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Rincewind is a wizard, but he isn't any good at magic. He studied at Unseen University, in Ankh-Morpork, but didn't pass a single exam. His teachers estimated that he was below level zero, which most people are born at, and that if he ever died (he is addicted to life), the average IQ of the human race would rise.

He seems to have an ability for learning languages, which allows him to yell, "Don't kill me!" and be understood by just about anyone.

He was born under the Small Group Of Faint Boring Stars, a sign associated with chess board makers, onion sellers, manufacturers of small plaster images of small religeous importance, and people who are allergic to pewter. His mother ran away before he was born.

Rincewind is tall, thin and scrawny and has a beard which looks like the kind of beard worn by someone who shouldn't really have a beard. He wears a dark red, fraying robe covered in sequins. He has breeches and sandals under his robe. He has a pointy hat with a floppy brim, a star on top and "WIZZARD" embroiderd on the front in messy silver letters.

Rincewind & The Luggage
Rincewind in The Dungeon Dimensions

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