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That's right, abstraction - send him email! Let em' know what you think -

Wow! What a concept!

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What a dazzling bowl! Now we're cooking with weed!

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Check out these links!!


BONG.DHS.ORG - The Weed Station!!

Highly recommended radio!!

One hell of a weird band - check them out, after building the bowl!

Great stuff to listen to after you build your bowl.

Wow! Yes, that’s right folks, own your very own hi-tech lo-fi breath-mint box bowl. Discover a fantastic new way to smoke! But, why smoke out of a candy box?


1.      Self-contained smoker

a.       A joints-worth of weed sits happily in the top of the case.

                                                                           i.      No-spill

                                                                         ii.      Semi-portable

b.      All-in-one design makes for an easy access convenient smoke.


2.      Inconspicuous

a.       With proper care it looks like a breath-mint box and stays that way.

b.      First and second glances reveal nothing out of the ordinary.

                                                                           i.      Third glance might raise an eyebrow.


3.       Efficient

a.        All the efficiency you’d expect from a bowl.

b.       By closing the flap on the top after your hit you can conserve weed.

                                                                           i.      Slows down the combustion of the weed.

1.        Puts it out for you if you give it a chance.

2.        Keeps smoke from floating away.

a.        Conserves the precious vapors until you are ready for the next hit.

b.       Keeps the room from filling up with smoke.

c.        Let’s you pack some decently sizeable hits – considering it’s size.


4.       It’s fun

a.        I’m making an outline.

b.      Weed leads to carpentry.

                                                                           i.      Accept this.

c.       Impress your friends.

                                                                           i.      Start a cult.

1.      Don’t join a cult.

2.      Avoid mass suicide.

                                                                         ii.      Win their respect!     3/2000