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undefined 101 Tips for Better Toastmaster Speeches

101 Tips for Better Speeches!

You may be SPEAKING, but are they LISTENING?


Tips Tips & More Tips
Use 'simple to understand' words.

Let the audience know what the topic is before you start to speak so they can follow your message.

Make sure the introduction informative and warm.

Use as few words as possible when explaining something.

Use examples that all can relate to

Speak on a topic that will interest the audience.

Tell your audience what you will be talking about so they can follow the message.

Use visual aides

Use a hand out

Smile and connect with your audience a few seconds BEFORE you start speaking.

Use personal examples

Summarize your main points.

Involve your audience whenever possible

Define the purpose of your speech and don't deviate from that purpose.

Evoke emotion from your audience, we remember better if a story touches us.  When you stir their feelings the audience becomes more receptive to you and your message.

The success of your presentation will be judged not by the knowledge, facts and figures you send but by what the listener receives which are PASSION, COMPASSION and PURPOSE.

Use the opening to capture the audience attention

Make a rough outline of the speech, rework it many times until it's right.

Practice when you are alone, in the car, on a walk.

Practice in front of a mirror

Practice in front of your family, friends or dog.

Break your speech into 1 min. sections as your practice.

Be ready to rearrange add or delete from your speech as you practice.

Use the stove timer when the kitchen is empty or purchase a small digital timer for practicing.

Memorize your opening and closing

Make your closing very powerful.

The closing message is the most important as that is what the audience will remember


Create pictures using many senses.

How to connect with your audience:

  • get and hold their attention – be interesting

  • entertain them (tell a story or use humor)

  • Talk to them personally,  use YOU not I, 

Speak with vocal variety

Speak using  a friendly tone.

Make eye contact with your audience, it will tell you if they are interested or confused.

Don't use jargon

Use a quote

Use a joke

Use humor

Stand firmly on both feet, feet below armpits.

Keep your hands open and natural.

Use hand movements to add expression.

Use full body movements to add more interest.

Don't try to overwhelm the audience with facts, they won't be able to remember them all.

Be as clear and as concise as possible in your allotted time.

Don't choose a complex topic for a short speech.

Here are 4 pitfalls to avoid:

  • An apologetic statement

  • A story or joke that does not relate to your topic

  • A commonplace observation delivered in a commonplace manner

  • A trite question, such as “Did you ever stop to think…?

Keep your sentences short, avoiding 'run on' sentences.

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Please email YOUR tips to Dale S.  and we'll add them to the list!