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Are you wondering what happens at our Toastmaster Meeting?

We have a compact meeting.  It starts at 6:50 AM sharp (timing is very important in Toastmasters)
If you will be visiting our club we ask that you arrive 5-10 minutes early so we can introduce ourselves, get you a cup of coffee and find you a seat.  If you are late, please come anyway, we'd love to have you visit.


Our Club President opens the meeting and will introduce you as a guest (don't worry, you don't have to say a word!)

Sit back, relax, enjoy the meeting and listen to some interesting Speeches!

Our club members take turns filling the various club roles each week, this is a great opportunity for growth.

  • A Toast will be given.
  • The Humorist will tell us a joke.
  • The Grammarian will give us a word of the day and challenge us to incorporate it in our meeting.
  • The President will then turn the meeting over to the Toastmaster of the Day, the person who MC's the meeting.


  • Speeches, usually two people will present original speeches from one of the manuals they are working on. (The Toastmasters Manuals guide you through easy growth in public speaking)
  • After each speech, the members (and guests) are asked to fill our an evaluation form for the speaker.  The speakers can hardly wait to receive and read these.  They learn what they are doing well and what they could change slightly for improvement.


  • BREAK to refill our coffee cups and have a muffin, after all it IS MORNING!


  • Speech Evaluations. After the break, each speaker is then individually evaluated by an evaluator.  This is when the real learning takes place.  We all learn so much from  these evaluations. Once you learn to give evaluations, you can apply this technique in your personal or business life, it's an awesome skill to acquire.
  • Table Topics, the Table Topics Master  will give members a topic for an impromptu response.  This can be fun and funny too.  You learn to think on your feet, a slower process with some of us than others, but it's such a safe environment for improving this skill.  Who knows,  you may become skilled enough  to talk your way out of your next speeding ticket! 
  • Table Topics Evaluator then evaluates the impromptu speakers.


  • Reports from the GrammarianTimer and Ah counter (we are trying to eliminate all those useless ah's  and ah, ah maybe, but ah, that you often hear people use when being interviewed on the radio or TV)
  • General Evaluation, the General Evaluator briefly evaluate the entire meeting except for the speakers.
  • The Meeting is then turned over to the President
  • 8:00 AM, Meeting is adjourned.

It's a great way to start your day!

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