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urban legend :1

In Berlin, after World War II, money was short, supplies were tight, and it seemed like everyone was hungry. At that time, people were telling the tale of a young woman who saw a blind man picking his way through a crowd. The two started to talk. The man asked her for a favor: could she deliver the letter to the address on the envelope? Well, it was on her way home, so she agreed. She started out to deliver the message, when she turned around to see if there was anything else the blind man needed. But she spotted him hurrying through the crowd without his smoked glasses or white cane. She went to the police, who raided the address on the envelope, where they found heaps of human flesh for sale. And what was in the envelope? "This is the last one I am sending you today."

urban legend : 2

The air hostess, as she passed along the aisle of the plane on the transatlantic flight from Amsterdam to New York noticed that the baby, nestled between the couple who were asleep, didn't look very well -- in fact it looked extremely ill. Not wanting to disturb anyone she gently lifted up the baby and took it back to her station. Feeling the baby's forehead, she found it was cold and with a sudden panic she realized that the infant was dead. Calling upon a doctor she knew to be on board, he examined the baby and confirmed that, not only was it dead, but it was embalmed. The child's body had been hollowed out and it was full of the drugs that the couple were trying to smuggle into the States.

urban legend : 3

A young woman was getting married and she wanted to look her very best. She decided that her expensive white dress would be attractively set off by a golden tan. Unfortunately, she waited until a week before the wedding to start her tanning sessions. Salon after salon told her that she could only tan for thirty minutes, twice a week, to start. At this rate, she would not be tan in time for her wedding. The bride then had a brilliant idea: she would tan the maximum amount of time at every tanning salon in town. The wedding day came, and the bride was beautiful -- dark, perfect tan and all. However, on the wedding night, the groom noticed that his new wife had a peculiar smell -- kind of like rotting meat. As the honeymoon wore on, the smell persisted and grew worse until he could stand it no longer: he insisted that his bride go to the hospital to find out what was causing the awful stench. Doctors examined her carefully, but could not identify the source of the odor. The bride's health began to fail, and after a few days she died. When the autopsy was performed, the horrified coroner discovered that the woman's internal organs were cooked! Over-exposure to tanning rays had cooked the woman from the inside out, just like a microwave oven, and in the days following the wedding, the bride had begun to "spoil".

urban legend : 4

"For several months, our nurses have been baffled to find a dead patient in the same bed every Friday morning," a spokeswoman for the Pelonomi Hospital (Free State, South Africa) told reporters. "There was no apparent cause for any of the deaths, and extensive checks on the air conditioning system, and a search for possible bacterial infection, failed to reveal any clues." "However, further inquiries have now revealed the cause of these deaths. It seems that every Friday morning a cleaner would enter the ward, remove the plug that powered the patient's life support system, plug her floor polisher into the vacant socket, then go about her business. When she had finished her chores, she would plug the life support machine back in and leave, unaware that the patient was now dead. She could not, after all, hear the screams and eventual death rattle over the whirring of her polisher." "We are sorry, and have sent a strong letter to the cleaner in question. Further, the Free State Health and Welfare Department is arranging for an electrician to fit an extra socket, so there should be no repetition of this incident. The enquiry is now closed."

urban legend : 5

On 25 October 1997, a mass tug-of-war contest was held at a park along the Keelung River in Taipei in celebration of Retrocession Day (the 52nd anniversary of the end of the Japanese colonial rule in Taiwan). Over 1,600 participants joined in the contest, exerting over 80,000 kg of force on a 5 cm nylon rope that could bear a force of about 26,000 kg at most. Within seconds the rope snapped, severing the left arms of two men (Yang Chiung-ming and Chen Ming-kuo) below the shoulder. (The severing of the limbs was believed to have been caused by sheer rebounding force of the broken rope rather than the men's having wrapped the rope around their arms.) The victims were taken to Mackay Memorial Hospital and underwent seven hours of microsurgery to reattach their arms. Here is a picture of the man's arm after it was torn off.

urban legend : 6

It seems a motorcyclist was riding and wearing his jacket as he always did, backwards; this unorthodox method made the jacket more airtight and was more comfortable while riding. Of course someone had to always zip and unzip him. One day the cyclist had a minor accident and fell off his bike. A "Good Samaritan" saw this from his car, got out, saw the cyclist and determined his accident caused his head to be turned completly around. He felt action was necessary so he tried to twist the cyclist's head back to its proper position. This of course broke the motorcyclist's neck.

urban legend : 7

A student arrives late to math class and finds two problems written on the chalkboard. Assuming they're homework problems, he jots them down in his notebook and works on the equations over the next few days before turning his solutions in to the instructor. Several weeks later, the professor turns up at the student's door with the student's work written up for publication. The two problems were not a homework assignment; they were problems previously thought to be unsolvable that the instructor had used as examples in his lecture that day. (matt damon and ben affleck, who are known to use urban legends, ripped this true urban legend off when they wrote the script for good will hunting.)

urban legend : 8

"Over a beer, friends and I are discussing TV bloopers. One friend says that she was watching The Newlywed Game one day and the bonus question was "Where is the most unusual place that you and your husband have ever made whoopee?" After receiving responses like "the bathroom of a 747" and "the kitchen table", Bob Eubanks comes to a "not-too-literate" lady who, after a lengthy deliberation, states "In the butt, Bob".

urban legend : 9

A teenager makes a date with a girl who has a bit of a reputation. Feeling confident, he makes an afternoon stop at a pharmacy to buy a box of condoms. He even tells the pharmacist, "I'm going to score tonight." That night, the whistling teenager strolls up to his date's house and rings the doorbell. Her father answers. The kid's jaw drops. The pharmacist is his date's father.

urban legend : 10

A married couple is invited to a Halloween party, and the wife arranges rental costumes for the both of them. On the day of the party, however, the wife falls ill, but she talks her husband into going on without her. Somewhat disappointed, the husband puts on his costume that evening and heads off for the party alone, while his wife stays in bed and rests. A few hours after her husband's departure the wife wakes up, feeling much better. So much better, in fact, that she decides to attend the party after all. Since her husband hasn't seen her costume, the wife reasons that this should be a good opportunity to observe her spouse's behavior first-hand without his knowing it. When the wife arrives at the party, she spots her husband, in costume, dancing and making time with several different women. The wife, incognito in her own costume, approaches her husband and begins openly flirting with him. After a few dances, she allows her husband to lead her into an empty bedroom, where they make love without removing their masks. The wife leaves the party and rushes home before the midnight unmasking, jumps into bed, and awaits her husband's arrival. When he comes home, she asks how his evening went. He tells her that since he doesn't have much fun at parties when she's not with him, he lent his costume to someone else and spent the evening in a back room playing poker. He adds that the fellow who borrowed his costume said he had a terrific evening, though.

urban legend : 11

After an airliner encounters a particularly rough patch of turbulence, the captain comes on the intercom to reassure the passengers that everything is okay and that the flight should be smooth one the rest of the way. He forgets to turn off the intercom, however, and everyone in the passenger cabin hears his subsequent comment to the co-pilot: "Boy, I sure could use a blow job and a cup of coffee right about now!" As a flight attendant frantically rushes up the aisle towards the cockpit to warn the captain that his microphone is open, a waggish passenger calls out after her, "Don't forget the coffee!"

urban legend : 12

There was some woman who had a dog, which she would put in the oven to dry off after giving him baths. I thought this was stupid enough, but then the woman gets a microwave oven. While being "dried off" in the microwave, the dog explodes and (obviously) dies. That's stupid enough. But the woman sued the company which made the microwave for some obscene amount of money -- and won. Because there was no warning label on the microwave oven. Only in america. (this was a classic which was one of the many legends used in the movie urban legend.)

urban legend : 13

Somewhere in western NY or the chimney of PA a woman went grocery shopping. When she came home the back door was open. She didn't think much about it . . . it was a small town where the doors rarely got locked and neighbors often stopped in. But when she got into the kitchen, she found their dog (a doberman) on the floor in obvious distress. She loads the dog into her truck and speeds to the vet. The vet tells her to leave the dog, he'll call when he knows something. About an hour later, he calls and asks if she's looked around her house. She hadn't, but, puzzled, agrees to. Upstairs, in front of her jewelery chest is a puddle of blood, and the room is a mess. Frightened, she asks the vet what's going on. He tells her to hang up and call the police immediately. He thinks her house has been broken into, because the dog was choking on 2 (or 3 or 4) human fingers. She then called the police who later found a burglar hiding in her closet.

urban legend : 14

FULDA, Germany, Dec 8 (AFP) - An American soldier cut off the head of his pregnant wife's lover and put it on her bedside table in the hospital here where she was about to give birth, a spokesman at the German public prosecutor's office said on Wednesday. The angry husband struck on Tuesday when his rival, a fellow GI in the American 11th cavalry regiment, was phoning the woman from nearby Sickels military airfield. The first soldier cut off the second one's head with a knife, then drove to the hospital and showed it to his wife and left it there. The victim just had time to call down the telephone, "Your husband is coming," the German sources said. An American army spokesman confirmed a decapitated body had been found in a telephone box at the military airfield. U.S. military police held the first man for questioning. He was not immediately named. You would think that so gruesome a tale such as this would be fiction, but this occurence actually happened. In December of 1993, Gregory Glover paid the ultimate penalty for messing with another fellow's wife. His friend, Stephen Schap, didn't take the news of Glover's wrongdoings all that gracefully, coming as it was from his pregnant wife's lips with her about to give birth to this other man's child. Stephan Schap was courtmartialed for the murder of Gregory Glover in April 1994. He was found guilty and given a mandatory life sentence.

urban legend : 15

"A very good friend of mine is in an EMT certification course. There is something new happening that everyone should be aware of. Drug users are now taking their used needles and putting them into the coin return slots in public telephones. People are putting their fingers in to recover coins or just to check if anyone left change. They are getting stuck by these needles and infected with hepatitis, HIV, and other diseases. This message is posted to make everyone aware of this danger. Be aware! The change isn't worth it! P.S. - This information came straight from phone company workers, through the EMT instructor. This did NOT come from a hearsay urban legend source."

urban legend : 16

A police officer working with the DARE program has issued this warning: If you are driving after dark and see an on-coming car with no headlights on, DO NOT FLASH YOUR LIGHTS AT THEM! This is a common gang member "initiation game" that goes like this: The new gang member under initiation drives along with no headlights, and the first car to flash their headlights at him is now his "target". He is now required to turn around and chase that car, and shoot at or into the car in order to complete his initiation requirements. Make sure you share this information with all the drivers in your family! (another classic used in the movie urban legend.)

urban legend : 17

Supposedly, at another college in the state, a girl was studying late and went back to her dorm room to get some books or notes. So she wouldn’t disturb her roommate, she didn’t turn on the lights when she got her stuff off of her desk. Later when she went back to her room, she found her roommate dead and a note written in lipstick on the mirror. It said, "Aren’t you glad you didn’t turn on the light?" (classic used in the movie urban legend.)

urban legend : 18

This young couple is out parked on a country road. The girl is real nervous and uneasy. It seems that there had been a report about an escaped criminal in the area. He was supposed to be dangerous, a mad killer. They called him "The Hook" because one of his hands was missing and he wore a hook in place of it. He was supposed to have used it on all of his victims. Anyway, the girl was real uneasy for some reason. Supposedly, they were not aware of the escaped killer. She kept saying she had an uneasy feeling but she did not know why. The guy finally got mad at her. He thought she was just making up excuses because she didn't want to park. Finally he lost his temper and stepped on the gas. He really tore out of there fast. He didn't say a word on the way home. When they get to the girl's house, he just got out and went around to open her door. When he got to the door, there was a hook hanging on the handle.

urban legend : 19

Two students had gone out to neck in a car on an isolated country road. Afterwards, the car wouldn't start. The girlfriend got spooked. The boyfriend said he would walk for help, but suggested she first get down on the floor of the car in the back and put a blanket over her so no one looking in would see her... and told her not to look out or get out until he returned and told her to, no matter what she heard. Then he walked off, leaving her hidden. He didn't return, and he didn't return, and then she heard a strange tap-tap-tap sound on top of the car. Tap-tap-tap. Despite her growing panic, she didn't get out and remained huddled there, all night long, listening to the irregular tapping sounds. Finally, the day grew light outside and she heard someone walking up to the car. A man's voice called out "Is anyone in there?" It was the local sheriff. She peeked out and he told her to get out of the car, walk down the road to the waiting sheriff's car, and whatever she did, not to look back at the car. She walked down the road to the sheriff's car but looked back at the last minute and saw her boyfriend hanging above the car by a tree, dripping blood onto the car. (used in the movie urban legend.)

urban legend : 20

if you say "Hell Mary" seven times in front of a mirror at precisely midnight, you'll see Satan's image in the mirror. The story was embellished further by the teller, who claimed that after three "Hell Maries", the mirror turns red, and that after five an unclear face appeared. According to this urban legend a woman once done this and her hair, which was brown, turned white out of fear. ps - if you're stupid enough to try this and think it will work, you're a moron.

urban legend : 21

this legend was once on the show unsolved mysteries which used to air on nbc but is now airing on cbs ... The story was, a school bus full of children had stalled on these tracks with a train coming. The train was going too fast for there to be time to get the children off. So they all died. When we finally found the tracks, we stopped the car, parking it right on the railroad tracks. We were both a little nervous, and scared, and waited for something to happen. Just when we were about to leave, the car started rolling. We were both too freaked out to do any more than grab each other and gasp, eyes wide, mouths open. After what seemed like an eternity, (but was actually less than 5 minutes tops) the car stopped rolling. We looked around, and we were off the railroad tracks. Now, that may not seem spooky, but what we saw next scared us enough to jump back in the car and make the 6 hour trip home THAT NIGHT. Both of us got out of the car and walked around to the back. After the first 6 hour drive, our car had accumulated quite a bit of dust on it. That's not scary, no. But what was scary was the little sets of handprints all over the back of the car. All the size of children's hands.

urban legend : 22

A two girls go to a movie theater. They decide it would help them to see better if they went up to the balcony. Once there, they decide to sit on the front row of the balcony. A man is already sitting on the front row, two seats from the aisle appearing to be sleeping. The girls don't want to step over the man so they occupy the two end seats. When the movie starts with the sudden sound check the man "awakens" startledly and spills soda on one of the girls. When she, with authority, gets up to wipe herself off, the man trips her and she falls over the balcony to her death. On the other two times that this has happened, the victim was paralized from the neck down.

urban legend : 23

Dr. Eckersall was driving home from a country-club dance late one Saturday night. He slowed up for the intersection, and was surprised to see a lovely young girl, dressed in the sheerest of evening gowns, beckoning him for a lift. He jammed on his brakes, and motioned her to climb into the back seat of his roadster. "All cluttered up with golf clubs and bags up here in front," he explained. "But what on earth is a youngster like you doing out here all alone at this time of night?" "It's too long a story to tell you now," said the girl. Her voice was sweet and somewhat shrill -- like the tinkling of sleigh bells. "Please, please take me home. I'll explain everything there. The address is ___ North Charles Street. I do hope it's not too far out of your way." The doctor grunted, and set the car in motion. He drove rapidly to the address she had given him, and as he pulled up before the shuttered house, he said, "Here we are." Then he turned around. The back seat was empty! "What the devil?" the doctor muttered to himself. The girl couldn't possibly have fallen from the car. Nor could she simply have vanished. He rang insistently on the house bell, confused as he had never been in his life before. At long last the door opened. A gray-haired, very tired-looking man peered out at him. "I can't tell you what an amazing thing has happened," began the doctor. "A young girl gave me this address a while back. I drove her here and . . ." "Yes, yes, I know," said the man wearily. "This has happened several other Saturday evenings in the past month. That young girl, sir, was my daughter. She was killed in an automobile accident at that intersection where you saw her almost two years ago . . ."

urban legend : 24

A family returned home to find a giant hole in their roof and litres of urine all over the place. Completeley bewildered they call the police who are also baffled. Only later do they realize what had happened. Suppposedly a jet was flying overhead and ejected the contents of it's toilet accidentally (something usually done over oceans), it froze in the cold atmosphere, crashing through their roof. The ice then melted, thus explaining the mystery.

urban legend : 25

Kennedy-Lincoln coincedences : This one is not really an Urban Legend. But the coincedences between John F. Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln are remarkable enough to mention on this site: Abraham Lincoln was elected to congress in 1846. John F. Kennedy was elected to congress in 1946. Abraham Lincoln was elected president in 1860. John F. Kennedy was elected president in 1960. The names Lincoln and Kennedy each contain seven letters. Lincoln's secretary was named Kennedy. Kennedy's secreatry was named Lincoln. Both presidents were shot on a friday. Both presidents were shot in the head. Both presidents were shot by Southerners. Both presidents were succeeded by Southerners. Both successors were named Johnson. Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in 1808. Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908. John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Lincoln, was born in 1839. Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated Kennedy, was born in 1939. Both assassins were known by their three names. The names of the assassins are made up of fifteen letters. Booth ran from the theatre and was caught in a warehouse. Oswald ran from a warehouse and was caught in a theatre. Booth and Oswald were assassinated before their trials. And last but not least: A week before Lincoln was shot he was in Monroe, Maryland. A week before Kennedy was shot he was in Marilyn Monroe. believe it or not ... this is actually all true.

urban legend : 26

A man met a beautiful woman in a bar. After a few drinks they agreed to go back to her apartment. In the morning he awoke in an alleyway having been drugged. He checked his wallet, watch and credit cards and found that none were missing. A few minutes later he discovered something which gave him a terrible shock. He had a pain in his back and when he felt it he found a recently stitched incision. The woman was a lure for a crooked surgeon who removed healthy human organs and sold them to rich people needing organ transplants. On examination by X-ray the man found that one of his kidneys was missing. (mentioned in the movie urban legend.)

urban legend : 27

After an intense brush fire that burned several thousand acres, firemen were surprised to find a diver, in full wetsuit, fins, mask and tanks hanging dead from the charred remains of a tree. Investigators were stumped at first but eventually came up with a unique theory. The fire department recently began using a plane that could scoop up large volumes of water from the ocean, fly to the scene of a fire, dump its contents and quickly put out a fire. Thus the theory that the diver was tragically scooped up by the plane and dropped over the fire.

urban legend : 28

An incident occurred when a woman went to sit in a movie theatre in Hawaii and something was poking her. She then got up and found that it was a needle with a little note at the end. It said, "Welcome to the wonderful world of aids". Doctors tested the needle and it was HIV POSITIVE.

urban legend : 29

A speeding motorist caught by a roadside camera tried to play a little joke when police sent a penalty notice. The notice included a photograph of the car, the date and the speed, and demanded payment of a fine of 40 pounds ($65). The motorist sent a photograph of a check. Police sent back a photograph of a pair of handcuffs, and the motorist got the message. He mailed a check.

urban legend : 30

A couple of years ago a plane with 48 passengers on board crashed, apparently without any reason. The plane had not reported any problems, the weather was good and after the crash there were no signs that an explosion of any kind occured during the flight. Investigators were puzzled, till they listened to the recordings of the voice recorder. When they played the black box recordings, the last words from the pilot were: "I wonder what happens when I push this button." Although the investigators searched for over a year, they never found out which button the pilot had pushed.

urban legend : 31

Two fraternity buddies at Duke University were so confident about their chemistry final Monday that they went the University of Virginia and partied all weekend, intending to study all day Sunday. Instead, they were in bed with hangovers and did not get back until early Monday morning. Rather than take the final unprepared, they told their professor, Jerard, that they had a flat tire and couldn't make it back in time, and he agreed to let them take the exam the next day. They studied that night and went to Jerard's office at the agreed time. Jerard put them in separate rooms, gave them each a slim test booklet, and told them to begin. The first problem, worth five points, was something simple about elements. "Cool," they thought, "this is going to be easy," and turned the page. The problem on the next page, worth 95 points, said simply: "Which tire?"

urban legend : 32

A student is having a very hard time writing a final exam. So hard, in fact, that he continues to write a full five minutes after the professor has called "pencils down". The professor, tired of waiting, picks up the pile of exams and begins to walk out of the room. Seeing this, the student finishes up and rushes, paper in hand, to the professor, only to find that his exam will not be accepted. After the professor explains to the distraught student that he has violated academic code by writing past the finishing time, the student asks him: "Do you have any idea who I am?" The professor answers, "No. But I'll have a pretty good idea who your name is when I record your failing grade." With that, the student knocks the finished exams out of the professors hands, mixes his in with the pile, and runs out of the room. Rumour has it, he got a B+.

urban legend : 33

this one is kind of funny : A young woman spent the day shopping at a local shopping center. She eventually came back to her red Mercedes, carrying her bags. There, sitting in the front seat was a man whom she thought was trying to steal her car. She screamed at him to "Stop! Get away from that car!" The man simply ignored her. Enraged, she dropped her bags and pulled a revolver from her purse, telling him that she would shoot if he didn't get away from the car. The man just replied: "You're crazy lady", and tried to grab her gun. During the scuffle, the lady shot him in the leg, and he screamed out and hobbled away. Safe from harm, the woman got into the car, tried to put the key into the ignition, and then realised, in horror, that it wasn't her car.

urban legend : 34

A woman travels to her university. She plans to leave midday and drive all day and most of the night before arriving at the campus in the morning. After she has packed, she says goodbye to her friends and makes sure all of her credit cards have a full credit rating. News comes through that morning that axe murders have been committed in one of the states she was to travel through on her journey. The woman drives several states without any occurance. As dawn approaches, she is nearly there. She decides to stop at an all night open grocery shop to buy some food. She also stops at a tankstation to fill her tank. The woman decides to stay in her car. A scary gut approaches and asks what she wants. She tells him to fill the tank. He does, frequently looking at her in a very bizarre manner. He then asks for payment and she proffers her credit card. The guy takes it and retires to his shack. Several minutes later he returns and informs her that her card has been refused and that the card company wants to talk to her. She refuses. She is certain the card is valid. The guy insists and threatens to chop up the card. At this point she gets out of the car and strides to the shack. She storms in on the wings of her righteous indignation, and hears the key turn in the lock behind her. The scary man turns to her and says: "I am very sorry to have scared you. But there is a man sitting behind your driving seat with an axe in his hand." (used in the movie urban legend.)

urban legend : 35

A woman is suing the pharmacy that sold her a popular contraceptive jelly. The woman ate the stuff on toast and got pregnant anyway. Many legal experts are convinced that she's got an excellant chance of collecting. "It says right on the package: `Jelly'," explained the woman to a newspaper in Philadelphia. "And in the store they kept it on the shelf just two aisles from the food section. I know now that the directions say it should be used vaginally with a condom. But who has time to sit around reading directions these days, especially when you're sexually aroused." Attorneys for the woman say she was swindled and lied to by implication and they intend to make the pharmacy pay 500,000 dollars for the hardship the woman will have to endure. A spokesman for the drugstore says he is angry that such a case could ever be taken seriously. "All she has to do is open the box and read the directions. Next thing you know someone will come after us because they couldn't stick things together with their toothpaste."

urban legend : 36

One day a man goes to his a doctor and complains that he is having anal problems. His doctor looks up his rectum and says that he has obviously been engaging in anal sex. Telling the doctor that he is very straight, he tells him that his roomate is gay. When he goes to his dorm room, he looks around his roomate's stuff to see if his doctor is telling the truth. After thouroughly searching, he finds a bottle of sleeping pills and finds the conclusion that his roomate has been drugging him after dinner and has been having sexual intercourse with him.

urban legend : 37

An award should go to the United Airlines gate agent in Denver for being smart and funny, and making her point, when confronted with a passenger who probably deserved to fly as cargo. During the final days at Denver's old Stapleton airport, a crowded United flight was cancelled. A single agent was rebooking a long line of inconvenienced travelers. Suddenly an angry passenger pushed his way to the desk. He slapped his ticket down on the counter and said, "I HAVE to be on this flight and it has to be FIRST CLASS." The agent replied, "I'm sorry sir. I'll be happy to try to help you, but I've got to help these folks first, and I'm sure we'll be able to work something out." The passenger was unimpressed. He asked loudly, so that the passengers behind him could hear, "Do you have any idea who I am?" Without hesitating, the gate agent smiled and grabbed her public address microphone. "May I have your attention please?" she began, her voice bellowing throughout the terminal. "We have a passenger here at the gate WHO DOES NOT KNOW WHO HE IS. If anyone can help him find his identity, please come to Gate 17." With the folks behind him in line laughing hysterically, the man glared at the United agent, gritted his teeth and swore "Fuck you." Without flinching, she smiled and said, "I'm sorry, sir, but you'll have to stand in line for that too."

urban legend : 38

Shared with us by a USAir pilot, this tale sounded too good to be true and is, according to airline officials who describe it as another urban myth. (A West Coast version has it as a United flight.) Seems a USAir employee with the last name of Gay was flying on a company pass. Mr. Gay found a man in his seat and sat elsewhere. Since the plane turned out to be overbooked, a ticket agent approached the man in Mr. Gay's assigned seat and asked "Are you Gay?" When the bewildered man nodded that he was gay, the agent said, "Well, get your things, you'll have to get off. The real Mr. Gay overheard and quickly interrupted, "I'm Gay." The agent told him he'd have to leave the plane at which another passenger, observing this whole scene, announced defiantly, "I'm gay, too. Heck, you can't throw us all off."

urban legend : 39

The incident happened on the New Jersey Turnpike. The guy was pulled over for drunk driving, and while the officer was questioning him, a traffic accident happened a short distance away. The officer told him to wait in the patrol car, while he went over to work the accident. After about 15 minutes or so, the guy got behind the wheel and took off. He got home, parked the car in his garage, closed the garage door and went inside. He told his wife to tell anyone that asked, that he had been home all day, and laid down on the couch and went to sleep. After about 2-3 hours (I wonder what took them so long), the police showed up. He told them he had been home all day. They asked to see his car, and when the opened the garage door, there was the cruiser, with the lights still flashing. (urban legend told in the movie good will hunting.)

urban legend : 40

A suicidal pilot flying from the U.S. to South America with a plane full of people purposely crashed into mountains killing everyone on the plane. The airline company was then sued by the family of the passengers. The airlines were said to have been fully aware of the pilot's mental problems. Because of that known fact, the airlines went out of business due to the passenger's families sueing the airline. (i could say that this urban legend is fiction, but unfortunately it actually happened.)

urban legend : 41

A lady named Linda went to Arkansas last week to visit her in-laws, and while there, went to a store. She parked next to a car with a woman sitting in it, her eyes closed and hands behind her head, apparently sleeping. When Linda came out a while later, she again saw the woman, her hands still behind her head but with her eyes open. The woman looked very strange, so Linda tapped on the window and said "Are you okay?" The woman answered "I've been shot in the head, and I am holding my brains in." Linda didn't know what to do, so she ran into the store, where store officials called the paramedics. They had to break into the car because the door was locked. When they got in, they found that the woman had bread dough on the back of her head and in her hands. A Pillsbury biscuit canister had exploded, apparently from the heat in the car, making a loud explosion like that of a gunshot, and hit her in the head. When she reached back to find what it was, she felt the dough and thought it was her brains. She passed out from fright at first, then attempted to hold her brains in.

urban legend : 42

i love this urban legend : A young man is shopping in a supermarket when he notices that an older woman seems to be following him, staring at him in a sorrowful manner. He moves to the next aisle, trying to avoid her, but she follows, still staring. And when he finishes shopping, he ends up behind her in a long checkout line. Her grocery basket is full to overflowing; his contains just a few items. She keeps staring at him sadly, making him feel most uncomfortable. Finally she speaks up. "Pardon my staring," she says, "but you look exactly like my son, who died just two weeks ago." And she begins to sniffle as she repeats her claim that the young man perfectly resembles her late, beloved son. "I mean, exactly like him," she moans. Then, as the cashier bags her groceries at the front of the line, the woman asks: "As a favor to a grief-stricken mother, would you mind saying 'Goodbye, Mom' to me as I leave? Somehow, it would make me feel so much better." The young man gulps and agrees to her request. She gives him a tearful smile, waves and picks up her three heavy bags. "Goodbye, Mom!" he says, waving back. All the scene needs now to make it a perfect melodrama is violins welling up in the background -- or maybe a little supermarket Muzak. The young man, reflecting on his good deed, feels such a warm glow of self-satisfaction that he barely notices the cashier ringing up his own few purchases. Until, that is, the cashier tells him that the bill comes to $110. "There must be a mistake," the young man says, pointing at his single small bag. "Your mother said you'd be paying for hers too," the cashier says.

urban legend : 43

The packaging of consumer products, a convenience so familiar to Americans, can be baffling to a foreign visitor. I was lunching in the college cafeteria one afternoon with a young student from India. Noticing that he had torn open his tea bag and emptied its contents into his cup, I explained that the bag itself was meant to be dipped, unopened, into the water. A bit surprised, he thanked me graciously for correcting him -- and then confidently dropped an unopened envelope of sugar into his tea. (this was kind of funny to me, but not as funny as when my friend went inside a hindu temple eating a hamburger.)

urban legend : 44

A police officer was staking out a well-known bar to bust some potential DWI-ers. As it neared closing time, an extremely intoxicated man stumbled out of the bar and spent 30 minutes looking for his car. When all the other drivers had left, the drunk finally located his vehicle. He spent another 20 minutes fumbling for his keys and trying to unlock his car. Finally, he got in and eventually managed to start his car. As soon as he pulled away, the police officer went after him and pulled him over, giving him the breathalizer test. It came up negative. "How could this be?" the officer sputtered. "I saw you! You were falling all over the place!" The driver grinned and said, "Tonight I'm the Designated Decoy."

urban legend : 45

Chicago Editor Spectorsky returned to his snazzy sports car to find a freshly crushed fender and this note affixed to his windshield wiper: "The people who saw me sideswipe your fender are now watching me write this note, and doubtless figure I'm telling you my name and address so you can contact me and send me the repair bill. Little do they know, i'm not writing it down."

urban legend : 46

A thief who tried to siphon gas from a motor home got a mouthful of sewage instead, police said. Police got an early morning call from Dennis Quigly, the owner of the vehicle. Quigly was inside the parked motor home when he heard strange noises outside. "Apparently, the suspect was attempting to steal gasoline and got the sewage tank instead," Officer Tom Umporowicz reported. Officers found sewage and what looked like vomit on the ground. Nearby they found a 14-year-old boy curled up ill next to a car. Quigly said he declined to press charges in the incident, figuring the boy, who was not identified, had been punished enough