do with anything, I have no clue.

So I aced the CFUV practicum and on my way to becoming an on air personality. I’m already a personality; I just need to be on the air. Demo tape next, then the on air training (which I’ve already, sorta done) and then volunteer to host the late night show. Cool huh?

Congrats to Ada and Dickson on the birth of the baby boy. Knowing those two I’m sure the kid is great hands.

Work is over…I gotta go…peace !!!

Friday, September 27, 2002

And in the face of danger…

The world at work is different from the world at home, and respectively so.
I can’t really go in to much detail with out crying and feeling like its Monday 830am all over again. Its not that bad, but lets not go there. I try to find new ways to do my work, but it all becomes the same. I seem to have the same routine at home, where I play guitar and read. I haven’t done anything spectacular to the site or anything for that matter.
All the colors of the rainbow blending into shit brown.

Anyways, Life is great !!! J

Did a bit of collaborating the other night on the “Captain or Sunz song” with A. Little.
Hope to lay down a few tracks for a song I have written this week, as I have absolutely no money to spend on groceries and other fun stuff.

Payday is Monday. Payday is Monday. Payday is Monday.
Now I can breathe again.

What do you think of the name AVANT GARDE?

Oh and my mistake…if your name is Teresa, please email me your new number as the one I have had is obviously out of date. AND CONGRATULATIONS!!! There I said it…I didn’t forget about your engagement. I’ll talk about that more when I have coffee flowing through my system instead of the smell of the weekend.


Tuesday, September 24, 2002

Hello Monday, you son of a Bitch

Well it’s Tuesday, and I’ve already dated the title of this week’s blog. That’s another thing, I need to have better access or make more time to blog on this thing. I hope to complete my on air training as well as various other crappy things (before I actually get to touch the on-air board) SOON.
What should my show be called? If I get a show…perhaps I’ll work the late night Gumbo hours?
Nothing new on the band front, just plugging away at a few songs I’ve written, but haven’t played for anybody.
Arghhhh, my job is slowly killing me….I feel like I just fell off my bike and hit my head. Permanent Head Ache.

Will it get better?

Will Ada Have her baby soon?

When the blogs stop, Im sure we’ll know!

Monday, September 16, 2002

What I did this weekend...

I ate a fudgsicle.
I played with the kitty.
I played the guitar.

I went to a garage sale.
I ate a chicken sandwich.
I watched One Hour Photo.

I took photographs.

Thursday, September 12, 2002

Yesterday was September 11. One year since the fall of New York and damage to the Pentagon. Why did I post something as stupid as a Boy Crazy action card?
It would be too easy to write my thoughts or reflect of the terror. I think that was the whole purpose of the leave a ghost, a memory and cast a shadow and some fear in the back of every westerner. I am not going to let that happen. I feel sad, horrible, upset you name it, but I'm not going to let it effect my day. Kinda of Marc Anthony ish? I come not to praise Caesar, but to burry him, BUT HE DID...and I just...oh never mind.

ON to the Fun Stuff.

New Magazines coming this week. Spin. Shift and Wired.

Reading Some David Sedaris Barrel Fever as Well as the Kurt Cobain biography Heavier than Heaven.
Listening to my crappy a Kylie Minogue cover...when its perfected, I’ll put it up.

OH yeah. Meet the new roommate....(FLYING )COOKIE TIN

Wednesday, September 11, 2002

Random Thoughts

I need either more RAM, faster CPU and motherboard or just a new computer.

The new Winamp version 3 is cool, check it out.

I finally finished No Logo. Multinationals Bad. Gap Bad. etc.....
Mark is the lucky ashoholic of the week. He wins my new CD "DON'T SHAVE THAT", an offical ashoholic hat and T-shirt.

Thursday, September 05, 2002

SO you want to be a DJ Day 5-6

Yesterday I preformed the mandatory volunteer hours at CFUV. I am eagerly awaiting my Studio training, which will take place on Saturday afternoon. I’m a bit excited as well as scared. I don’t know if its nerves or what, but just the thought of my voice being broadcast out to my town and the world via the net is awe-inspiring. Has anyone heard of The magnetic fields? Great music here folks. 69 love songs…different genres!
Oh well, maybe I’ll go see what’s outside tonight.Fresh air perhaps? I had a huge jam session last night, played some funky little ditties. Kung Fu fighting and a lot Beatles tunes.

Tuesday, September 03, 2002

Look under the rug and Don’t Let Cat Drag anything In…

Labor Day long weekend started quite dramatically in Victoria, especially at the university. As I was strolling through the parking lot, I watched in astonishment as people fled not only my office, but also every crack and crevasse the university has to offer. It was like a mass Exodus of people, putting the movement on par with something out of Charelton Heston Biblical Epic.
“Let my people be free”

So there I was, planning to leave Victoria for Seattle. Head on to Bumbershoot, listen to such bands as Wilco and Sonic Youth, when I noticed my funds. AN entire pay cheque had been decimated via rent and Student loan payments. I also managed to pay various credit cards and utilities. Through this discourse, I learnt a new word, or one that I did know, but did not admit to knowing. BUDGET.

Therefore, I learned a valuable lesson about frivolous spending.
Any good blood and sperm banks around town?
Perhaps I can sell my hair to a wig maker or sell off my apartment’s furniture.

Wednesday, August 28, 2002

Here you go...ENJOY THE PICS


All taken with the Digital Camera.
Click on the link to make the pic go huge, or just enjoy the small one.

Day TWO of :WHO wants to become a University DJ
Yesterday when I went and helped out at the station, I actually labeled CD's and logged them in the CFUV system. Yeah !!! I also met a cool girl who not only haves great shoe fashion sense, has the same interests in music as myself. She's a higher up at the station and I just might get her to help me out get my own station. Other than that nothing else is new. I Plan to post the golf pics up here later today from work. Keep Waiting.

Thursday, August 22, 2002

Friday approaches. The weekend approaches. Giant comets that will
destroy the earth in a fiery explosion of hellfire approach while we
innocently slumber

Nice though huh? I'd like to mention a few things. First thing is, Arden...the Golf pictures are on the way.
I'd also like to congratulate Ben and Rachel on their upcoming wedding, as well as Mere and Kristian's (Its a K right?) engagement.
I listen to a lot of stuff work besides CDs, and I'd like to take the time to point out a variety of stations you might enjoy.
First of KEXP from the University of Washington is awesome. Listen from 6am to about 2pm everyday, and I am bombarded with Flaming Lips, Wilco and other great stuff you do not hear on TOP 40 radio. YUCK!
I can't imagine what I would have been like had I known about this station like 10-15 years ago, when the likes of unknown bands such as Pearl jam, Nirvana, and Sound Garden would be getting their starts.
Another great station only available on the net is Moontaxi. The station I prefer is the Brit pop station. Were talking Radiohead, Placebo, Clinic, Belle and Sebastian. Need I say more...
I'm also Volunteering at the Campus station here at UVIC tonight after work. The Orientation went well, and I signed up for some lackey duties right away. Maybe one day you will be listening to me on the radio or Internet? yeah as if that will happen.
I love being such a Pessimistic Son of A Bitch.

Tuesday, August 20, 2002

Tastes Great...Less Filling !!!

I can’t seem to stress enough how much fun my Lomo Camera is. I will eventually post some new pictures as soon as I get a minute free from my hectic lifestyle. Yes, I am a huge rock star. Speaking of posting, or in my case not posting, I really can’t concentrate on putting up worth while content or change the site at all in my spare time. That would include a whole Saturday, which I am usually out and about. Perhaps with winter coming, I’ll be stuck inside with a hot cup of coffee and actually want to express myself into hypertext.
For now, all I can say is that I think it’s wonderful I’m spending all this time, disconnected from a machine. I’m not a slave or cyborg. I love getting outside, golfing, running, walking. Visiting with my girlfriend, taking photos, playing tunes with friends, and getting pulled over by the RCMP. I hope my computer doesn’t hear me spouting off all this slander. I still love you.

Hope to head out to the CFUV orientation meeting tonight and be trained in becoming an on the air personality. That would be cool eh?

Keep it real

Monday, August 12, 2002

Opps, I've did it again !

I developed some of the pics from the LOMO's first night out. I actually believe Eric took some pictures with it in Greece. So these are the first Canadian ones.
To save time and bandwidth, I simply put three of my favorites up. Enjoy.Consume. Be Excellent to Each Other.


Sunday, August 11, 2002

Domo Mi Lomo

My friend Eric has just returned from a year of school in France. While he was there, I made him purchase a Lomo for me. Whats a Lomo You ask?

The first roll of film is getting developed as I type this. I'm not expecting Diane Arbus off the bat, but If anything worth while pops up, I'll port em.

Thursday, August 08, 2002

I had this dream the other night. I woke up, like it was any other day. Went to the bathroom and I couldn’t remember the names of all the items in there. I made myself a note to remind me to label them in the future in case I would ever forget again. Weird thing is, the dream kept going as if it were real life except now all the items in my house were labelled with those RED name Tags you get a functions. “HI MY NAME IS”.

Maybe I could get Chris Nolan to write and direct a novel about this situation?

Where have I been you asked? My mother said if you don’t have anything nice to say….you get the picture.

Tuesday, July 30, 2002

At work, I trace people. I track them down, under rocks, and various other nick knacks.
The Darkness cannot hide them from me, as I will eventually find them. When I do, I call them. I actually get to listen to a variety of answering machines as well. I get to listen to “we’re not here right now”, interplayed with Iron Butterfly in the background. I have heard quite a diverse pallet of musical tastes of people of all lifestyles, different cultural backgrounds and heritages living in the mosaic we call the WORLD. I am sure I could do an anthropological study into the phenomena. Perhaps there is hope for me yet?
What compels someone to tell me that “they’re away from the desk” while Nelly Furtado “I’m like a bird” or Guns and Roses’ “Sweet Child O’ Mine” plays in the background?
Why not some jungle beats or tympani drums? Interesting eh?

Reading NO LOGO, by Naomi Kline now, and what a time to start reading it while at a recent trip to Vancouver. Staying at the YWCA, our room looked out onto a vast array of billboards and signs. Advertising this and that, from Beer to Cigarettes; if not the actual product, the brand was sponsoring an event. Up close, BC Place looks like that P.O.S. Tacoma dome they tore down in Seattle. That was also in the great view from the hotel window.

Oh yeah, Jerry Seinfeld was hilarious. Seeing one of my generation’s popular icons up close and in person is great. There was no glass tube and wires in-between us this time.

What should I do with myself?

I am entering the Dark Horse Comic Strip Search contest. I hope to enter my comic strip Commando Kate: Suburban Warlord. It would be all about my friend Kate and her exploits as a Lawn Gnome terrorizing commando.

Neat huh?

Monday, July 22, 2002

We were walking

Just the other day

It was so hot outside

You could fry an egg.

-Stay (Wasting Time)

Dave Matthews Band

You said it Dave. It sure is hot out there today. Spent the entire weekend with Andrea at her housesitting gig…it was so hot in that house, we refused to cook. No need to have an oven on, when there’s one already on (outside).
At work today, I discovered I work next to a bathroom, which leaves nothing up to the imagination. For men and women. I usually take over for the receptionist during her breaks and lunches, and sit at her desk. There are however, two bathrooms right beside her desk. So when I see a fellow co-worker walk past, you give them the usual “how are you, see ya later”, and have to listen to them do their business in the washroom. Even the quietest old lady sounds like 350 lbs linebacker taking a leak. It’s just one of those things…a work place hazard. I’m going to bring the ol’ guitar up here and play some tunes in there. Great acoustics, if you can imagine.
On a lighter side, I decided to go ADSL and ditch cable. I hope this will improve my download speed and protect the system a bit better. I will provide a link to my new email when the time is right. I can see myself tonight writing a massive email telling people my new email address.
If you care, you’ll get one. If not don’t hold your breath.

Sunday, July 21, 2002

FRIDAY JULY19, 2002 (due to Lame issues with blogger I bring you the post that was supposed to be then.

Is it raining is it pouring...
A pickle is just a pickle to you put it in a jar...
You're my bread and butter and I'm your Almond Joy...

What do these have in common? Give up? Crappy song lyrics I am working with now. What should I do with them? Where should I put them? In what context?
Perhaps, I will toss them on the back burner and see what comes of it.
My job is starting to feel boring to me. I was scared that it would happen, but not this fast. It’s been two weeks now, and I'm already wanting to be at home on my couch reading a magazine or something.
Plan to see some Tom Hanks action at the local cinema tonight.

Wednesday, July 17, 2002


It’s my little brother’s birthday today. I think he’s like 29 or something…I dunno?
I’ve been listening to the new Sonic Youth album at work lately, and I can honestly say this is one of their best. Yes, they are old and not too youthful, but like any wine…(INSERT CLICHÉ HERE).
Back to the lack of update situation. I put up a Video for my friends and somehow blogger doubled its size and ate up all the bandwidth and space on my server. Therefore, if you want the Triumph video you can email me.
Any who…back to work I go.
Maybe I’ll get it right one of these days.

Tuesday, July 16, 2002

Enjoy the summer and New Coke

The last couple of days have been a blur. Literally. I have been drinking with friends old and new, and reminiscing about the way things used to be. I was also dancing up a storm at ONE the other night, minus a partner. Jonas, Craig and I looked like the Butabi (is that how its spelt?) brothers from SNL. You know the dudes who always try to get random ladies to dance with them...except this version featured a bunch of drunken goofs. Hey, it was fun.
Brad where have you been?
The summer has really been nice here in Victoria, and that’s a change. IT usually rains. To celebrate the nice sunny weather, I plan to go golfing Thursday night after work and possible jam session afterwards. How many times do I have to say it people...Life is a pretty sweet fruit. Ya ya ya...

Friday, July 12, 2002

This is my first offical post from work. It's lunch time and Im scarfing down a nice Tim Hortons sandwich. Life is a sweet fruit.
Nothing really new here to report, no general observations to make. Pretty much working like a dog, looking forward to the weekend off.
Should i cut my hair into the urban mohawk or as its known the faux-hawk?
argghhh i just realized that there are about twenty people i havent talked to in weeks. Johhny. Megan. My brother. Ok this week...ASH MAKES CONTACT.
Also, i should note my friend eric will be home soon with my EURO LOMO...thats right the camera thats traveling the world will make its home in victoria. friends. (stroking cat) soon.

Tuesday, July 09, 2002

Its late at night, I should be alseep, preparing for my early day at Uvic. Why am I staying up so late? Too much to do here. Play Nhl2002. Read books. Read magazines. Do some and fiction. Is that a Coke in my hand? DAMN, I wish i was capable of just hitting the pillow and going to sleep. I can't. Hey saw the new Weezer video for "Keep Fishing" starring the Mupets.
ITs so cool, if your a Muppet/Geek rock fan. Check it out here. I also dipped deep into Master Card's resources and purchased some tickets to see Jerry Seinfeld in Vancouver. This is for my brother Tyler's birthday. Happy birthday tyler, even though it was the other day. Ok One more game, then I'll sleep.
Also...This if for TIM...FOR ME TO POOP ON!!!!

Sunday, July 07, 2002

The weeks have seemed to gel together, and in a good way I suppose. Started the new job, and boy is it chalk full of responsibility. It's going to take some time to get used to it I'm sure, but Im up to the task. The great folks at the bookstore gave me a good farwell: coffee, cake and a nice signed copy of the summer studies calendar. I'll show you it when the pics are developed. I'll say this, it sure is nice to have the weekends off, as yes I finally quit thriftys as well. Listening to the new Sonic Youth stuff as well as some Belle and Sebastion (Storytelling: music from the movie of the same name). I thought I'd quickly get something up here before people thought i was dead.
The first piece of art to be added to my NEW desk.
This pic has it all. This is April and myself at a recent visit in May. She's awesome and makes me laugh, and we both like to drink. Thanks for the pic Drew.