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Captain Carrot Ironfoundersson

A 6'6" tall dwarf (by adoption). His parents were killed by bandits in the forests of the Ramtop Mountains. He was named Carrot because his body is shaped like one. Carrot was brought up in a dwarven mine in the Ramtop Mountains, close to the Kingdom of Lancre

When he turned 16 his adoptive parents arranged for him to join the Ankh-Morpork
City Watch.

Carrot is direct, honest, good-natured, honourable and always keeps things simple. He has great charisma, and a love for his city.

He has a crown-shaped birth-mark on his left arm, which has led many to believe that he is the rightful king of Ankh-Morpork. he has short, red hair. When he flexes his muscle other muscles have to move out the way to make room. He has a slight stoop, from living in a dwarven mine.

Carrot is currently going out with Lance Constable Angua.

Carrot, Vimes, Colon and Nobby being chased by a dragon
Ankh-Morpork Watch

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