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Movie Spoofs

Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me

The begining of the movie shows the yellow words float by in space like all four movies. Another scene is where Dr. Evil calls his space station "The Death Star". There is also a scene where Dr. Evil is in his space suit at the moon station with Austin Powers. Their dialogue is listed below:

Dr. Evil (breathing like Darth Vader)- Austin, I am your father.

Austin Powers- Really?

Dr. Evil- No, not really. I can't change that, you know.

Back to the Future

In this movie, Michael J. Fox dresses up in a yellow radio active at night and tells his dad from the 50's that he is Darth Vader.

Blade Runner

It may just be me, but I remember seeing a creature that seemed to resemble a jawa beacuse I saw a person wearing a hood that had glowing yellow eyes.

Close Encounters of a Third Kind (thanks to IGN)

In this picture from IGN, on the left side from the three yellow lights, there is a droid that resembles R2-D2.

E.T. (The Extra Terrestrial)

Elliot shows E.T. his Star Wars action figures. He mentions the names of Greedo, Boba Fett, and Lando Calrissian. Steven Spielberg again gives Star Wars some credit.

Ferris Bueller's Day Off

When Ferris hires some people to look after their cehicle, they have a little fun while waiting. The camera shows them being in the air in slow motion while the Star Wars theme plays.

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

At the begining of the movie, Indiana Jones meets with Lao Che at "Club Obi Wan".

Jay and Silent Bob Srike Back

I have not seen this movie yet, but if you have seen clips and previews of the movie, you will know that there are some Star Wars related scenes. There is already a TESB reference by the logo of the movie. One of them is of course the fight between the evil enemy at the end who is played by Luke Skywalker actor, Mark Hamill. It also stars Carrie Fisher as a nun. If anybody found any other Star Wars references, Email me.

Judge Dredd

Did anybody notice the guards in white armor, resembling Storm Troopers, and when Judge Dredd was inside the transport ship, there was a metal catawalk above them and somebody wearing black boots and a cape was overlooking them.

Nutty Professor 2: The Klumps, The

When the professor is imagining he is inside a space ship, he is meeted by a fake Obi-Wan Kenobi. The Obi-Wan comments saying "The Force is Strong With Him." and starts caughing when the professor is farting in the ship.

Raiders of the Lost Ark

The plane that Indiana and Jack ride off at the begining of the movie has the ID bumber: OB-CPO.

As Indy and Sallah lift open the ark, there is a hieroglyphic that shows R2-D2 and C-3PO on the wall behind.


This is probably the best movie spoof of any Star Wars movie. Spaceballs has everything. Yogurt, Pizza the Hutt, Dark Helmet, and more! It will always be a classic.

Tommy Boy

Chris Farley shares a bit of Star Wars in a scene when he is talking in front of a green fan and soon he says, "Luke, I am your father." He then tells actor David Spade that he got it from the movie Star Wars with David replying "I know".

Wrongfully Accused This zany movie staring Leslie Nielson has a scene where he is trapped in carbonite! It was pretty hilarious.

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