* OPENING (Story)
The opening story was good for a basic action game.
Yet it would've been nice to see the story coded into the game
Give the user a text splash of the story and then press any key to start the game.
The structure of the game was interesting. In variation to this however, the game lacks real involvement with the user.
User interactive menus would have been a plus for optional menu selections.
Also there was a brief title screen and the user was instantly placed on the battlefield.
Even the old coin operated arcade machines broadcasted a flashy title screen.
The general view of the game presents the user with a high resolution backdrop of a starfield.
The graphics are very basic and depend heavily upon 16 bit colors.
Yet the game is setup in SCREEN 13, which has up to 256 colors available.
The color selection is good for ASCII style, but more depth resolution is need for this mode.
* CONTROL (Manueverability)
The controls of the game were a little tedious and limited.
Although the animation is fluid, the user is hopelessly forced to remain isolated
in a cycling circle-like motion throughout the entire game.
An asteroid type navigation would have been a plus.
Remember, key to scoring higher in this rating, is OPTIONS. Give more room for motivation.
When scoring in this catagory replay value is key to a fun challenge.
Yet when the game is played constantly, the action is the same.
The smooth scrolling starfield is a nice touch upon first play,
However, after playing it several times, I found myself urging for more action.
Multiple enemies and counter-attacks would deserve a higher rating here.
To make a game addictive, provide room for different interactions upon each replay.
None were audible. Even after reviewing the code, there was no routine for sound or music.
The game was somewhat interesting the first time I played it.
After several reruns of the game, it became repetitive and monotonous.
The idea of a fun game would be to have an overall goal of the game.
Example: Save the princess, capture the flag,etc.
The only fun I had was viewing the smooth flowing starfield.
The whole generalization made on this game is that the fun begins
when it is played the first time around. Yet soon it becomes a little grueling
You hopefully wait for a new batch of enemies, but appear to be faced with the
same round of navigational enemies.
When repeated controls and action is substituted into a game, the user is
limited in exceeding their skills during gameplay.