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This is the 5 day miracle diet by Adele Puhn.  If you follow it correctly you can lose a lot of weight.
5 Day Miracle Diet 
5 Day Miracle Diet  5 Day Miracle Diet  5 Day Miracle Diet  5 Day Miracle Diet
5 DAY MIRACLE DIET by Adele Puhn 

This is the 5 day miracle diet by Adele Puhn.  If you follow it correctly you can lose a lot of weight. This diet is GREAT to control cravings & stabilize our blood sugar level..
THE BAD CARBOHYDRATES ARE white flour & processed sugar - these carbohydrates make our insulin levels go crazy - read her book to learn all the facts.. 
you can get it at


Eat within a 1/2 hour of waking, unless you're excerising,
in which case you can stretch it  to 45 minutes.

Breakfast should consist of a starch, like whole wheat toast, for quick
energy and a protein, like a few egg whites, for a more lasting boost.

Eat a hard-chew snack, like an apple or a few celery stalks,
within 2 hours of breakfast.

According to author Adele Puhn, "hard-chew" food produce
a slow release of sugar,
which evens out the distribution of glucose.

Eat lunch by no later than 1 p.m., if possible. This meal should incorporate
protein     &  vegetable. SKIP THE PASTA, says Puhn.
It's "too glycemic" and  sleep-inducing for the midday meal.

Eat one or two snacks in the afternoon, spaced no farther
than three hours apart.

Theoretically, you've already created "balanced blood sugar"by this point in the day, so
there is more flexibility as to "hard chew" and "soft chew" choices.(like peaches & plums)
Eat Dinner by no later than 8PM if possible. As with lunch,
this  meal  should  incorporate  protein & vegetables...