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These are some of my very favourite places to visit on the web. I have tried to group them into categories so they will be easy to link to according to your interests.

Spiritual Growth Daily or Weekly Mailings

is a daily mailing from Terri McPherson in Windsor, Ontario. Every Monday to Friday I start my day with Terri’s Wise Hearts and Weaving Small Wisdoms. Terri features copywrited stories and links to inspired and inspiring sites. It is easy to get on the mailing list by clicking on the link at the bottom of her newsletter. Terri never publishes anything written by the prolific author Anonymous or his cousin Author Unknown.

Carol’s Cottage is another of my favourite mailings. You can subscribe to it by clicking on her banner above.
Carol is another awesome Canadian Woman. You may view her site, Carol's Country Cotage here

Links to my favourite Spiritual Web Pages

Unfortunately some of these come with a ton of ads. I have only included my picks of the best and ones that have touched my heart. If you are willing to wade through the promotionals they are really worth seeing.

A child’s letter to mom

What Do Angels Look Like

Erma Bombeck's If Only I Had Known

What If?

a special page by Terri McPherson One of my favourite women on the web

To my mom on mothers day

Are you thankful for someone in your life?

strong women vs women of strength

"Best Friends"

Another for Mother

Now This is My kind of Angel - Just Kidding

A beautiful poem about the bible

esmile This one really describes well, how I feel about my on-line support friends.

This site was created by Mr Willson as a tribute to his late wife. It is full of his wonderful poetry.
We should all be loved so well. Thank you Leslie.

A mothers letter to her child

Favourite Links for greetings and ecards.


Passion Up


Do you ever get those emails where you just shake your head and wonder if this is real or not. How many times have you gotten the email about Kelsey Brook Jones. This is a great site to check out stories you receive via email and find out if they are true before you send the email off to everyone in your address book. It is called Urban Legends and Internet Hoaxes

The song you hear in the background is sung by Cathie Jones. She also created the painting at the top of the page. You can visit Cathie's Journey of Hope - My Journey to Wellness by clicking on the Doves Greet the Day painting.




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