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Club Officers

Special Tips to help YOU do the Best Job Possible!

You are into a learning opportunity, here are some helpful tips, ideas and links to assist you in doing the very best job possible.  May you have a wonderful year of growth and fun in Toastmasters!



 Have an agenda (with time frames) ready before each meeting.  You are like a teacher preparing for a classroom of students. You are expected to lead and be organized.

 Design an agenda form that can be used for each meeting, letting you prepare ahead by date as information and tips etc. are gathered in readiness for upcoming meetings. Keep members informed about Area and District events.

 Check for agenda changes prior to the start of each meeting.

 Get the names of each guest before the meeting.

 Ask for a budget to be drawn up for the year, with the aid of the executive and treasurer.  

 Get the budget approved at the first meeting.  This will eliminate any need for further approval of any expenditures that are ALREADY INCLUDED in the budget.

 Any new suggestions for expenditures that are not in the budget MUST be voted on by the club body.

 Make your meeting more interesting by using Quotes, having a Toastmaster 'Tip of the Week', referring to Toastmaster Magazine Articles, or providing bits of Toastmaster History, the occasional joke (unless you have a humorist) and ' Wise Words of Wisdom' that my apply to our daily lives.

 Perhaps have an ' all speeches' meeting following a meeting that was used as a training session.

 Ask others to explain how toastmasters has benefited them, when you have guests.

 Be prepared to give a more detailed explanation of the functions of Toastmasters and the roles of members in the meeting when you have a guest.

 Keep reminding members of upcoming contests, conferences etc.

 Keep notes on your fellow officers/members to have info for presentations, awards, introductions etc.

 Be excited, enthusiastic, business like and gracious.

 Keep any themes either holiday specific or something business like.

At the end of each meeting, ask if there are any schedule changes for the following week.

 Remember, to some, Toastmasters is a 'way of life club', to others it's just a vehicle to skills needed for business advancement.  Toastmasters is different things to different people, respect that.

Offer advice, encouragement and assistance to new members.

Chair executive meetings.

Thank others for their hard work and contibutions to the club and meetings.

When you are the Club President

Past President

Assist the incoming President.
Assist and promote the Distinguished Club Program
Be in charge of the nominating committee at election time.

VP of Education



VP Public Relations

  Why say it again when someone already has ;-) 

Membership Chairman

Tips to increase your membership

Sgt. At Arms

Sets up equipment and accessories at meetings.

Is the authoritarian figure during contests.

Plans meals and arranges venus for special occasions.