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Vol. 1, Issue 4                               Fall 2002

||| Welcome ||| Mailbag ||| About the Editors ||| Collecting News ||| Profile of a Collector ||| Profile of an Artist ||| Doll in the Spotlight! ||| Doll Care Basics ||| Resources ||| FAQ ||| Closing Words

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

We've tried to anticipate most of your questions.  If you have one that is not listed here, send us an e-mail.

  • What is a "zine", or "E-zine" anyway? 
    Zine is short magazine.  An "E-zine" is a
    zine that is distributed electronically by e-mail or over the Internet. 
  • How long have you been around?
    We are brand new! This is our fourth issue of many more to come.
  • How do I subscribe?
    Currently the subscription to
    Black Doll-E-zine is free. If you would like to receive future copies, please send your name and e-mail address to or and write "subscribe" in the text.
  • How do I contact you?
    E-mail us! (Deb) or (Zee).
  • Do you accept article submissions?
    Yes, but on a voluntary basis.  You will not receive pay, but you will be given credit for the article.
  • How do I get to be featured in "Artist in the Spotlight"? Send an e-mail to and request a questionnaire.
  • How do I get to be featured in "Collector in the Spotlight"?
    Send an e-mail to and request a questionnaire.
  • How do I get my website mentioned in Black Doll-E-Zine? We only mention websites that are used in BDE articles as resources.
  • Do you know of any doll clubs that focus on collecting Black dolls?  We are only aware of a few.  Here are the names and contact information:   
    • Motor City Doll Club
      17225 Alta Vista Place 
      Southfield, MI 48075
    • Charm City Dolling Club
      2847 Woodbrook Ave.
      Baltimore MD
    • Black Gold Doll Club of New England
      4 Lingard St.
      Dorchester, MA
    • Legacy Doll Club - African American doll collectors of the Greater Houston area
      435 FM 1092, Suite 62
      Stafford, TX
    • American Black Beauty Doll Club 
      PO Box 5217 
      Oakland. CA 94605-0217.

     (If your club is not listed and you would like for it to be included here, please contact us.

  • When is the next issue?
    Black Doll-E-Zine is a quarterly zine.  Expect the next issue after the 2002 holiday season.