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support group
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Welcome to BiVictoria!

BiVictoria is a Victoria-based community group that strives to provide a supportive space for bisexual, Two Spirit, questioning and bi-friendly individuals (e.g. transgender, intersex, lesbian, gay, allies). We have been offering a peer-run support group that meets once a month a well as social events about once every two months.

However, as attendance has going down recently, the support group meetings have been discontinued. We will be having a potluck party at 29 October to determine how BiVictoria will proceed from here. Details are provided under Social Events below.

BiVictoria support group meetings and social events are open to anyone who is bi-friendly. We welcome people of all genders, races, cultures, sexual orientations, ages, religions, etc. and individuals with disabilities.

To join our listserv, email the listserv owner at

Monthly Support Group Meeting:

BiVictoria has a monthly meeting on the first Tuesday of every month. However, as mentioned above, support group meetings have been discontinued during the last couple of months.

For more information, please contact us at

Social Events:

BiVictoria invites all members and allies to a Potluck Brunch.
Time: Sunday, October 29, 12:00 to 5:00. Place: Gordon's.

Attendance at this event will show whether there is interest in social events through this winter, so if you are interested, come out to this event. Bring some food to share with others, but if you forget this is no problem! For directions, contact us at

We offer social events bi-monthly (about once every two months). Attendance at the social and support group events varies from 3-20 people. To us, it is the quality of the experience that counts -- not the quantity! (A lesson for life.)

UVic Pride is hosting coffee nights the 2nd and 4th Friday each month at 7:30 p.m. at Serious Coffee on Yates near Broad.

Please watch this site for future event details or join our listserv. Also, we are open to any suggestions for future events.

We would like to thank UVic Pride for all their help and support. You rock!

last updated Oct. 2006 — CB