This is the first time I have done anything here for ages....basically, due to a house move etc., I haven't had time to. I do have a new design in the works at the moment, and some new stuff to put up, so please keep coming back....I hope to spend a few days on this in the New Year and get it up to date. I should also be seeing Daniel Harris soon to get a few tabs for the songs I haven't put up yet, so he should be able to give me a hand. Come back in a month or so and there should be a lot more here....sorry to keep you all waiting !
Firstly, "Opposite Ends" has been tabbed, seeing as quite a few of you requested it.
Secondly, if you have 10 minutes to spare, please check out my own music page in the links below - theres a few clips of my own stuff there, so please give me your honest opinions... It's entirely unrelated to the band, but I'm looking at acquiring my own domain name for it and want some feedback first...
You'll notice there's no more sound clip ~ I've now got a RealProducer thing, so there is now a "Sounds Page" below, with 3 old Crocketts songs on it (so far).
Also, thanks to Fuller, we now have "Host" for bass up !
"Lucifer" and "On Something" and "Ella Luciana" are now tabbed ! Ella Luciana has one bit in that came out funny, so I'll fix that soon.
There are now, finally, a couple of Bass Tabs from the new album up ! (EXLUSIVELY tabbed by Rich Wurzel himself!)
I'm finally making inroads into the rather large backlog of tabs and bass tabs - thanks for being so patient !
A huge "thank-you" to all of you who've been coming here and supporting the site and the band, and especially for all of the feedback and offers of help - Matt, Scott - you know who you are ! I don't get an awful lot of spare time at the mo, so I really appreciate this !
The recent photos from our night out in London with Rich and Dan are finally up for your perusal - check them out in the Crox Y2K Galleries 1-4 in the photo section!
Don't forget to go to for more great info. on your favourite band....
If you want to buy Crocketts stuff, go to - they've got most of it still in stock, all the singles if you haven't heard of songs mentioned here, go there, buy them, then you can play them. Nice plug.
Lots of people to thank so far, starting with everyone who's signed my guestbook and given me something to read; Holly for her link and for having the best Crocketts site on the net; Matt for the tabs, and Becky for all her help and support. And also the guys in the band, for keeping me busy writing out your music....I think.
If anyone has any other links they want up here, let me know...
Click on Dan, who'll redirect your mail to me, once he's finished snacking...
(IMPORTANT: this isn't an official site, so if you don't like it it's not the Crocketts/BlueDog Records fault, ok ?! It's purely for people who know them and like their music, and particularly for those of you who want to play it. All the stuff on here is my own material (photos, musical notation etc...) unless it says otherwise, ie: donated material from all you kind people out there. And that's it.
Links to Tab (and a few other) Pages
We May be Skinny and Wirey, Singles, B-Sides & Nintendo Fallacy
Great Brain Robbery & B-Sides Coming Soon !
A Treasure Trove of Crocketts pics
Dan Harris Style File (coming soon!)
LINKS to other Ace Pages
SIGN the GUESTBOOK...please